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Topics - MaggamiaTV MTV

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Site/Forum Help / Am I doing this right?
« on: January 20, 2014, 05:40:50 pm »
   Okay so right now you really don't have to pay attention... Because I'm trying to mess with the buttons and see what happens. When I press the bold button this pops up: [ b ][/ b ]  Is that suppose to happen? Or is it some text glitch? Let me try pressing it again... Alright I pressed it and my text probably looks bold to you so I look like an idiot don't I?
If not then I need some help. When I press the add image button this appears... [ img ][/ img ] Okay I though I was suppost to imput my image in here somehow?... And I added my profile picture at my profile home BUT IT WONT SHOW UP!? D':<
What am I doing wrong!? And I would love to add a picture to my signature but it wont work either. How do I add a picture please someone explain or direct me to a form that has my answer because I seem like an idiot right now don't I? XD
UPDATE: Don't read me because I'm an idiot and I was directed to the answer of my problems! XD lets see now lets do some bold words... I am a derp! So don't reply to this XD

Discussion Board / Vocaloid Fangirl Test!
« on: January 19, 2014, 01:52:30 am »
I know for a fact that there are more characters but I forgot their names... darn... >:T

Discussion Board / If you could be a weapon, what would you be?
« on: January 19, 2014, 12:57:06 am »
   Hey everyone! Awesum question (with a slight anime reference) If you could be a weapon what would you be!?
A sword, gun, ninja star etc. etc. so say in the replies what your opinion is!  ;)

Forum Discussion / Kinds of trolls that you love?
« on: January 18, 2014, 07:37:31 pm »
I hope that you enjoy! And tell me what kind of poll I should do next! Be sure to say in the reply section below why you think they're hilarious!  ::)

Community Activities Hub / Youtube channel fun! Any ideas?
« on: January 18, 2014, 04:11:49 pm »
 ;)   Hi everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know that I have a youtube channel named MaggamiaTV MTV! (Link in signature)
  I'm doing things like FH videos that pretty much anyone can join, animation videos, some minecraft videos, and on a blue moon: LPS videos  ;D I'm also thinking of making a cool music playlist filled with a ton of vocaloid songs and such.

I'm also open to suggestions like FH skits, MC skits, or LPS skits possibly O.O I also like drawing so I could take recommendations for a how to draw video, as long as the ideas are mainly feralheart, minecraft, lps, music, animation, art or review related!
Please remember to check out my channel and find me on feralheart :D
Update- Dang did I really post another thing in the wrong section?! *facepaw* Sorry guys. :-X

Miscellaneous Tutorials / Survival Guide to FeralHeart!
« on: January 18, 2014, 03:52:45 pm »
  Are you new to FeralHeart and want to know more about out community!? Well you came to the right place! You probably also would want to know how to survive the action and randomness that happens everyone day here!

  The FH community is generally filled with great people but you have to know that you're going to run into a jerk once in awhile. Be prepared for what is to come! I'm also pretty new to the land of FeralHeat but if your anything like me you adapt easily.

---The FH Survival Guide---

(1) Do your research before joining!

    Now when I first got into this game I could barley find any videos or helpful websites (besides this one) that had a review about FeralHeart. And some of the videos about FH were exaggerating the FH community (there is probably more weird stuff on the FH maps but we'll cross that bridge when we get there..) And if you never played FH yet and you're worried if you're going to run into some weird stuff like trolls. I don't know about you but for me I've played for about a month and I encountered a troll at least only once.

(2) Stay away from the corruption!
   Now don't get me wrong I normally respect people's opinions and choices but.... Mate centers in my opinion are corruption to the gameplay in FH. My reasoning: 1- Your BF/GF could be a 40 year old man, 2- Your relationship will end someday so why jump into that drama, 3- It could cause stress and anxiety (waiting and waiting for your BF/GF to join, What if they died!? WHAT IF HE/SHE IS CHEATING ON ME!? WHATIFWHATIFTHEYBYEYFBEUGEUHIIW!!!11!1!!! See my point?) So stay away from mate centers (they can be called 'MC') unless you want  to be sucked into that drama.

(3) Treat others the way YOU want to be treated

   What I'm saying is the exact opposite of what powerplayers do! *facepaw* I walk into some RP and this guy just kills a pup. Everyone is screaming in chat 'POWERPLAYER!' (Powerplayers are roleplayers that kills another roleplayer without giving the other a chance to defend.) If someone is using the terms 'NN' (no nothing -no doge no miss no jump no counter act- NO NOTHING) or 'NM' (no miss) Just stay away from these people. And treat others the way you want to be treated!

