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Topics - deafosho

Pages: 1 [2]
Characters / Deleted
« on: October 16, 2011, 07:52:57 pm »

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Signature Shop
« on: October 08, 2011, 01:49:58 am »
Why not?

Examples of my work... >3>

If you want, I could even make you a nameplate.

Form for signature:
Code: [Select]
Large screenshot of FH character:

Form for nameplate:
Code: [Select]

I don't ask for much in return besides a simple 'thanks' and some karma haha

Order up. ;P

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Suggestions/Ideas o3o
« on: October 07, 2011, 01:18:59 pm »
Meh, just a clutter of stuff I thought of.

1.) The Cape Of Distant Worlds being expanded. I find myself having to glitch jump off the cliff to reach some maps. XD
It's not a matter of downloading maps like crazy, because that can surely be easily fixed by deleting unused maps. But, there are a lot of map makers on FeralHeart, so half of the Cape is taken up by un-exported maps.

2.) A color wheel when creating your character. Rather than sitting there, fooling with numbers for 20 minutes, FH should add a color wheel as a second choice when coloring your charrie. 8D When I first joined FeralHeart I found it difficult to obtain the exact color I wanted, only because I'm not familiar with coloring numbers.

3.) More FeralHeart made maps. I'm pretty sure this has been suggested, as it's pretty vague itself. Rather than everyone cramming into the plains [creating an ultimate lag, and sometimes being inaccessible] there should be more default FeralHeart maps.

That's just about all I got atm, I'll add more when I think some stuff up. o3o

Game Help / Terrain Masks Show Up Black
« on: July 18, 2011, 03:03:19 am »
I made a map, but unfortunately I experienced a minor glitch with it, so I had to delete it.
(By it, I mean the folder in the terrains folder containing the .cfg files and all of that, and the .fhm file in exports)
I re-downloaded it from mediafire where I posted it, and now I can't see the terrain mask. (It shows up black.)

Any fixes?
Thanks! ^^


Game Help / Custom objects not appearing for others in my map?
« on: July 06, 2011, 04:08:15 am »
My friends downloaded my map, but they can't see my custom objects/meshes.

I've been searching this for about 3 days now, but I couldn't really find much help about creating .fho files for your map.
Do .fho files appear in the terrains folder when you export your map?
The map and default objects show up fine.

Basically, what I'm asking is how can I make a .fho file for my map to go along with the map download so the custom objects show up in others games?

I'm new at map making, so any answers are greatly appreciated.


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