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Topics - peete

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Game Discussion / Why I never log in on the holidays
« on: September 12, 2013, 12:41:45 am »
Christmas: Debate on whether Santa Clause is real or not. Becomes a huge uproar of religious disagreements.

Thanksgiving: Everyone has questions about the pilgrims and Native Americans; only to start an necessary war about history (and of course, turkeys)

9/11: While some are grieving, others are annoyed.

THIS is why I never go on FH during the holidays
To be honest, I don't know what the big deal is... Don't even get me started on what happened today.
There were people making 9/11 characters and making groups to remember people. And since some players were sick of it, they were telling them to stop and do it somewhere else. And we ALL know what happens when people feel offended online.
Now, I don't blame them. I'd be pretty ticked too if I was constantly reminded of something like this. But why can't we all just respect others feelings, and if you have a problem with it, keep it CALM.
Same for the people who were grieving. Some were litterally FORCING players to do a moment of silence. I found that kind of mean, because for most people 9/11 didn't have an affect on their lives, and for some it had a huge affect and they didn't want to be reminded of it.
This happens on every holiday, every year. And I don't know about you guys, but it's just too much to handle. -_-
(And I'm sorry if this made anyone upset, I'm just pointing out my views on it)

Game Discussion / TLK- Watch what you're doing!
« on: September 01, 2013, 03:36:58 pm »
So a couple days ago I was lying around Bonfire, when I see this

So it's a picture of Scar's daughter and Kopa's son apparently. I saw them roleplaying about how much they "love" each other...
You might be thinking it's no big deal, but think about it:
Mufasa and Scar are brothers.
Mufasa has Kopa, and Scar has a daughter (apparently)
If Kopa has a son, and becomes mates with Loya...

I see this all the time too, and it messes with my mind. DX

Screenshots / Peete's Feral Heart Memes!
« on: July 13, 2013, 08:22:56 pm »
So yesterday me and my friends were bored, and I came up with an idea to make MEMES for Feral Heart!
They didn't take that long too make, so I decided to post them up here. Thanks to purecrazy (The gray cat) and the maps :P
EDIT: I made a few more now that I have a better editing program :D

(Made using Paint.Net and Microsoft PowerPoint 2013)

*This one is my favorite :D Although I think I got the "It's kinda like that" point wrong...

One does not simply set their home while jumping Ascension.


Game Discussion / Mate Centers scare me!!
« on: March 12, 2013, 01:42:26 am »
Okay it's not that I have a problem with Mate Centers, but they can be a total pain if you do something that interrupts them.
About a month ago I was on Bonfire Island when I see this PARTY CENTER wolf dancing around and stuff. Well I joined in and eventually there was a huge group , but the wolves at the Mate Center were upset because we were too close to them and causing lag (Like there wasn't enough already). So then everyone at the PARTY CENTER got into the middle of MC and that's when chaos broke out. Everyone was cussing at us and telling us to move. I left because MATE CENTER started dancing with us and everyone was raging so much... After that I went to South Pole and there was a Yo Mama battle going on. -_-'

So yeah XD Any other weird Mate Center stories?

Introduction / Hellur
« on: January 18, 2013, 08:19:22 pm »
Okay so I've been playing FH ever since it came out...I just never paid much attention to the forums XD
So yeah, Hi. there any way to change my username? Lol I kind of screwed up and put my last name by mistake :/

Okay this happens to me everyday, especially if I'm trying to find a warrior cats role play. I look at a character, and they are this...smooth...super white color. And sometimes all I can see is the manes or eyes. Do they have presets or something? If so, how do I fix the problem?

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