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Topics - Raxoremys

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Finished Maps / Dark Canyon (PUBLIC)
« on: December 01, 2012, 12:50:27 am »
Another random map I made for no reason. Just wanted to use this particular height map, and the whole "slightly melancholy village" theme fit pretty well XD
Didn't make any of the meshes/textures/whatevers, all credit for those goes to their respective owners.
The rules are the same for all my maps: No claiming as your own, no kicking people out, and be nice little floofs to the other people who might be using the map too.
And yet again, I must issue a warning:

This map can be brutally laggy. Even for me, and my computer is pretty beastly. So if your computer has trouble coping with an empty space in Fluorite, this map is most likely beyond your means.


Screenies! :D (Holy ponyfeathers, so many screenies)

Finished Maps / Ex Regnum - The Outlands (PUBLIC)
« on: November 27, 2012, 09:41:25 pm »
Another random map I cranked out with a few days' work. Nothing too special. I didn't make any of the meshes/textures/whatevers, except for the sky.
Rules: Pretty basic stuff. No claiming as your own, no kicking people out of anywhere, and just generally be nice little floofs.

Warning: This map has precisely 2.6 metric buttloads of trees in it, so unless your computer is pretty beastly you should expect some significant lag.


Screenies, yay!

Game Discussion / Non-stop howling. WHY? (A rant, obviously)
« on: November 25, 2012, 07:41:01 pm »
I don't get why this happens. I don't know what's so incredibly entertaining about keeping on clicking that "Howl" button again and again for what seems like hours. Obsessive howlers aren't really so much of an issue in Fluorite, but with the ridiculously low new server limits, it's near impossible to get in there until it's 2am in the US. So unfortunately, Bonfire has become my main hangout recently.

Now, maybe one of you mega-howlers can respond to this and tell me just why you do it. You drive everyone crazy. (And, as I discovered today, you can still hear someone's howls even if you block them. Yeah guys, can we sort out that glitch please?) In a larger map like South Pole, for example, it doesn't matter so much. There's plenty of space for everyone, but it does get a little annoying if the howlers are right next to the portal. Where everyone is. (Which happened just now, actually...)

But on a tiny little island like Bonfire, there's no escape. Half the time, the howlers respond to my polite request to be quiet with a violently worded rage that I can't tell them what to do. Even better, a snarky "Well block me, I don't care. You're the only one complaining." Sure, if I run aaaaall the way to the other end of the island, I might just be able to get you out of my hearing range. But really? Why should I have to? It's just rude, irritating, and pointless. I can understand a pack doing a big ol' group howl at the moon, but it doesn't need to go on for ten minutes. Ok, kids?

GOD. Ok, I'm done.

This problem is seriously affecting my map making abilities.

Alright, I'm sure those of you who are avid map makers will be familiar with this. You'll know that some object packs already have a .object file with them, and others don't, which means they require you to manually install them in the object maker.

For me, any objects I had to manually install, or anything I've edited in the object maker no longer show up in my maps when I test them from the Cape. This includes many of my favourite objects, along with all the retextured things and experimental objects I've made.

I really don't know what could be causing this, and I desperately need the help of anyone who knows what's going on!

Finished Maps / Arxos' Plains - PUBLIC :D
« on: November 14, 2012, 06:29:47 am »
Another quick map I put together. A sort of lava/dirt/post-apocalyptic something. In theory, it's the home of my character, Arxos. He's the wolf pictured in the screenies :3


And the screenies!

Finished Maps / Random Sea/Islands Map, PUBLIC :D
« on: November 13, 2012, 08:56:47 am »
So here's a random thing I bunged together today in a couple hours. Nothing special, but I thought some of you might have a good time with it.
(Bonus points if you find the magical chocobo!)


(NOTE: The display name in the Cape is "The Dendrite Sea")

Screenies, yay! :D

Game Help / Help! MAJOR Object Glitches
« on: September 30, 2012, 06:54:29 pm »
For a while now, I've been having this problem. I'll be sitting there happily working on a map, using all the cool new objects I just got, then I head to the Cape to test it out, and half of the objects will be missing! At first I thought it might be something to do with the my_objects folder, but it doesn't do this for every non-default object.
I then thought it might be an issue with the textures for some reason. However, today I tried making a map using only default meshes and textures, and the glitch still happened(I used a default oak tree, but with the "own collision" box ticked, and the rock from the "default" list with the oak tree texture over it).
What in the hay is going on here? Can I only use the most basic, limited objects now? Help! D:

Game Discussion / Lil' question about the map limits
« on: September 30, 2012, 06:26:32 pm »
I was wondering, is it possible to change the limit on just one map? Or do they need to be done all together? Because this whole 160's just not working for Fluorite. It's really not. The other maps(aside from maybe Bonfire and South Pole) are doing fine with that limit, but on such a large and popular map it just doesn't make sense. It's pretty disappointing looking at the little sidebar on the right, seeing that there are 158 people out of 160 already in there and thinking "Nope, not getting in today I guess"...

Finished Maps / My first map network! PUBLIC, please download :D
« on: August 24, 2012, 07:17:12 am »
Just a 5-map network I've been working on for a week or so :3
If you see anything you've made, thanks for making it :D I used a whole lot of stuff, so I can't really remember where it all came from XD but yeah, you're awesome!

Just basic stuff. No claiming as your own, no den or space claiming on any of the maps, and just generally be nice to one another :D Have fun!


(It's in two parts because the whole thing was too big for MediaFire.)

NOTE: The first versions of the download had some maaajor problems, as I soon discovered when half of the music files and water textures were missing when other people downloaded it -_- the links up here now should have everything you need, and the instructions are very clear. So fingers crossed, I hope it actually works this time!

Oh geez, I forgot one of the water textures apparently -_- so here's the link just for that! Follow the readme instructions and everything should finally be fine XD

This network consists of:

World Map - Just the home base with all the portals (Inspired by Kingdom Hearts, which will become pretty obvious from the music :P)

Starsong Wood - A relatively simple forest map, which took way longer than it should have(Hey, cloning 1000 fir trees is pretty hard on the fingers!)

Sharkmaw - A small town situated inside the mouth of a massive shark. Heck yes.

Treacherous Waterway - A map made almost entirely of water, watch out for the ill-tempered sea bass!

Floating Paradise - A map made mostly of floating water-textured platforms with random stuff in/on them. I seriously whipped this one up in like 20 minutes because I needed a 5th map. Sorry for the awfulness >.< (NOTE: I have recently...VERY recently...discovered that the gate to this map has come out in the wrong place -_- you'll need wings to get to any of the platforms anyway, but yeah. Bugger.)

Screenies! :D

World Map:

Starsong Wood:


Treacherous Waterway:

Floating Paradise:

Finished Maps / Quiet Meadow - PUBLIC MAP, please download :D
« on: August 04, 2012, 10:04:29 am »
Just a little thing I made today, thought some people might be interested :) if you see a mesh/texture/terrain/particle/anything that you made, then you're awesome :P I've really lost track of where everything came from...

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