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Topics - Mikaela

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Presets & Markings / Elsword Add Preset!
« on: January 20, 2015, 11:15:51 pm »
All my hard work and I finally got done with Add! :D
If you didn't know Add is from a mmorpg game called 'Elsword'
And I loved him soo much thought I would make him into a different game 030
I gotta admit he came out better than I thought..

Preview time! :D :D

Here is Nightmare! He still a work is progress so he might really look like a Shadow Demon/Demon wolf...
But I guess he is good enough to have his own story o-o Right now im working on his ghost form

His Demon Form (still working on this form)

When the little girl first saw him (If ya read the story you would know who the little girl is)

And just a random thing I wanted to do

Read Night's story here! (Spoiler includes FULL story)
Nightmare wasnt always a shadow demon...

It was another day in the summer and school was almost over when a little girl asked her parents if they could get a dog "Mom,Dad can we get a dog?"
Her parents looked at their daughter then at each other then said "We dont have the money or the space to own a dog". Her mother said
while her dad just kept reading the morning news paper. Sara gave the biggest most cutest puppy eyes you could ever see.
Both of her parents looked at Sara and they finally caved in and said in a sigh "Fine we can get a dog.." Sara jumped up and down in excitement
"But you would have to help out when taking care of the 'new' dog" her father added in. Sara just smiled and got ready for school.
Sara picked out a pink tee with a cartoon-ish fox design, a pair of blue jeans and a faded checkered fashion scarf. She waited for her mom
to get ready to drop her off at school, when her mom was ready they both got into the car and drove off.

~Time Skip after school~

Since Sara's dad is still at work and her mother is visiting 'her' mother in the nursery home, Sara had to go with her friend Kaylee. Which was
fine since Kaylee had alot of toys and games to play and her parents are super nice when Sara comes over.
So Kaylee and Sara started playing with dolls and stuffed animals 'knock knock' it was Kaylee's mom "Sara your mother is going to come and pick
you up in 10 minutes soo make sure you dont forget anything."

~10 minutes later~
"Sara, come on were going to get the dog you want. So say bye to Mrs.Williems and Kaylee"
"I had fun today, glad i was able to come over". Sara said with a smile on her face
Both Kaylee and her mom (mrs.Williems) said bye and they had fun ect

~At the pet shop~
"Ok Sara which dog would you like?" her mother asked
Sara just kept looking for that 'one' dog. about 5 minutes later she saw a dog that was different from all the others
The dog looking like a huskey but something was off...
It has a cat-like tail and two different color eyes. Right one baby blue, left one emerald green
"That one, thats the one I want" Sara said while still looking at the dogs eyes.
"A-are you sure you want that one?" her mother said a little frightned by the dogs features
"Yes im sure" Sara said
"alright that one it is" Her mother said while Sara's father went to find an emploee to get the dog out of its cage.

~At home~
"So what are you going to name him?" Sara's father asked in a interested sound voice
"I dont know. What about...Koda?" Sara said

A few months past after getting Koda everything was perfect a happy family with a loving and proctive dog. Then something happened
that ruined everything...
A rainstorm happened. Doesnt sound to bad but it was. It flooded the neighborhood everone had to leave, leaving everything behind.
But befor the storm happened Koda ran off. Sara and her parents tempted to find and bring  him home before the storm came..
it was to late. Huge,dark thunderstorm clouds hovered over the neighborhood, everyone who was still in the neighborhood had to leave
or stay and get flooded out. Sara kept calling out for Koda while her parents are telling her to get in the car so they could leave...
But Sara ignored them. Thats when her father very nervous when it started to sprinkle rain, her father ran and picked up Sara and brought
her to the car.
Thats when Sara looked back to see...Koda? Yes Koda chasing the car they were in. The car stopped and so did Koda, Sara's father
was about to get out and quickly grab the dog and continue leaving the neighborhood.
But thats when lightning hit a near by tree making it fall towards the road...right were Koda was standing...

