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Topics - Ex0rcist

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I got so bored today and randomly started thinking about The Walking Dead, and I got the thought that maybe I could do something for those who love The Walking Dead in the community. I've been working on it for about three hours now, and this is how far I've gotten (screenies down below).

Note: I do not own or claim the images as my own, or the TV series. Belongs rightfully to those who captured the photos, as well as AMC. I simply just edited them and added a few things to make it have that 'rustic' or 'vintage' type look that fits the overall color scheme of The Walking Dead, but they still do not belong to me.

Here is the Title Screen so far. I have yet to do the chat areas as well as the buttons. The font... well, I'll think about changing it, perhaps.

These are the in-game buttons. Glenn (Chat), Carol (Map), Hershel (Home), Merle (Action), Carl (Friends), Daryl (Party), Andrea & Michonne (Group), and Maggie (Movie).

I hope I'm doing a good job, rather. Just a lit'le gift for the fans of The Walking Dead. c: I'm not sure when I'll be finished, but when I am, I'll be sure to notify all of you who have an interest in this. As always, feedback is requested. ~

If you have any suggestions of what else I can add to make it look a bit better, feel free to tell me. ~ Greatly appreciated you took the time to view this.

Screenshots / FHexperience.exe - Exe's Photo Album
« on: June 20, 2013, 08:42:38 pm »


Ah, welcome fellow floof. Nice to see someone taking an interest in viewing my photos from the fun times I'm having in Feralheart. Such an experience, no? Follow my adventures by checking my photo album from time to time. I will update regularly, or when I have the chance, so stay alert. c:

Spent a while sitting around in Ficho Tunnel. Seen many wonderful people during my visit there, as well as overhearing a few.... random conversations..

My TEC floofs. Welcome to the party rock, TEC VIP. B)

After about a day since my fresh start, I've gained a ton of floofy friends just as I've wanted. c: You guys are amazing.

Ze pup ish being nursed..

A fellow TEC and I (I'm the one with the cyan mane) enjoy a little meal in front of N/Z.

Hurr hurr... The server had a lit'le hiccup..?

Hey, look. A doughnut stand. First time I've ever witnessed a Food Stand.

Small group of friendz hangin' out at Bonfire... home to all lag and mate beggars. Why we were thar, I don't remember...

Haha, thanks for viewing my photo album. Remember to check once in a while in case I've updated it. c:

Species / Exe Canidaes
« on: June 20, 2013, 02:41:51 am »
Exe Species

General Information--

Shadowy figures unseen by many dwell within the lands, possessing the rotten corpses belonging to the canid species (particularly wolves, not so much dogs [rare]). Those dark figures are known as the Exe Canidaes, vengeful spirits corrupted by the darkness, as well as the hatred they share.

Their shadow forms are not noticeable by any, similar to spirits. You could only feel their chilling touch, as well as receive an eerie feeling when one stares directly at you... waiting until the day you finally die so they could merge into your body and continue their "tasks" (view the History of the Exe Canidaes portion for more information about said tasks).

25% of the Exe population have found their rightful canid bodies. The obvious way to indicate the possessed canid forms is if they have the markings of a skull, all other markings found on the body the exact colour as the skull. Exe Canidaes do not have that much of common sense to feelings, therefore, gaining a mate is out of the question.

History of the Exe Canidaes--

The Exe Canidaes weren't meant to be shadowy figures. In fact, they were human experiments, cyborgs (thus the name Exe, received from the program type ".exe", for the canid cyborgs were meant for running certain tasks such as a program would on a PC or Mac). Most of the experiments required real (stray) dogs, and wolves if they had the chance to capture and hunt them down. The hostage canids went under heavy quarantine as well as surgery, as humans rearranged their skeletal structure, shoving robotic bits and pieces as well as wires hooked throughout the muscles.

Those canids suffered from great pain, most not able to survive during heavy surgery. Those who were hanging on the tiny thread from which their life hung, shared hatred with one another towards the humans. In an attempt to break free from the lab, the successfully created cyborgs attacked the scientists. This has caused a large downfall for the new species, for the humans shot every last one of them after having most of the lab team torn apart by metallic fangs.

Being cyborgs, the Exe obviously had their specific commands lodged within their memories by a memory disk the humans have inserted into their head... and not being actual organisms anymore, their souls (described as "shadowy figures") remain wandering endlessly. They now possess the dead corpses, as said, to finish their tasks.


Now, there are endless appearances to the Exe species. Why? Because they take the similar colour and markings as any wolf or dog... because they possess their corpses. The one thing that tells which canids are possessed are the skull markings, as well as all other markings being the same colour as the skull.

