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Topics - Saylor156

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If the title is confusing, just read on.... Actually, please read it either way. x3

I always think of how annoying it is to log into FeralHeart with a certain character, then when you get online the person(s) you are supposed to be roleplaying/hanging out with isn't even online. It may seem like a minor problem, but it would really help out the people who do experience this problem.

So, to solve this, I think there should be a list to one side of the screen in the character selection place that shows you which of your friends is online. Perhaps, to take it a step further, you would even be able to whisper them from there or find where they are by clicking their names and choosing (just like the friends' list in-game)

It could be an optional feature, and you could close it out anytime during Character selection, as well as open it back up. It wouldn't be showing while you made/edited a character, though.

I hope you like my idea! It's a little sloppy, but I think it makes sense. ^^

Hey fellow Fh'ers!

I am starting a map where many different role-play groups will be allowed to roam. This map might be private or for just a small rp... I'll be including pictures as it goes along.

Yes, that little orange dot on the hill to the left is my character.

Another view of the same mountain above.

This mountain might look smaller, but it's much broader and harder to traverse than the other one. Only winged creatures can easily reach the peak.

These are just to show you the sheer height of the map.

Hope everyone likes it!

Update (6/3/2012)

One of the 'free-den spots' for loners or just a place for a few characters to hang out.

This is one of the "heart spots" on the map. Just a little place for couples to go for a quiet time... ^3^

Here's the dry creekbed in the south. There's one small pool left in it, and shrubs grow abundantly around it.

I was making this and thinking it'd be great for a small group to claim during role playing.

Art Gallery / Art'z <3
« on: April 21, 2012, 04:31:50 pm »
I'll just be putting some more stoof here.

Thanks for viewin' mah art'z :3

Presets & Markings / My First Preset :3
« on: January 23, 2012, 07:28:14 am »
This preset didn't take me as long as I thought it would. Lot's of people say it's really hard, and I suppose it can be if you're doing transparent things or glowing markings, etc it is, but if it's just simple markings like this, it's really fun and easy. (at least the first time X3) This char just kinda popped into my head as I went along.

I'm rather proud of how it came out, but I can see what I should work on. It's kinda boring for a preset, but everyone has to start somewhere!

Friendly criticism is welcome.

Update: 1-23-2012

I just made a new warrior cat preset. It didn't turn out how I'd hoped, but it's alright.

Site/Forum Help / .fho files on Mediafire... -.-
« on: January 03, 2012, 12:56:19 am »
First of all, I'm just guessing that this is where this belongs... It's more of an internet thing...

I am one of those noob map-makers who just started downloading other peoples' meshes and using them. I do exactly what you are supposed to do after downloading them (I've talked to a lot of people about it) and everything exports just fine. However, I go to to upload my .fho files for others to use, but it always stops the upload or cannot verify the file. This has to be a problem with the FeralHeart system because of some key things:

~My computer is brand-spankin'-new, and there are no viruses or memory-overloads (whatever they're called =P)
~My internet connection is great
~The internet (and firefox) work on every other site and for .fhm, .fhs, etc, etc
~The .fho files aren't bigger than many of my other uploaded files

Again, I believe it has something to do with FeralHeart. There is nothing more I can do to fix this problem (as I am new at all this -3-), so somebody please help me! DX

P.S. Some of this might sound rude, but please don't take it that way. I'm just getting really frustrated about it.

~*Validus Fortis*~
Ok, let's not get fancy about this. The kingdom of Validus Fortis (Brave, Strong in Latin) consists of powerful wolves. They have rankings that are a mix between pack-and-kingdom hierarchies. All wolves are semi-realistic. You must be at least semi-literate to join!
Rping rules:
~You must rp in third person (Example: The jet-black she-wolf stalked silently through the undergrowth, tail swaying and eyes alert as she searched for her prey.)
~No using rp symbols (Example: ~, -, *, =, etc, etc.)
~Please try to be active. This will make it much more fun for the rest of us.

Queen (Taken)
Beta Male
Beta Female



Rankings Info
King- He is the lead wolf in this kingdom. His word is law, and it must be followed. Sometimes he becomes a tyrant, abusing his power and his wolves.

Queen- She is the King's mate and helper. In the absence of the king, she is the one who must be obeyed by all.

Heir- The King and Queen are only allowed one pup. If the litter is bigger than one, the rest are either exiled or killed. It can be either male or female, and s/he will choose her/his mate when the King and Queen start to become old.

Shaman- S/He is usually a very old wolf who has connections with spirits and knows of healing.

Beta Male- This wolf is the "Second in Command". Really, he only has the power to command guards and hunters.

Beta Female- She's the Beta Male's mate and his 'strong right paw' (assistant)

Guard- There are multiple guards. They are muscular and loyal, many staying around camp to guard it while one will accompany each party of wolves sent out to hunt.

Hunter- Either gender can be in this rank. They're very lean and fast, sent out often by the King, Queen, or betas to hunt.

Apprentice- Each pup over the age of one year is put into training under the rank that they choose.

Pup- Any wolf under the age of 1 year

Prisoner- Punished wolves are sent here, or sometimes they can be the siblings of the Heir, punished just for being born.