~TimeSkip 2 days after the storm~
There were fire fighters people from clean up groups searching the now ruins of a neighborhood.
Even some families came back to get their belongings if they weren't broken.
Sara's family even came back in hope to get some items from their house, Sara was able to get some stuffed animals and her parants got
some old family pictures that were undamaged, They were even able to get the one picture of Koda soundly sleeping next to Sara
on the couch.
Once Sara saw the picture tears threatning to fall but Sara didn't cry, but went back to where the tree has fallen.
When she showed up there was no body of a dog, no traces of anything. Then Sara saw something..a ghostly figure of a dog.
"K-Koda, is..that you?" she said. The ghostly dog turned its head and slowly walked to Sara. It looked like it had a smile
on its face, Sara got on her knees the dog got near her face then sat down in its spot, thats when Sara noticed its eyes..
"It is you" she said with a tear rolling down her cheek. The dog got up and gave ghostly kisses on Sara's face, Sara just smiled while
the dog gave a slight nod and started to disappear into thin air.
"Farewell Koda.Hope you have a good after life, And know you were my best friend and my first pet..." Sara said with a faint smile and another
tear rolling down her face. Sara went back to find her parents standing next to the car ready to leave.
Sara didnt tell her parents, but from the looks of it they already knew.
A/N: Well um that was Nights (Koda) back story on how he died and how he became best friends with a little girl named Sara.
The next part will be in Koda/Nightmare's p.o.v meaning Koda can know talk! well in Demon language thats but you wont be able to tell :3
Lets start this!
(This part of the story takes place in the underworld waiting in a line)

"I was a good dog why did I show up in the Underworld?!" Koda said when he was in front of Cerberus (the underworld guardian)
"Because I wanted you to be here." Cerberus said while making sure no other spirits get passed him.
"But why?" Koda said with a confused and sad look.
"So you can become a Demon General. And be able to see that little girl again" Cerberus looked at Koda, staring stright into his soul.
Koda looked at Cerberus with a surprised looked. They just looked at each other in the eyes in a awkward silence. (o-o)
Cerberus then told Koda to wait by him till he got done serving all the new arrivals. Koda looked behind him
and saw a line full of creatures standing in line that looked like it went on for miles. Koda looked at Cerberus again with a
'Are you serous' looked. Cerberus being the guardian of the underworld,The beast that makes the rules just shrugged and started
telling the spirit looking creatures where to go.
While he was doing this Koda asked "So where do you send these spirits?."
"Well, if they were a good soul they would be sent a place similier to Heaven, If they were a bad soul they would be sent to their personal
tourture or how the demons around here call it 'Personal Hell'." Cerberus said while sending spirits (lost souls) to a place
what looked like a huge empty field with tall grass.
"whats that place?." Koda said still looking at the field.
"Thats where the Lost Souls go. The souls that done a bad crime but faced the consequences, Meaning they were sentence to death but didnt fight
it they just accepted it." cerberus said while sending that last spirit to its place.

~Time skip to training~

"Ok easy thing first, Try to fly or float" Cerberus said.
"That doesnt sound easy" Koda said.
"It is just focus" Cerberus said.
Koda closed his eyes and started to focus. Minutes pasted then he opened his eyes and looked down. He was floating, Then he started to fly
"There you go! Your doing it!." Cerberus cheered. Koda just laughed since he saw the monster dog cheering and smiling.

~Months after training~
"Ok Koda the time has finally came" Cerberus said while he was leading Koda to Hade (Hay_Dee) to see if he was worthy enough to became a
Demon general and see Sara once again.
"Hmm so this is the spirit you want me to change into a Demon General?." Hade said with a un-readable expression
"Yes, This is the one" Cerberus said to Hade.
Hade opened a book flipped through some pages and started nodding.
"Ok, this is good, oookk..." that continued for about 5 minutes.
"Alright, Koda you will now be the Newest Demon General for Cerberus. Since your a dog"
Koda was now able to transform into ghost/spirit form,Demon form and some other cool abilities.

