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Topics - Zarorah

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Game Help / *Le Scratches Head*
« on: July 05, 2012, 03:39:01 am »
Erm, I tried to change my rendering system from Direct3D9 (or something like that) to OpenGL... and I can't start my game up.  If I DO use Direct3D9, there's just a lot of stuff missing (like parts in the ground, makings on my characters, etc.) 

I got the Windows 8 Release preview and, honestly, most of my other stuff works fine.  I don't want to use the Direct3D9 because of the glitchyness, but I suppose I'll have to deal if I can't figure something out. ^^

Game Help / Can We Clear The Air?
« on: June 17, 2012, 03:38:33 am »
Okay, so, a while ago, my friend (who is really, really smart when it comes to computers) told me that the game was slowing down my computer and that it was also having the same effect as a virus on my core.

I told him that the game is completely safe, that I only download things from websites I trust, and that it didn't really slow down my laptop all that much. 

Now, I have the game installed on my desktop, which runs Vista, I believe.  It has a dual core, so I did the whole "assign one core to the game" thing, and the game works like a charm.  I was forced to uninstall the game from my laptop, which didn't make me very happy.

Is there any way that I can convince my friend to let me reinstall the game?  I can't always get on the desktop to play it.  How can I let him know that this game doesn't mean trouble, and that it is just that; a game?

Game Help / Erm....
« on: June 10, 2012, 07:32:06 pm »
Why does it seem like there's a huge mountain in EVERY single map I go in to?

Stories / Off the Deep End
« on: June 05, 2012, 04:06:40 am »

The First Day
Everything will be okay, Pinkie.  You're just going on a little vacation!  Yep, that's all this is, a little vacation.  No need to worry, or be upset, or get paranoid.  You're going to be fine, and everything is going to be fine, and everyone's going to be fine.  When you get back, everyone will be happy.  They're going to miss you so much... So much...
First of all, why am you even here?  You didn't do anything wrong.  So what if you threw too many parties?  You can never have too many parties!  Parties are fun!  Everyone loves parties, and you throw them, so everyone loves you!  They're probably sitting in their houses, wondering who will throw the next party.  When you get out of here, you'll have such a huge party, all of Equestria will come!
Just sit back and relax, Pinkie.  You'll be okay here.  They like you here.  Everything will be juuuuuuuust fine!

The Third Day
Pinkie is sad. 
Pinkie just got told that parties aren't allowed here.  They might rile up the patients.  Pfft!  What do they know, anyway?  Parties make everyone happy.  The only people who don't like parties are the ones who have never had one.  How can you judge something you've never had, anyway?  Why can't you at least give these parties a chance?!  Maybe your patients won't be so stoic and depressed all the time!
Pinkie got put in a padded room today.  They're trying to make Pinkie forget the outside.  Pinkie like the outside.  Pinkie doesn't want them to take the outside away.  They closed the door.  Pinkie is lonely now.  Oh well, at least Pinkie has her other friends to talk to!

The Eighth Day
Pinkie was removed from the padded cell and put back in Pinkie's old room.  Pinkie likes her old room.  There is another pony, named Bon-Bon, here.  Bon-Bon's silly!  Why is Bon-Bon here?  Supposed possession?  Bon-Bon, how can you change your voice like that?  That's cool!  Will Bon-Bon teach Pinkie how to do that? 
Wait, Bon-Bon, why are you backing away like that?  Pinkie won't hurt you!  Bon-Bon, what's wrong?  Was it something Pinkie said?  Bon-Bon?  Are you feeling okay?  Bon-Bon, where are you going?!  What is that man doing to you?!  What in the name of Celestia is he doing?! 
Three Hours Later
Everything is okay, Bon-Bon.  Pinkie will make sure that everything will be okay.  That man won't hurt you any more.  He's taking a nice, long sleep.  Pinkie will go check on him in a bit, to make sure everything is in order.  Now, Bon-Bon, you know you can' t let your eyes just roll around like that, right?  Put your eyes back, Bon-Bon!  Here, Pinkie will get them for you.  See?  All better!

