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Topics - Peter

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Game Discussion / Why are the chicks more popular?
« on: January 05, 2012, 08:11:09 pm »

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Developers
« on: December 06, 2011, 03:51:53 pm »
The only person who can mod the game is Kovu, but he's never on only because he's the most famous FH user ever and it will be a time to die for to even see him. So I thought that if Kovu (if he does come back) gives all the major admins/mods the job of "developer", they can be trusted enough to fix alot of things in the game. Including adding all the extra content from FH+ to the original FH, and a whole load of other things. Otherwise we have to wait for god knows how long for Kovu to come back.

So, here you can nominate your chosen admins and mods to have the power to edit the game. We need things fixed, we need things to make hte game better, and we most certainly need to restore order (I'm dissapointed that FH+ was even added to the official downloads section.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / My opinion on the general chat.
« on: December 04, 2011, 07:16:41 pm »
Ever since May 2011, FeralHeart was always the best animal game I ever played. The detail is outstanding, the things you can do in the game are much more than satisfactory, and in all it's just a great game.

But aside from it's amazing features, there are some things about the community that I just dislike. The wolves are highly overrated, you have den claimers,  but worst of all? The General chat.

There are periods when it's good to advertise, and then there are periods when it's the wrong time. The wrong time is when people are being stupid and silly and overuse the :3 and XD faces. The :3 face especially. What is it supposed to be? It's not cute, and it looks like a face that has boobs for a mouth.

Sometimes you can strike up a good conversation, but in all honesty, people are just being so stupid that I don't even understand what the heck is going on. Today there was an apparent s*itfest (is it ok to swear here?) about moms and crack, and I'm like "What the heck is going on?"

So really, the general chat is just severely overrated and full of stupid idiots. It floods down advertisements, and people never get replied to. I advertised if there were any fox RP's or cheetah RP's but there wasn't.

But overall, outside the general chat, the community is satisfactory.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Layers of markings
« on: December 04, 2011, 12:04:03 pm »
Isn't it a pain when you want to have a mixture of markings, but they have to be the same color?

Well, I thought that if you had layers, you can have one layer of cheetah spots, then a layer of tiger stripes etc.

Then you'll think of something real creative.

Is this possible?

Game Discussion / The most attractive character you've seen
« on: December 03, 2011, 11:25:33 pm »
Who is the most attractive character you've seen in the game!

Forum Games / The Gender Race
« on: December 03, 2011, 12:23:43 pm »
In this forum game, it's a battle of the dudes and the chicks. You start from the number 500. If a male posts, the number goes up. If a female posts, the number goes down.

If the number goes up to 1000, the dudes win.

If the number goes down to 0, the chicks win.

Let's go!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Advertising Chat
« on: December 02, 2011, 03:35:17 pm »
People seem to use the general chat to advertise their characters, whether it's looking for a mate, or advertising a wolf RP or whatever, the only problem is is that sometimes there are wrong times to advertise. Especially when the people in general are being silly idiots who overuse the :3 face.

So I thought that we could add a chat section where people can advertise what they want. That way they won't be the odd one out in the ongoing stupidity in the general chat.

Game Help / Is Paint.NET good for making maps?
« on: September 01, 2011, 05:38:43 pm »
Recently, I tried to make a test height map using Paint.NET. For the ocean I used a shade of grey, and for the highest point I used white and wrote out the word "Test". But everytime I try to log-in to my account, or go into Map Maker, FeralHeart closes and comes up with FeralHeart.exe has stopped responding.

So is Paint.NET an option for making maps?

Game Help / V.05 to V.09 patch error
« on: July 15, 2011, 06:53:15 pm »
Whenever I try to open the new patch installer, an error message pops up saying "The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program".

What do I do? I need this patch to continue playing.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Combat System
« on: June 30, 2011, 02:41:04 pm »
I was on DeviantART, and saw someone's comment that they really missed the fact that you could actually attack in Impressive Title, and now with FH you just pretend you type it in.

So I thought, how about we have a combat system where every feline and canine can attack other players.

The attacks are:
Bite: Using your fangs, you can bite another player. The parts of the body where you bite vary from damage.
Slash: Using your claws, you can slash another player.
Slap: Using your paws but with your claws hidden, you can slap another player.
Tackle: Using your whole body, you can tackle another player to the ground.
Disembowl (Fatality move): Using your hind legs, you can rip open a players belly. This will instantly drop the target's health bar to 0. The target has to be lying down (either by chance or using the Tackle move to force them to the ground.  For felines only.
I can't think of a Fatality move for canines.

Anyway, when players are, let's say KO'ed, they respawn at the nearest portal. So for example, if someone is KO'ed in Fluorite Plains, they respawn near the Cape portal.

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