(4) Join in on the fun!

   If   you see a dance party WELL JOIN IN AND HAVE FUN! Make an effort like joining fun groups, chat conversations, HECK I'm having tons of fun making this! Interact with others this is an MMORPG!

(5) Resect the rules and other players!
   If you don't you're not going to have much fun.

(6) Be mature!

  This game is 13+ but kids under that age still join. It doesn't matter what age you are it just matters on how mature you are and how mature the other people are. If you go around making inappropriate jokes, or criticizing others like making fun of their grammar or character. Slap yo-self in the face! Remember that there are REAL PEOPLE on the other side of that screen!

(7) Know your grounds!

   Not territory grounds gosh... *Facepaw* Know what kind of people hang in this map and what kind of people hang at this map etc. etc. Like TLK roleplayers hang at bonfire islands (Everyone on FH: YOU DON'T SAY MAGG?) Sometimes otakus hang out at the south pole, warrior cat roleplayers at the plains, and so on. It all depends during the time you play.

(8 ) Be creative!

   The people who are creative and do stuff that normally others don't are the people who stick out from the crowd.

(9) Know when rush hour is and all the dangerous times.

   Rush hour is pretty much late mornings to after noon on weekends and after school. If you either don't want to have a lag seizer or be mobbed by the cubic tons of animal weight probably slowly sinking bonfire islands I suggest avoiding those times. Because that's when the MCs are normally on and some of the trolls, plus during the low tide of people the community is much more mature!

(10) MOST OF ALL!!! SUBSC- I mean Have fun! :D
    Look at all the positive things during the game and the fun lasts forever. :D

 :D  ;D  ;)  :D  ;D  ;)  :D  ;D  ;)  :D  ;D  ;)  :D  ;D  ;)  :D  ;D  ;)  :D  ;D  ;)  :D  ;D  ;)  :D  ;D  ;)  :D  ;D  ;)  :D  ;D  ;)

Well that's pretty much it I hope you enjoyed I could go into great detail but my laptop is becoming laggy. What was your experience on FH? Was it good? Or bad?
Once again I apologize for my horrible grammar.

Forum Discussion / Staff Death Battle+SDB animations!
« on: January 18, 2014, 02:10:06 pm »
 ;D  :) This is my very first poll! Yay! Who do you think would win in a death battle between the staff? :D The final answer will hopefully not only be posted here but I might post the main result on my youtube channel! I hope you enjoyed and may the greatest staff member win! (Its just a game not intending any offence against any staff member) By the way sorry for my horrible grammar. I was always better at math  :D PS. I'm really sorry I didn't intend for this to be in the video section  :'( It was an accident. Sorry.
  Alright, so if you haven't heard I am making an animated short film based off of the poll. So I am trying to collect data about the staff's reactions against each other during the fight. For example teams? Whose against who? Does anyone have a secret power move? XD Well please help me! XD And I posted the preview of the animation on my youtube channel! Its might seem poor but its just the introduction of all the staff members in the beginning.

 1st Update -important- : Wow, about 300 views?! 0/)(\0
  I am currently making an animation short based on this poll since in my opinion attracted much attention and I'm a bit new so if there is any things that I should add to the animation please tell me. Like if Raz has some death move or if Lordsuragaha has a weapon. Please tell me! ^_^ Because I would need to know for the animation :D
I will try to post update videos on my YT and will give updates on the forums as well! I'm happy to know that even the staff members enjoy this poll! :D
I will also try to add some guess members in the animation (I would not like to be surrounded by many people asking if they can be in the video) as by standers.

Game Discussion / Secret Place in Atlantis?
« on: January 15, 2014, 09:35:57 pm »
 :) Hello everyone, I was recently making a video for my youtube channel exploring FeralHeart and seeing what I could find!
I discover a place called Atlantis and I search for other portals that would lead to a new area. I travel to a far area on the map and decide to take a peak underwater and I see this cave. I go in the cave and through the portal without paying attention to the name of the new map. Once I was inside freaked me out a little. I'm on a tiny rock island that seemed to be in a cave and everything else look as if an endless sea and in the distance was all black. The name of the map was called 'Last cave'. It scared me some but I quickly left because there was no one else. I go on the FH website and look at the map list and find that 'Last Cave' is not on the list. So is this is weird Easter egg or did I not notice that 'last cave' is intended? Sorry for my poor grammar by the way.  :-X
Don't answer this because I found out that its not!  ;D
But it is weird how I don't see it on the map list  :-*

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