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Topics - DraconisFantasy

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Request/Find Meshes / Tiberium Mesh
« on: May 28, 2018, 08:51:57 pm »
 Hello there everyone,

 I am slowly but surely working on a Super Smash Bros. map pack for my group, but I am in desperate need of a mesh I thought for sure I had. It's the Tiberium mesh made by Tetsu. It is a beautiful crystal mesh, and it would work perfectly as a substitute for Ether Crystals from Xenoblade Chronicles.

 If anyone has the mesh, could you please send me the files. The main reason why I am here, is because I attempted to download the file myself, but for whatever reason my computer keeps detecting the site has some sort of malware site. I attempted to simply temporarily add it to exclusions and get the file, because I know it's safe, but my comp insists on telling me "NOPE!"

 I can definitely access mediafire though, so if you could either send me the file through mediafire, dropbox, or Google Drive, I would be extremely grateful. ^^

Game Help / Preset Export Problems
« on: May 28, 2018, 02:46:44 am »
Hello there all,

 A friend of mine is having trouble with their preset. More specifically, they are having trouble exporting it. When they go to export their preset, there is simply no export button. They have selected and deselected custom. They have put their username into the main login, as well as into the preset name bar. They make sure to add the underscore and the number the end of their username in the preset maker.

 So now we are both stumped and need to know what the problem is. Will they need to reinstall the game again, or is it a really simple fix we're both missing?

Game Help / Backdrop Meshes?
« on: May 06, 2018, 10:44:34 pm »
 Hello there again everyone,

 I am here once again because I am working on a large map pack, and I would like to know how one would create backdrops to give the illusion that there's plenty of world to explore.

 I know that the game has backdrops already, but I would like to create my own because I am going for a very specific theme with this map pack. I know how to convert objects, so if someone knows of some .obj files of backgrounds I will happily check them out and convert them. If someone knows how to create a backdrop themselves, please show me your ways so that I can create them too. ^^

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Old Pls Delete
« on: April 24, 2018, 12:31:52 am »
. . . .

Request/Find Meshes / Nintendo Item's?
« on: April 15, 2018, 03:35:32 pm »
 Hello there everyone, I was over in the game help section, and I realized that I probably cannot accomplish this task alone. You see, I would like to convert some Nintendo items, and not any Nintendo items my friends, but character's signature weapons. You see, in the spur of the moment I decided to create a Super Smash Bros. group.

 The problem is, pretty much none of the character's weapons are available as items... Well with the exception of Link and Cloud Strife... Darn you Link and Cloud! Just kidding. ^^

 Anyway, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to convert a few of the items for the group? Now these items can definitely be made public, because I would love for people to have these items... I guess this could be like the Overwatch items pack in a way. Haha

 Currently all the items we need are pretty much sword items, because as we know most of the roster are a bunch of swordsman.

Items needed: Shulk's Monado, Marth's Falchion, Lucina's Falchion, Roy's Sword of Seals, Ike's Ragnell, Corrin's Yato, and Pit's Palutena's Bow.

 I know it's a lot, but if I knew how to do this myself I certainly would. *Sweats* But uh, if you need help finding any of the models, I can certainly do my best to grab a hold of the .obj or .3DS or whatever files you need. I know how to convert files to a .mesh if you need me to. I'll certainly want to pitch in, since if someone picks this up, you'll be doing me an enormous favor.

Game Help / How to Convert Item Meshes and Place Them on A Charrie
« on: April 15, 2018, 01:43:18 am »
 Yes I know, the title says it all. So my friends on FH, how does one convert an item mesh, and place them on a character in FH. I am planning on starting up a group, and I would like to know this so I can do it myself. Mind you, if I cannot figure out I will probably ask the friendly people on the forum to assist me in my endeavors. ^^

P.S I will probably make the items public for all, because what's the use in hogging them eh?

Game Help / Real Time Height Map Creator?
« on: March 07, 2018, 05:12:08 pm »
 Hello everyone,

 I am currently working on a large map pack for a group I am in. I intend for the map pack to serve as a continent and have all sorts of different areas and small nooks and crannies. My only issue is the height map process; mind you, I do know how to create height maps, but I would like to make the process easier. The thing is, I am wondering if there is a program that allows me to create the area and see how it will generally look in-game, while allowing me to convert the map into the FH grey-scale format.

 Now I know it must be 513x513 pixels to work, but if it must pop out an image that is 1000x1000 or 100x100 I am sure I can just edit it to be the proper size and make small edits to make all of the potentially stretched or jagged areas into nice little landmarks. If there is no such program like this however, then I will just continue to suffer through.



 I hope this is the right area to make such a post. Sorry in advance staff if I am being an inconvenience.

Finished Maps / Goruha Lake
« on: July 07, 2017, 08:34:02 pm »
Update: (My friend passed this group on to me, she decided to quit FH for personal reasons, so now I'm in charge of finishing the maps for this roleplay.)

Update: Well I knew this would happen. I do not feel right about this, not at all. When my friend left FH and told me to finish this map for her and continue the RP, I said alright; but, in the end I just didn't feel right about continuing this RP when I did not create it. As sad as it is for me to say, this idea will not come into fruition, but this one map will be finished and uploaded for the public to enjoy. I'm sorry for killing this RP before it can begin, but I told my friend how I felt about this situation and she understood. Once again, I apologize to everyone for ending this RP before it started, but I simply could not do it.


Update: Hello there everyone.

 So, I finally finished the map that my friend asked me to finish. There really isn't much else to be said, except that I hope you all like it. ^^'

Goruha Lake Download:

 There are instructions in the download, so it should be simple to install.

Updated: October 11th, 2017

                                                                           Goruha Lake





Game Help / Why is This Happening?
« on: July 01, 2017, 10:55:42 pm »
 So I got to the character creation screen and noticed that... Something wasn't right with my characters. The tufts are all in default colors and when I change the pelt color it only changes the head, partial tail, and stomach markings. I don't know why this is happening because I haven't deleted any files and only a couple of days ago the game was working properly.


Could someone please tell me how to fix this problem? I am willing to reinstall the game if need be, but first I want to see my options, just in case I don't have to. If anyone can help me, I would be incredibly grateful.

UPDATE: Wait... I just remembered, I did do something regarding the files. I deleted all of the particle files because something went wrong (forgot what it was) Anyway, I slowly added in every particle back one by one to see what was causing the problem, and perhaps something happened? I don't know, but maybe that will help narrow down the problem.

Meshes / Ninty's Converted WoW Things
« on: July 01, 2017, 01:37:38 am »
Hello everyone, I recently learned how to convert meshes and I wanted to share the things I have converted. I hope that you all enjoy the things I convert, and hopefully you will be able to use them in some amazing maps. x3

WoW Turtlezone Bamboo Pack (Updated 7/2/2017 edited the materials so that the meshes are not invisible from some angles)


Images below:

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