~TimeSkip 3 Months later~
Koda went up to the surface hoping to see Sara and the family he once had.
When he got the the family's new house, he was relieved when he didnt see a new dog or a cat. But he did see a little clear ball rolling around
he soon knew it was just a hamster.
Koda switched into ghost form just like how he was when he died. He went up to Sara's window and noticed she was drawing and sobbing?
The ghostly dog wondered why Sara was sobbing and drawing. Koda faded through the wall then floated above Sara to see what she was drawing..
it looked just like him. Then she said between sobs "K-Koda I-I-I mi-miss yo-you" Koda then landed on the floor then did a slight whine.
trying to get Saras attection. It worked Sara looked behind her to see Koda sitting there with a little smile. Koda explained to her what
happened and what he went through to see his best friend once again. Sara just smiled "Are you going to be my guardian now?" she said
with a little chuckle.
"Probably" Koda said
"Well i gotta go before other spirits gets mad at me for being out to long" Koda said then started to fade away like he the first time he left
"But dont worry i will always come back and visit you" He said before he left.
Sara got up from sitting on the floor and waved bye to Koda.
"See you again old friend" Sara said when Koda faded completely away.
A/N: Well there you have it! the story of my oc NightMare but I didnt cover that part but thats what most of the demon spirits called him
when he was in demon form. But Koda was barely in Demon Form so everyone called him Koda (Koe_Duh)
Oh and Sara (The little girl) was 5 when Koda died and 7 when he came back (just to make sure u guys know ;)
and this is my first story i wrote about my oc hope its not that bad o-o

btw im not really good at writing stories so the story MIGHT not be as good o-o

Presets & Markings / My character "Lana The One-Winged Spirit" [Preset]
« on: December 30, 2014, 06:03:46 am »
Im getting better at coding :D
(Yes I know the name 'Lana' is from HW but, that's not where I got the name from!)
Well here she is

Lana is my first semi-Transparent preset meaning she is see through! :D That's why I put 'Spirit' into her name

Might not be noticeable in the picture but she is see through. Trust me on this o~o
Im not gonna type her info and stuff

Instead of posting every new preset on a different topic...Why not just post them all in on? (Makes since 2 me)
Sorry if the pics are a little 2 big...

Here they are!

My character Lana c:

My goodness I went all out on this preset(Not rlly :T) x3 Its name is Nightmare the Demon Wolf (Night 4 Short)

This is my newest made. Its a Christmas one (der) I named her Merry The reindeer wolf :D [Not 4 DL till Christmas morning]
Edit) Now for Dl -->
Next one is Eren Jaeger from Attack on Titan [For DL! check my other posts]

My Attack on Titan Armin Arlert Preset [For DL! Again check other posts]

Favorite comic book character c: [Don't know if its for DL :T]

Presets that are either w.i.p or DL is n/a (yet)

Mine as well add this character to the AoT family :3
This preset has wings *0* their both differ color (don't see much around)
I have other previews but there not finished -.-
Dl is n/a

That's all for now! I will update when I have more presets :D

Yes! I do take requests! --->

Presets & Markings / AoT Armin Arlert Preset! [FeralHeart]
« on: December 08, 2014, 10:29:11 pm »
Just doing a request by someone who doesn't want their name to be known 4 some reason.. But im cool with it o3o

Back on track, This is my Second AoT preset and my 13th FeralHeart preset :D
And of course its a free preset when I post it on the forums X3

U can DL it here --->

Like always read the "Read Me!" Note to know other info about this preset and further Aot Characters!

P.S im the same person who uploaded the Eren preset >3< just to put that out there

Presets & Markings / AoT Eren Jaeger Preset! (Free for anyone!)
« on: November 22, 2014, 12:17:09 am »
Woo my first post on the forums!  ;D

Anyway I made a Attack on Titan (AoT/Snk) Preset of Eren Jaeger cuz he my fav  ::)

You can download le preset here ----->
All I ask is when downloaded read the "Read Me" note. It really helps :)

P.S If there is anything wrong with the preset file or the link doesn't work let me know so I can fix it

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