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Topics - opticker

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Characters / Decay
« on: April 05, 2014, 03:15:53 am »
Decay, The name is quite misleading. His job is caring for the wounded of the Pride Pack, a pack of the infamous seven sins, the way that he got his name, is his ability to absorb the injuries of those around him, making him a valuable asset to any pack. Attempts on his life and his home have been made many a time, but how did he actually get those powers of his? When the Nuclear ware began, he was only a pup, and he was exposed heavily to superconductive Radiation, which had caused all growth in his body to completely stop. Around fifty thousand years later he still has not died, but has ages about two years. His life is now a complete hell, the packs of sin fight over him like he is a tool, one of which will help them destroy other sins. But Decay has a secret; for every wound he absorbs, he gains the ability to inflict said wound upon any one at any time,  thus he will create his own pack, one of mutants, known only as the Anaxios.

Characters / Guardian
« on: April 03, 2014, 08:08:48 pm »
This is the story of Guardian, an unnatural creature made of pure energies. His birth was not normal. The year was 3015, all human life eradicated, all that remained were wolves and lions and the spirits of everything that has died in the nuclear war-zones. The spirits were in agony, but there weren't just soldiers on the field that day, civilians and scientists were among the murdered. Nearly Fifty thousand years later, and the planet had not recovered one bit, the spirits were waning, growing weaker by the minute: that is when Guardian appeared for the first time, some say they saw the spirits joining together to form him, other say that he stole their essence, but all recognize him as an Immortal. Now he roams the land, protecting loners and helping those he can, and killing those who dare defile the earth by releasing the mutants who attack those of pure hearts.

Introduction / ~Re-Intro, Opticker~
« on: April 02, 2014, 07:48:49 pm »
Hai guys! My name is Opticker, and I have been around since the start, not really all that active because I'm more busy with my crazy Otaku stuff. but I've come back (after like... 4 years?) and I plan to be very active on the forums. And if any of you are die hard Otakus (anime Lovers) like me, then click my signature! ^_^

Game Discussion / Nearly 5 Years
« on: April 01, 2014, 07:28:32 pm »
Hello, My name is Opticker, and I've been a member of FH since nearly the beginning. I was better known as Faolan back when I owned the pack Demon Traitors. I've been here since the beginning, and I think that I'm seeing the end. It has been nearly 5 years since the last update (last update was 24/12/2011) and we NEED to keep this game interesting. Where is Kovu? are they still working on FH? If so, what is so big that it is taking them 5 years to design? Do you agree with me? we NEED to keep this place alive! Honestly, it has been 3 years since I've played, and that is because of the lack of new content, the idiotic trolls, the Phreaks (not freaks) and the people who abuse the system. But the lack of new content was the deciding factor, I loved Feral-Heart with all my heart, but the good roleplayers have left (not saying that you're a bad roleplayer) and now FH is dominated by People who think that they are the most important person in the world. New content, a bit more of a strict TOS, and i think that we might just have the best version of FH yet. And lets not forget Hunting Mechanics.

this rp is now dead, we are crossing over to faded light pack. thank you for your cooperation.

Hello, i am Troeskaji, the (un-official) alpha of the Anaxios. Why un-official? because the rp starts on 5/18/12! and at this point the anaxios are basicly loners.... Aaaaaaanyway, kuzimu city is a tri-pack (three different packs one huge map) and is beutiful yet deadly. I cannot say much here but goto you want to join in the aplication and youre set, just wait for kusy to accept joo!

Hello we are actually two packs that existed very long ago, we became inactive because of the group glitch. well we heard that the glitch is gone so we have returned, i am not the creator, here is the link to the official post!

Discussion Board / IT returns.........again
« on: November 30, 2011, 03:52:47 pm »
i was on my website when a member told me that they were playing a game identical to IT but its a little different including the name..this game is known as impressive world and canbe found at now i do not know if its public yet but i have played it and its amazing fun WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and now for an image

Introduction / yo
« on: November 14, 2011, 05:05:09 pm »
ok so some of you may know me as DJ opticker on youtube. i was hanging out with my friend difbug(known as garydugan here) and hetold me about kovu and FH so i figured why not join. i amcurrently useing a school computer to do all my work so i cant play as of now.

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