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Topics - Keitorin

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Help / Map Objects?
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:37:47 pm »
Hi guys~! Luckily, now that FH is back, I can play it again! I have a question, though, regarding map-making on FH..
I am making a map, and the default objects just don't fit what I'm wanting the map to be. I see many videos on youtube of people on their very own maps with objects I've never seen before! But, what I really need is fire. Is there any way to download these objects, or how on earth do you create them? XD
For anyone who replies, thank you!  ;D

Game Help / FH won't let me play! <:(
« on: November 12, 2011, 09:07:23 pm »
Okay, I'm rather new to FH and all... and myt game has been rather glitchy. My background is balck, I can chat and all, but the other players characters are like, in the air! All I can do is walk around! I've reinstalled the game and everything, but it still wonb't work! Any tips?  :'(

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