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Topics - kyrotonia

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Help / argh.. entering bonfire = game freezing?
« on: January 20, 2012, 10:00:43 pm »
yeah..  hard to tell,  why does the game freeze every time i try to enter bonfire?  it's driving me NUTS..  if no one knows,  thanks for looking anyway... maybe it's an issue on my end,  because people are steadily going up  .-.

i know,  confusing..  but i see lots of sites with free objects that would be VERY useful for my maps,  but for the life of me i can't find anything to make them into the proper game format for FH.. i am confused,  all i want to do is make them .mesh or what ever FH takes,  there are some that are pure awsomesauce!  *LOL*  anyway,  is there something that can change/convert these meshes/files into proper usable format? i feel helpless..

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Wings?(i only wish)
« on: February 28, 2011, 04:49:54 am »
yes,  but who else wishes wings would come back?   it feels like the freedom of the game was taken when the wings went away  :(  yes,  it's an IT thing,  but i believe it could be a FH thing too.  i don't think it would be too hard,  would it?  if so,  feel free to delete this,  but first,  hear me out.  this would bring many more people to FH,  and lots of more friends.  i know there is a block system,etc.    but i think we should have more freedom, and wings,  i know, i was never here when IT was,  but i think it would make the game better by BOUNDS!  either way,  please consider this   :-[  i have been so sad about this lately,  and i think myself,  this should be in the pile of considerations.    if not, then the "JUST maybe" pile of stuff,  hopefully this isn't an overload,  if so, sorry...   ETA:  whoops,  please delete,  this is a duplicate... sorry..

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