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Game Help / Preset 12: Export Not Working
« on: June 16, 2014, 01:33:21 pm »
So... I have downloaded one of Goldilocks' fabulous presets. I downloaded the first one, and I put it in preset 12 like it said. When it was in the preset 12 folder it said preset_1body, ect so I changed it to 12 as it was in the 12 folder. So I go into FH presets and click 12 and the preset is there. when I click export, tho, it acts like I didnt, the character is moving, the music is playing. so I click preset 11 (it was the yellow and black one, like when you didnt have anything there) and I clicked export and it worked. So I downloaded the third of Goldilocks's preset as well in preset 8 and it worked. Halp?

Characters / A name for this little gal?
« on: June 16, 2014, 12:25:18 pm »
Ok so I made this cool (well I think shes cool) character.

She's kind, loyal, pretty, brave, strong, adventurous. She has no siblings and her parents were killed by poachers. She is a rare liger hybrid with mostly lion, though. As stated before she is a liger but a rare species called Golden Liger Catus. Her breed is hunted for their beautiful coats and their meat. (Golden Liger Catus's I just made up, XD I made up her history just now.) I'm looking for a word that describes her coat, Golden, but not Goldie or Gold. Thanks!

Game Help / Cant download the game!
« on: June 13, 2014, 12:51:32 pm »
So of course, being the person I am, I messed up the FH file location trying to download Mass markings and such. So I completely remove FH from my computer. Now, when I re-download it downloads but does this:
I know FH is virus-free, so I click run anyway. Then comes this:

I've tried it like 3 times. It worked before. What do I do???

Stories / When Night Comes/Raged-Blood's Prophecy/Omen FH Creepypasta
« on: June 11, 2014, 06:47:12 pm »
It all started one day when I decided to get on FH. I logged in and decided to go on as my male wolf character, Iron. I logged in and found myself in Floruite Plains. I looked around, searching for friends. Suddenly, I saw a feline with a very gorey preset- Scars all over its body, eyes empty leaving only sockets, shredded ears and tail, claws huge, black, and long, with blood all around them. There were parts of his body that were ripped open, and one of his legs was just a bone with blood all over it. I shuddered. Surely none of my friends had this preset? I would have known if I had downloaded it, right? I looked at the character's name and saw that it was Raged-blood. Hmm. Weird name. None of my friends had a character like that. I looked to where the username should be, and it was empty! That could NOT be possible. Probably just a glitch, I thought. But still, how would that have happened?

I shrugged it off and went to Bonfire. As usual, chaos hung in the air. I went and sat on top of a rock, and looked around. I looked at the chatbox and the name Raged-Blood appeared. I looked to see what he had said. The lion had said: When night comes, It will stay dark. Light in FH will never exist again. What in Feral Heart was Raged-Blood talking about? Whatever, I thought. I turned my screen around to see the horrible body of Raged-Blood. I jumped up and clicked home to go to Lonely Cave. I knew that this guy couldn't freak me out here, for other players might be in lonely cave but you wont see them. I looked at my friend box and saw that I had a friend request. I looked and the username: WhennightcomesitwillstaydarklightinFhwillneverexistagain. Whoa! That's exactly what Raged-Blood said! But that is WAYYYY over 16 characters, he couldnt have had that username. But still... Out of curiosity, I clicked accept. That was the worst thing I could have ever done in FH. As soon as I mashed the button, the unmistakeable shape of Raged-Blood appeared. But- how could that be? Suddenly, night fell in FH. Wh-what do you want? I quickly typed. Blood. Night. Rage. Raged-blood leaped forward and stood over me. My character fell to the ground. Huh? I didnt do that! -Kills, no miss- said Raged-blood. Blood splattered over the screen as lightning flashed through the air. My computer crashed. When it finally opened again, I was back at the screen in FH where you chose your character. I kept clicking and clicking, but I could NOT find my character Iron! I was so worried. When I created him again, I logged into Lonely cave. My computer crashed again, but this time, FH had closed, and my desktop picture was of the creepy, horrible face of: Raged-Blood.

Hope you liked it! NOTE: This IS NOT a true story. Id probably pass out and have nightmares for months if it was.

