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Topics - VehementlyVamp

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Other Mods/Creations / Realistic lighting mod [using ENB]
« on: February 15, 2015, 05:47:47 pm »
I and many other people aren't fond of the lack of realism inside FeralHeart, so I've been tweaking the settings of the current ENB mod to achieve realistic lighting. The light during the day is fine, but the nighttime isn't dark at all. There is already an existing darkness mod and while it looks great at night, it also makes the day dark and ruins the colors of the characters. The ENB mod (doesn't belong to me) can be downloaded here:

Here are some screenshots of the before and after during the night and day. The settings allow realistic darkness at night and all of the desired ENB effects during the day without the added darkness and strange coloration.

Open the enbseries.ini file in Notepad and change the settings to the following:



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