The Thirteenth Day
A new pony, named Flitter, was admitted to day, so Pinkie went to ask why.  What are "suicidal tendencies?"  Isn't suicide a kind of dance?  Oh well, Pinkie watched as Flitter was put into a padded room.  Pinkie wishes Flitter would quiet down!  Pinkie can hear Flitter all the way down the hall!  Shush, Flitter!
Bon-Bon, what are "suicidal tendencies?"  Do you know?  No?  Okay, Pinkie will go ask someone.  Nurse, what are suicidal tendencies?  Oh, that's what they are?  Oh, okay.  Pinkie thanks you for the information. 
Bon-Bon, suicidal tendencies sound like fun!  Pinkie knows what they are now, thanks to that nurse.  They're when you try to kill yourself.  Pinkie used to do that, and it was so fun!
Oh, look, there goes Flitter now.  Wait, where is Flitter going?  Why are Flitter's eyes closed?  Why is Flitter strapped down?  Flitter?  What's going on?
Two Hours Later
Boooooooon-Boooooooooon!  Pinkie's back!  Did Bon-Bon miss Pinkie?  Of course Bon-Bon did!
Pinkie got to watch the doctors put something in Flitter's head.  It looked a bit like a tube, but longer, narrower, and more flexible.  Flitter looks happier now.  Pinkie will go visit Flitter now!  Would Bon-Bon like to come?
Hi Flitter!  Bon-Bon and Pinkie just wanted to say hello!  What's that tube doing in Flitter's head?  Gosh, Flitter, just because your mouth is stitched shut doesn't mean you can't talk!  What was that, Flitter?  "Cut it out?"  Oh, silly Flitter, you know Pinkie can't do that! 

The Twentieth Day
Pinkie is scared.  Pinkie doesn't want to be sent to another facility.  Pinkie likes it here!  With Bon-Bon, and Flitter, and all of the other ponies!  Why would they separate Pinkie from friends?!  What did Pinkie do?!
Flitter hasn't talked in four days.  Pinkie has been trying to coax Flitter into ripping the stitches that prevent Flitter from speaking, but Flitter doesn't want to.  So, Pinkie took the liberty of cutting them out for Flitter!  But, Pinkie's knife slipped, and now, Flitter's sleeping.  Flitter's sleEeEeEeEping...
No!  Don't take Bon-Bon!  Bon-Bon is Pinkie's friend!  Bon-Bon keeps Pinkie company!  Don't take Bon-Bon!
Pinkie is angry.  The doctors took Bon-Bon.  The doctors; they will pay.  Pinkie will get Bon-Bon back!  Pinkie is going to get Bon-Bon back, and Pinkie will be happy!  So.  Much.  Happiness!
Come on everypony, smile, smile, smile...

The Twenty-Fifth Day
All of the doctors are sleeping.  They look so peaceful.  Pinkie wishes they'd stop smiling, though.  It's getting creepy.  Pinkie's going to clean her toys off now.  Can't have them getting dirty.  Bon-Bon?  Where are you?  Oh, there you are!  Pinkie was worried about you!  Pinkie thought Bon-Bon might have run off!
Bon-Bon, your left leg is missing?  Where is Bon-Bon's left leg?!  Leg?!  Where are you?!  Bon-Bon needs her leg!
Who is that, and what is he holding?  Oh, it's another doctor!  Pinkie must have missed one.  Is that... BON-BON'S LEG!  YOU GIVE THAT BACK TO PINKIE RIGHT NOW!  PINKIE DOESN'T WANT TO HAVE TO HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

The Twenty-Sixth Day
Pinkie woke up in something tight today.  Pinkie couldn't move her hooves.  Pinkie couldn't talk, either.  Where is Pinkie going?  Won't anyone tell Pinkie?
Labyrinth?  What's that?  It sounds like a fun place!  Starvation?  Dehydration?  Stop using big words!  Big words confuse Pinkie!  Wait, why is it getting darker?  Pinkie doesn't like the dark!  Where is Pinkie going?! Won't someone tell Pinkie?!  Stop saying Pinkie's gone off the deep end!

Unspecified Day
Pinkie likes it down here.  No one can hurt Pinkie.  No one can judge Pinkie.  Pinkie is all alone down here.  Pinkie is okay with that. 
Pinkie hasn't seen the doctors in a long time.  Pinkie misses them.  Pinkie is starting to get a bit lonely, but, for the most part, Pinkie likes it down here.
Pinkie heard footsteps!  The doctors are back!  Wait, you aren't a doctor!  No matter; do you want to play a game with Pinkie?  It's called, "Run, Rabbit, Run!"  You run, and Pinkie tries to catch you! No escaping!  Pinkie doesn't want to have to hurt you!

Come on everypony



Finished Maps / Zar's Wonderful World of Maps *UPDATED 7/7/12*
« on: June 05, 2012, 12:54:12 am »
Alright, so I thought I'd try my hand at this map-making stuff.  

In here, you will find some maps made by yours truly, Zar :3  I know they aren't the best, but hey, everyone starts somewhere, right?