Art Gallery / Gift for all of the #2FAB4U group! All 7 of you!
« on: June 11, 2014, 02:47:55 pm »
;D I have decided for a while now to make a suprise for the #2FAB4U group. Why? Becuase chu guys are so fluffy and fabulous and aweshum. XD. How did I get the refs and pics for your charries? I have seen some of them around, and also... -drumroll- your good groupmate, AlphaEclipse! I needed refs for Pokemon XY and SlyFoxHound, but she ended up giving me refs for all of you just to make sure! She was good at keeping a little secret. -Nuzzle to her- Here is the pic for you!

I really do hope you guys like it, and let em know if yall want anything changed! Oh, and PLZ request in my art section! There is a link in my Siggy!
<3 <3~Echoz

Screenshots / Echoz's Screeniez!!! UPDATED 6/12/14
« on: June 11, 2014, 01:02:12 pm »
Hey guys! Here I am today with screenies! I will be updating this thread! Here we go!
This one is in-game, I wanted to get my charrie Froststar  in the midst of laying-sitting.

This one I caught in the forums like ONE min ago XD

I gawt lotz more today!

So I saw dem aweshum ppl. I was too nervous to speak up at the moment, but I was talking to Vesp kind of.

When I finally got to go hang with them, I took dis. No, they didnt know I waz doing it!

So then comes along I EAT SLENDERMEN. He's the black lion far behind Sura.

Sura asks him what Slendermen tastes like. He said woods and grass or something.
Raz was there part of the time, Idk if he's in any of the shots or not.

Alpha and I beez funneh

And of course regular too.
Fab, right?

Woot! Woot! Reddles, Shally, and Genny together!


O.O Yesh. I know. QuickSand or QuickGrass?


Ostriches shall be Ostriches, right?


As yew can see, Oreo, Shay, and Alpha and I are dere. Note Alpha's ear ish on my muzzle under meh eye...


I liek this one. See Shay's tail? Ish in Alpha's nose...

Ross, are ya down dere?

Shay scarf! Woot woot! (Im Stag) Shay's words: "The most fab scarf you'll ever get"

Random guy doing a handstand.... (I luuuf this one xD)

I bet almost everyone's been up here....

Feather preset sinking in Last Cave....
The next few Alpha took for me, I was on the wrong computer.

Ok, so there is a two headed wolf (Herm and Alpha) eating a green dog (Miraja) and a lion cub helping us (Cubby)

Alpha and ForeverFlare (PokemonXY) sticking their tongues out at me. (I dont have these emotes yet xD)

Obviously Im a couch.

Kaz (MorbidDecadence) watches us derp.
That's all for now, but stay tuned!

« on: June 08, 2014, 11:21:35 am »
Ok. I know there was a thread about this but I have a gift for Vespain as well. Congrats, floof! There are few other floofs that deserve the title you have now. SO..... I have a gift for you.

Hope you Like it!

Discussion Board / Shark Teeth, Anyfloof?
« on: June 07, 2014, 09:53:13 pm »
Hey guys! I know how to find shark teeth! Do you? Here's how:
Note: Early in the Morning is best
Find a black thing that you think looks like a shark tooth.
If it breaks, it isn't a shark tooth.
If the sun shines a white glare on it, it IS a shark's tooth.
If it has a gumline, of course it is.
There you go!
I find this Hobby Interesting.

Ok. So todayz Im gonna open up an art trade. I'll keep my side of the bargain if you keep yours. But there are some rules:
If you don't have your side of the bargain done by 6 months (thats long enough, right?) I will say something about it.
You may draw any of these characters as your side of the bargain:
NOTE: Her legs are much lighter grey than this and there is NOT a grey stripe on her back





Thx, and plz be willing to trade!
I am also doing regular requests for free here:
Please trade request! (And free request lolz)
If you want examples of my art go to my free requests page to see it.

Forum Games / What's this kitteh thinking?
« on: June 06, 2014, 08:24:06 pm »
:D Just made up a new game! Its called Whats this kitty thinking! What you do is post a pic of a kitten. The next person says what they think it is thinking and then they post another kitten pic and continues.
EX: Player One: {posts pic of a kitten in a garbage can}
Player 2: This is a great place to shelter- and eat! {Posts pic of a kitten licking his paw}
Player 3: I better clean myself before mom comes! {Posts pic of a kitten chasing a rabbit}
And so on. I'll post the first pic:

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