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Topics - FighterWolf399

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Help / Groups[solved]
« on: October 23, 2012, 01:32:48 am »
Sometimes I will make new character and not have pack/pride yet but I see group talk and who is coming online and who is going offline. Why??

Game Help / Presets, Maps, and etc.
« on: October 23, 2012, 12:51:30 am »
I can't see any of my maps in cape anymore. I dowloaded presets and where do I put them once I have download them I put them in exports presets. And I'm getting super furstrated with this game and I would like some help so I'm not as furustrated with the game. PLEASE HELP ME!!! -_-

Characters / My newest character
« on: October 19, 2012, 03:01:31 am »
Name: Archer
Warhound: Yes
Mate: Syra (might dump her if she abandons our pups again)
Pups: Luca
Age: 4 years old (young adult)
Siblings: Unknown
Mom: Unknown
Father: Unknown
He is very loving and gentle if you earn his trust. He protects the innocent. Luca is his pride and joy and he will never let anything happen to Luca. He is strong, fast, loyal, but can get aggressive if needed.
Archer was 3 months old when WW2 was going on and his parents had gone on patrol. And he was playing with a dead leaf when he heard his parents yowling "Archer get inside bury yourself under snow. He did as his parent said they came followed but t 4 big cats. Archer's mother and father were each fighting two. Archer could barely see anything but he saw the cats padding away as his parents lay on the ground unmoving on the ground with blood pouring out of there injuries. His parent were dead. Archer was heartbroken, but held himself together with the hope that he would get rid of those hideous cats. He trained and train to become a war hound.
He is now 4 years old and he has a mate and pup now, and he won't let anyone hurt them. He is still ready to attack at anytime.

Characters / Talon M KWLegend
« on: October 16, 2012, 10:59:25 am »
Name: Talon
Age: 22 wolf years (2 human years)
Fighter: Heck Yea
Fight Master: Yes
Fight Legend: Yes
Fight Leader: No my mate Sky is the lead of our pack
Demon: No
Mother: Kia
Father: Unknown
Mate: Sky F KWLegend
Pups: Collin, Astra, Vanessa
Talon was 3 weeks old when he was abandon because he did not fit the profiled looks of an alphas son. He lived on his own for a long while but was soon adopted by, Kia. Kia took very good care of him. At the age of 10 (wolf years) he set of on his own to find his own path that when he came to Ficho and saw all of the wolves and dogs fighting he knew this was his place. That is when he met Sky. It was love at first sight with Sky.
Talon is now a legendary fighter along with his mate. He and Sky have had 4 pups together and our family is growing large. And we love all of our kid. That is all for now I'll updated later.

Characters / Morgan F FP
« on: October 16, 2012, 02:28:31 am »
Name: Morgan
Age: 2 days
Fighter: Yes
Fight Wolf: Not yet
Fight Master: Not yet
Fight Legend: Not yet
Fight leader: Maybe her mom will pass it down to her
Mother: Sorrow
Father: Soul
Grandpa: Kodi
Aunt: I don't know
Uncle: Kite
Mate: Not yet
Crush: No
Morgan is a female pup. She is very high spirited but can be calm and gentle other times. She loves her family especially her mother, Sorrow. She looks up to her mom because she is one of the greatest Fight Leaders there will ever be and Sorrow is a legendary fighter and Morgan hope to be like her mom. Her father is a fun and outgoing ADHD wolf. He can't stay focused at all but that makes him who he is

Characters / Kaya F FWMaster
« on: October 15, 2012, 03:24:55 am »
Name: Kaya
Demon: Never
Age: 22 wolf years (1.5 human years)
Fighter: Heck Yea
Fight wolf: Yea
Fight Master: Yes
Fight Legend: No but I'm training to be one
Sibling: Kia F FM (deceased)
Mate: None
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Theme song: Monster by Meg and Dia
Kaya was only 2 weeks old when her parents abandon her and her twin sister, Kia. They left them in a forest near the largest fight dog/wolf arena. Kaya again the eldest heard about the arena and couldn't see her sis possibly killed in one of those fights so she took her sister to Ficho Tunnel and dropped her off there so she could have a better life than Kaya knew she would have. Kaya grew up fighting and defending herself away from her sister. She watched her sister always from afar watching over her, but later she just stopped coming to watch Kia because she saw Kia had found a mother, Eclipse. So Kaya went off on her own. Years had passed since she watched her sister and she found out her sis killed herself after being heart broken by a mate she really loved dumped her. Kaya lost the will to go on and fell into a coma and woke up in Ficho
Kaya realized where she was when she broke from that coma, but still sad and no motives anymore. After long a dragged weeks of no eating, sleeping,or fighting she got to her paws and started to fight again.

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