The skull marking being the obvious indication, there are other little tidbits to also tell them apart. Here's a list, incase you wish to make it right:

Eyes: Full orb or Spiral. Dark red in colour.
Tail: Sickle or Skinny tail.
Mane: Flame or Large Mohawk.
Skull Marking: Skeleton (head only). Can be any colour.
Markings: Any markings you choose. Must be same colour as the skull.
Size: Depends on what breed of wolf or dog.


Aye, this is my lovely character, Exe. She is not considered one of those who are evil. She is quite different from all other Exe Canidaes. She's one who focuses on common sense, for she wasn't successfully created as a Cyborg. She does contain some robotic parts, but the wire connection has failed. She is a shadowy figure trapped in her own body. She is kind and welcoming to those who speak with her, and will only argue if the subject is worth fighting about.

You'll see her in-game. She hangs out around N / Z. Feel free to come and visit this Exe Canidae, for she may be the only Exe you may see. c:

Want to make an Exe Canidae? --

Of course you can make an Exe Canidae. Just let me know, first, for this species impacts heavily on my character, Exe. Just don't make your Exe Canidae look similar to mine and you are all set. c:

Any questions? Ask below, or leave feedback for it is highly requested. ~

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Advertising Ideas / Suggestions
« on: June 19, 2013, 05:45:45 am »
Not so sure this is the right thread I should be posting this under, so please move it to the correct thread if so.


ANYWAYZ. I think it's agreed that General had a very negative impact on advertising needs, such as no more global word of those recruiting and only a limited chat range for very few to see. Not open-minded about this situation, eh? I've come up with a couple of ideas I hope works for those who are eager to gain moar members for their wonderful groups.

- New "Sticky" Topic under General Roleplay.

This "sticky", in addition to Ramine's Roleplay Guide, can list those popular "advertising" landmarks and where on the map(s) they can be found. I know there are many of those who are very new to the game and forums, and without General, they won't be able to find out about those areas in case they want to join a group.

- Modify a bit on the Advertising board.

I believe this board should be cleaned up a bit, not saying the work of those who put it together have done a terrible job, not at all. What I mean is that some of the roleplay ads on there mostly rely on "forum roleplaying", meaning they choose to roleplay on that thread and that thread only, not even bothering to create their characters and roleplay in-game. It is quite a mixture of both in-game and forum roleplaying on that board, something I have found confusing.

Perhaps separate it into two categories? One for said "forum roleplaying" and one for in-game advertising. This'll give a fresh and clean start to any advertising needs, and will possibly cause less confusion to those who believe they'll have better luck searching for a group on the threads.

Hopefully with this idea, players can search for what they specifically want in the easiest way possible, whether it be an in-game group or a group only based off of threads. Those who request joining the forum roleplaying groups can now possibly move onto the Groups child board and roleplay with them thar while the in-game advertisements lead those who wish to join an in-game group into the Feralheart world and roleplay thar.

- In-Game Recruiting Method

Here we have some fun! Expand your group by assigning about four to five members a task to recruit. They can spread ALL over the map and search for moar people there.

What I mean is:

I Recruiter : Found in Stone Bridge.
This recruiter covers one area of the map, searching for people who are willing to join.
II Recruiter: Found at Cape Portal.
Another recruiter from the same group covers that area of the map, doubling the recruitment speed.
III Recruiter: Found at the +.
A third recruiter covers another area, tripling the rate.
IIII Recruiter: Found at Y River.
Quadrupling the rate.
And so on...

This, I believe, could be an affective way to expand your group in no time.

Feedback is very much requested, pluz. c: If this helps, then I am thankful. Keep in mind that these are only suggestions, not demands. I go by how much it may affect the flow the game and if the players agree with it or not.

Introduction / The Ex0rcist has arrived. . .
« on: June 18, 2013, 08:40:24 pm »
Herro everyfloof. c:

Such a pleasure to properly introduce myself to the community. I am Ex0rcist, though call me .exe or Exe for short. I've been playing WolfQuest since I was little, and because of the gameplay, I've grown too obsessed with wolf RPG type games. So of course, I searched for games similar to WolfQuest on Youtube... Came across a video showing the gameplay of Feralheart, watched it...

I have played Feralheart now for about a year and a half, meeting many wonderful users. I've gained and lost a few friends here and there. Now, I have finally decided to get more involved with the forums, to meet moar floofs such as you reading my not-so-important-introduction.

The Rules and Guidelines are lodged in my head, no worries. I am very familiar where everything is placed within the forums as well for I use some of my leisurely time to look around the threads and such. I can't wait to get involved with a fresh new start to Feralheart.

Those who want to have a lit'le chat, my ingame user is Ex0rcist. I hope to meet all of you during my stay here.

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