Pinkie's World <- Note about this map: I'm probably going to make a different one eventually.  You can still use this for whatever you want, but don't expect to see good ol' Pinkamena in there :c
The River <-Where everything for this went, I don't know.
The Facility<-NEW!!!

Game Help / FH, where's my music?
« on: June 02, 2012, 11:38:45 pm »
I'm making a map and I wanted to put a track from Balloon Party in it.  I followed the instructions from Rimfrost's tutorial but it didn't work and now I'm kind of confused :c Anyone help?

((For once, I don't have problems with my game xD))

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Hunger Games RP Here!
« on: May 28, 2012, 11:56:02 pm »
Are you a fan of the Hunger Games?  Do you ever find yourself playing FeralHeart and wondering, "Gee, I wish someone would make an RP?"  Do you want to make friends with some new people?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then I have great news!  I've made my very own Hunger Games RP, and I want YOU in it!

The concept is simple; In the future, the United States have turned into the country of Panem, and the country itself is divided into 12 districts.  As a result of a civil war, which the Districts lost, a male and female tribute from each District must be drawn and sent to the Hunger Games, which take place in an arena in the Capitol.  This is done to prove to the Districts that the Capitol is still in control, and that the Districts are powerless.

There can only be one winner of the Hunger Games, and that only comes about by the slaughter of the 23 other tributes.  The winning District is showered with gifts, while the losing Districts are able to do nothing.  To make matters worse, the winning tribute tours the Districts.  This can be seen as sort of "rubbing salt in the wound;" while they mourn, the tribute shows off his or her spoils.

That's where we come in.  We are the tributes.  There are 24 of us.  We will be sent into an "arena" (map), and there, we will fight to the death.  There can be only one winner; what will you do to make sure it's you who comes out on top?

-As this IS a Hunger Games RP, your character will likely die.  However!  Just because you're dead doesn't mean that you won't get a second chance!  Rather than just one huge game event, and then abandoning the map, there will be "sessions."  For example, say your character dies in the first session.  You can still come back in the second session and win that time!  
-I received permission from Gingera to use her map, Arctic Creek, for the RP.  We will RP there until I am able to come up with a decent map, because, frankly, my maps are crappy O_e
-As this is a killing RP, I do NOT want to see overly graphic deaths.  I don't want to hear about someone getting their heart ripped out, or a body strung up by its intestines.  There are children that play this game, and we don't want to mentally scar them.
-You can make your character appear however you wish it to appear, but keep in mind that it is a representation of your human tribute.
-No wings in this RP, period.  No flying away from the Games ;3
-Keep the swearing down.  As I said before, there are children that play.
-Please be semi-literate to literate.  I do best when I have more to work with.
-Please, also, try to be ACTIVE! The reason I can never get this RP started is because someone joins the group then never comes back. Don't be that person.

That's about it.  Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be EVER in your favor! :)

Game Help / Like, are you serious?!
« on: May 21, 2012, 08:43:28 pm »
Ah yes, lovely Zar is back with yet MORE problems!

In this particular installment...

I can't even start the game.  Nothing.  Zero.  Nada.  I can open the configuration thing that you get before the game starts, but after that? Nothing.  The game completely locks up. I can't minimize it, can't close out; I can't even quit the process.  It's just sitting in the background, eating up CPU.

Forum Games / Guess The Song!
« on: May 13, 2012, 03:28:13 am »
So, basically, post the lyrics to a song, and all of us have to guess it :3

I'll start!

I fell in love with a wind-up souvenir
I bought it downtown as I was on my way to meet you
She sounds like the songs you used to sing to put me to sleep
Now that you're gone, she's all that I've left to hold

And I feel so all alone
No one's gonna fix me when I'm broke
How do you cry with inanimate eyes?
You're never gonna smile with the way that you're wired

And I feel so all alone

I gave her to you (I don't need a toy)
I thought you might appreciate (I don't like the way that it moves)
The way that she dances
The painted look upon her face (Someone must've thrown it away)
She must have come from the sun (I got too much stuff)
I want to take her through the park
Where she'd tell me I'm all that she wants (Speaking of which)
If she could even talk (I think we need to talk)

I feel so all alone
No one's gonna fix me when I'm broke
How do you cry with inanimate eyes?
You're never gonna smile with the way that you're wired

And I feel so all alone
I feel so all alone

And she sits on my shelf
It makes me think of you
The way she carries the things that remind me of who
We used to be before we became antiques
She's a lot like you
But when I hold her too tight, I know she'll break
She just takes some glue to stay

I feel so all alone
No one's gonna fix me when I'm broke
How do you cry with inanimate eyes?
You're never gonna smile with the way that you're wired

And I feel so all alone
I feel so all alone
I feel so all alone

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