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Topics - MasiYumi

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Game Help / FH keeps Crashing when I
« on: March 14, 2012, 07:12:43 pm »
FeralHeart keeps crashing everytime i connect to Flourite, and theres only 543 players on. Please help!

Warrior clans of the New Era

Timberclan.. a fair caring clan, love of trees and forests...

Mountainclan.. feisty, bold and loyal.. they love the mountain cliffs...

Which clan will YOU join?

TimberClan and MountainClan live in a mountainy forest out in the wild. Not many twolegs live here, exept for the horseplace. In a life full of prophecies, everyday is adventure.

Meet the Clans!

Birchstar on Mountainclan
We are a clan of loyalty, boldness, and of course, adventure. We fight for what is right and are not afraid to stand up to others. We love the mountain peeks and sharp cliffs. No cat here is afraid of the deep cliffs, or to die in them. We are courage. Loyalty. We are Mountianclan.


Game Discussion / Offical Map Pack... not up anymore? D8
« on: January 28, 2012, 03:26:44 pm »
It's what the title says.. why isn't the offical map pack up anymore? If you don't want it public you could send it to me privately if you guys can ^^

It looks so fun. T_T

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Quests, PvP and Hunting!
« on: January 23, 2012, 09:01:33 pm »
I dunno if Kovu is working on this already, but I thought if we had quests, PvP and hunting, the game would be ALOT more fun. My RP group is offline a lot and I get bored so adding quests with levels would be something to do other than running around and chatting. Hunting would be very enjoyable too, much more fun than RP hunting- same goes for PvP. And I also thought of something else- to put more markings on one character and each marking have their own colors. And of course, more items!

I also have some ideas for items instead of the ones from IT.

Peircings (for mouth, ears and nose)
Spike collar
Bracelet (spike, pink and something else)

I'd mostly be SUPER happy if they added piercings!!

Game Discussion / Were is the Feralistic Download?
« on: January 20, 2012, 09:37:27 pm »
Could someone send the link to the download for Feralistic?
Thanks  :P

Game Help / Stuck on "Sending Login" Window..Help?
« on: January 20, 2012, 01:26:14 am »
Okay.. so this just started after I went on one of my charries about 5 mins ago.
Now everytime I login in, It's stuck on "Request accepted, sending login" window. Its not frozen or anything. Help?

Discussion Board / *Three Days Grace Fan thread* :D
« on: January 20, 2012, 12:50:26 am »
Okay so here you can discuss anything about Three Days Grace! So that means no off topic like, "I'm going to the mall today"!

Game Help / FeralHeart+ Terrian Problem! [Screenshots!]
« on: January 06, 2012, 12:09:06 am »
Whenever I log onto FH+, the terrian texture is black and yellow stripes. It always happens- I reinstall the game but it still stays like that. I asked for help on DA, and Nala91 (I think thats her name) said to move the game to 'C drive'. I tried that and it still wouldn't work.

Please help!

Game Help / Annoying Problems with Visuals!...-.-
« on: December 28, 2011, 03:21:59 pm »
Ever since I first downloaded Feral Heart, the visuals aren't what they are supposed to be. I'm having problems with the water texture and terrain textures. I have some pictures to show you.

Water Texture: Whenever I dive into the water, the whole screen turns pure white. Its really bugging me ...-.-

Terrian Texture: All of the ground colour is the same. So places like Ficho Tunnel look messed...

So if the terrain doesn't work, that means the masking for map making doesn't work.

Also, the game is very laggy. That plus the bad visuals... I'm just so sick of it. So any help? Suggestions? I want this to be delt with a.s.a.p!! I'll reward you with karma if you want me to ^^

Yes, I'm using a 2003 computer x) But it should be able to handle FeralHeart properly.

So I decided to start a RP group for all the Three Days Grace fans on Feral heart! Please read this post!

In the RP, you can simply talk about 3DG or RP, or just hang out! But there are ruulez :I

1- If you are just going to talk about 3DG, chat in the 'General'. If you're RPing, chat in 'Local'. If its off topic chat, chat in 'Group'. You can mute whatever channel you aren't chatting on.
2- When RPing, you can be any of the guys in the band. No fighting for spots! Or you can be a random person who happens to bump into them xD
3- No swearing or crap talk >:I
4- If you join, you must stay. If you're not active or you haven't been on in more than 3 weeks, you will be kicked from the group. Sorry, but I need this to stay as active as possible. I need loyal members!!

The map for the group isn't completed, so our 'home' is 'FlouritePlains' in Feral Heart. I also have fan presets for you guys, but they are not completed. There will be 4 in total to choose from!

UPDATE- One X preset is completed!! See my 'Corner page' for the pic.

In the RP, I'm being Neil. So that means there are 2 spots left :O
The Adam part is taken by Alibi

Okay.. now that's over, here is the 'application' to fill out:
Code: [Select]
What part that you are interested in being:
Why you are joining:
Will you stay?:

After you send me the applictaion you filled and I apporve of it, meet me on FeralHeart so you can join. My username is 'MasiYumi', and my charrie's name is 'NeverTooLate'.

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