Loner- Wolves who are exiled or decide to live away from the strict life of the kingdom


The map was made by me (Saylor156), and I'm rather proud of how it turned out.
It has plenty of Loners' dens as well as dens for the Kingdom wolves. After it's downloaded, just put it in your exports folder and go to the cape, find the portal, and you'll be in the map! :D



Desired Rank:
Description: (optional) (semi-realistic remember)
Picture: (Required)
Personality: (Don't make them perfect!)

Art Gallery / Some of my Art :3
« on: December 05, 2011, 11:03:33 pm »
Hi! I'll be putting some things I've drawn/made onto this thread, so feel free to comment on them!

I really hate this cat's head... -.-

Here's a timid attempt at GIMP art... Well, it's a start. x3 (No, I didn't use any line art or guide lines, I drew from my imagination. Hurr)

And please don't copy my art!

And I KNOW this isn't art, but she's my border-collie (purebred) puppy named Teia. Again, using an old Iphone 3GS. :I

The bad quality of the pictures (as in lighting and blurriness) is explained by the thing that took the pictures: my phone. It's pretty old, so the pictures don't turn out the best. =P lol

Stories / The Plague of the Clans (Story WIP)
« on: October 29, 2011, 03:58:54 pm »
I hope I don't forget about this one like I did with my last one. Ok, here goes! (I'm making it up as I go except the beginning)

Agonized screeches and yowls rent the air and the scent of rotting flesh wafted about, intoxicating those who rushed from patient to patient. Ghastly wounds opened themselves in cats' flanks, spreading all along their bodies and causing unbearable pain.
A gray tabby she-cat lay alone under a shade of ferns, her fur gone in places where deep trench-like cuts in her flanks had taken over. Her breath was harsh and painful as another cat -a young brown tom- padded hurriedly to her, dropping wet moss beside her quivering nose.
"No. Give.. It to someone...else," she whispered over the noise of anguish around camp, pushing the moss away.
"Stormstar, drink it!" the small tom meowed, his voice shrill with fear and stress.
"Rustpaw..." Stormstar seemed to calm at the name. "Rustpaw, you must leave this place." She fixed her pain-clouded eyes on him, smiling through the tear that dripped down her cheek. "The plague will kill you... I don't want that..."
"Leave, my son... before it is too...late. We need those... like you... to survive this..."
"Mother please." Hot tears coursed down his face, and he made to nuzzle her.
"No!" she snarled, wincing at the pain of it. "I'm sorry... I love you... I'll be with you always..."
She went limp and her eyes dimmed, staring straight ahead. Her last life trickled out of her, wreathing Rustpaw in warmth for a moment before leaving the earth forever.
Rustpaw turned to look at his mother and the other cats who still pleaded for mercy as strong jaws pulled him from camp. Three other cats were with him -Troutclaw, Rowanfall, and Frostpaw- , half dragging half carrying him through the entrance, all casting one last glance into camp before they disappeared into the trees, never to return to the camp that was visited by death.

I hope you like it so far! :D Please comment on it and give me some ideas!

Game Help / Falling through all rocks (with spaces inside them)
« on: October 22, 2011, 02:23:42 am »
I don't know if many people have already posted something like this, but I don't feel like searching through however many pages to find it.

Anyways, whenever I run (not walk; walking is fine in this situation) on top of rocks like mountains, plateaus, and caves, my character always falls through and ends up below/inside it. Is there any way to stop this?

And yes, it has the collision on it, so it's not that.

Thanks for reading this! ^.^

Game Suggestions & Ideas / A Few FH Ideas :)
« on: October 09, 2011, 11:59:08 pm »
I have a few ideas that are just basic thoughts. I know it'd be really hard to do all of this with everything else people are posting on here, but I just want to have a part in all the ideas. :3

1.) Wings.
This would be really fun in my opinion. They could just be small-medium sized wings that are just there. You wouldn't be able to fly because that would add to the massive lag that some people get already. However, a key could be added (like the emote keys, only with "F" or "G" or anything. The things you could do with the wings are:
~Flap them. Just a simple thing to do, something idle. The key could be "F" or something.
~Give yourself a short burst of speed. You would have to wait for this to charge up until you used it again. It would just get people places faster instead of running slowly across entire maps.
~Fold/Unfold them. It would be just like sitting or standing. You'd press a button and they'd fold against your canine/feline's body. Press another key and they'd be half unfolded, and press another and they'd be fully open.

2.) Prey meshes that would come with FH. (Only for created maps, not Fluorite Plains, Bonfire Island, Etc)
This would be a lot easier than finding meshes, downloading them, and messing with all the confusing bits of switching folders. A lot of people say things about IT, but this would be "Feralistic". It would probably start out with mice or rabbits/hares.
For people with slower computers, an option would be to have prey or not to have prey. This option wouldn't affect other people, but they just wouldn't be able to see/hear the prey.
It's basically just an RPing addition. And over half - if not most- people on FH role play.

3.) Multiple Markings
Many people talk about this one. I haven't searched every single post on this forum! When you make a character, you can only have one marking per body part. I propose that we can have two markings on each. When picking the markings, there would be "Body 1" and "Body 2" as well as "Head 1", "Head 2", "Tail 1", and "Tail 2". When you choose the colors, there would be a choice of "Markings 1" and "Markings 2". You would be able to have different colors on both. (I hope that makes sense...)

I'll probably think of more. Tell me what your thoughts are! :D

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