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Topics - unnbrellas

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15
Game Help / I need help with maps (again)
« on: August 12, 2013, 01:20:43 pm »
Maps are being jerks to me. Anyway, here we go.

How do I get waterfalls?? I cant figure it out.
Alot of the items in object maker come up white (Marshmellows) - Help??
What are particles?
How do I put 6 different textures instead of 3?
How do I re-texture?
Is there a limmit on how big they can be?
How do I make maps connect to other maps? (A tourtorial link for this would be fine)


Request/Find Meshes / I need some meshes found/made!
« on: August 11, 2013, 12:19:46 am »
I'm making a Lord of the rings map, and need meshes! I can provide pics if you like, just ask! I may add to this list.

I need made...
Rivendell (The basic structure, not the fancy stuff like plants)
Weapons(Axes, Swords, Bow&Arrow mostly)
Hobbit Holes
The eye of saroun
The tower for the eye (please do them seperate, so the tower can also be isengard)

I need found...
Building, lots of buildings (Not modern buildings though, like old rock ones)
Once in a map I saw "hyenas" - they looked like wargs. I cant find it anywhere
Pretty plants
Anything else that might be useful for a lotr map!

:) Thank You!!

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Lord Of The Rings Map, WIP
« on: August 11, 2013, 12:06:58 am »
I am making a large huge Lord Of The Rings Map. Here I will post updates and such until I finish it. I'm a huge LoRT fan, and I belive I have the skills it takes to make this map.

The map will actually be a map pack, contain 5 or so maps.  The only place I'm postive that it will have its own map is the Mines of Moria. Feel free to suggest places (Please do). The map will be huge, although I've not decided on the exact size yet.
I've decided I will not be allowing people to create their own roleplays (In fear of demon RPs and 1000 kings of Gondor). There will be one "offical" roleplay created instead. But the map will still be for public download, and you dont have to join the RP to just hang out/explore/fangirl/have fun! :)

Progress And Updates
Hight map is done! My Forum, User, And DA Name are written on it. DO NOT STEAL IT.
Terrain Mask Is Done!
Main Map is 15% Done
Predicted Finishing Date: January

"How Can I Help?"
I many ways, my kinda little floof!

I am in desperate need of meshes.  If you know how to mesh at all, or convert, Please let me know via PM. If you could even find somehelpful meshes, I would apperciate it greatly. :)

I suck at making them. If anyone could make me some, it would be great!

Beta Testers
PM me for more information

Just comment :)

Thanks for looking, all feedback is apperciated!! :)

Game Help / Preset Transparency And Map Help
« on: August 10, 2013, 06:23:54 pm »
I can make presets, but I really want to learn how to do transparency. I cant seem to find any good tutorials on it. So if someone could explain this to me or link me to a tutorial it be great!

I want to add moutains to one of my maps. But they always come out like wierd ploe things. Help? I also was wondering how to make the portal black like the one to fitcho.


Game Discussion / Auto-Hitting
« on: August 07, 2013, 03:23:40 am »
Ok. Auto-hitting tends to go unnoticed. For those I've showed who don't know what Auto-hitting is, it's kinda like godmodding (arguably is a form of it). Instead of saying "Leaps on the intruder, and attempts to pin him down and bite his neck." You would say "Leaps on intruder pinning him down, and he bites his neck.".
Auto-hitting drives me insane. I'm sick of it, and most players hardly seem know what it is. It doesn't seem to matter until you get in a fight with an Auto-hiter. Then your dead in .5 seconds. It really takes the fun out of role play.

What are your thoughts on Auto-hitting?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Limp walk
« on: August 05, 2013, 01:12:17 pm »
Ok I had a bunch of ideas...

1. You know how theres a walk and crouch check box? What if there was a limp one? It would be nice for roleplays

2.  What if the staff went around and collected as many preset downloads (so you can see them, not use them) as they could, then have a thread where people submit them too. Then the staff could make a bundle of them, and update it monthly.

3.  Same thing as I last said, but with items

4. Same thing again but with objects
Ignore that I put it in the wrong section.

Tell me what you guys think :)

Art Gallery / ~SilverFangs Art Shop~ (Requests Open!)
« on: August 01, 2013, 02:53:19 pm »
~SilverFangs Art Shop~
My little art shop! Im not great by any means, but I like drawing in my free time so I opened my little shop. I draw with lots of meduims, including...

Colored Pencil

I only have certain meduims available at one time. Currently the following are avalible:
Colored Pencil

Samples Of My Art:




Colored Pencil:




Rules of Requesting:
Do not claim it as yours
Give me credit where needed
Do not be a snob
And understand my style can very (alot) - each medium has its own style

Request Form:
Character Name & Gender:
Reference Sheet:
Description (If you have no reference sheet):
Head Shot or Body:

~Thanks For Looking~/center]

Request a Preset/Marking / Preset Request!
« on: July 31, 2013, 12:16:48 pm »
Preset Number would be 3
Its basically my signature as a lion, and its pale yellow fading into gold, and the tail tip is the brightest shade of gold. And the little pieces (the fading things) should have sharp edges. I would like the transparency to be the area thats white (on my siggy). If its possible, make the wings transparent please. I want/need the teeth to be silver.

Lemme know if you can do her!! I can wait a while! Thank you!! (I really want her, she shall be my fursonas!)

Ok, so i need at banner for my pack website (on proboards). I really don't have much of an idea on what it would look like.
Sorry for no discription. And I can only pay in nuzzels :)
Can anyone do this? Please?

The Vukasin Pack

The Nareean Territories have homed the Vukasin wolves for many years. The land could be harsh and unforgiving, but most years it was kind and plentiful. This year wasn't one of those years.
Harsh winter storms had blown in months before normal. Most of the prey had starved or frozen to death - at first this gave much food to the pack, but soon they ran out. Some elk still wanders the woods, but they are to strong for any fewer than 4 wolves. They storms have not only destroyed the prey supply, but kept the wolves in their dens, in fear of a sudden storm. If a wolf was to far when an unexpected storm hit, they were doomed. But the wolves keep hope, even as their numbers drop.


High Ranks
Lead Healer: In Charge Of All The Healers
Head Guard: In Charge Of All The Guards
Lead Warrior: In Charge Of All Warriors
Lead Hunter: In Charge Of All The Hunters
Teacher: Teaches Older Pups And Omegas
Nurse: Watches And Attends To Pups

Average Ranks
Healers: Treat Wounds And Injuries
Guards: Guard The Territory
Hunters: Hunt For The Pack
Warriors: Fight For The Pack
Students: Wolves In Training

Low Ranks
Omegas: Lowest True Rank
Pups: Young Wolves
Traitors: Traitor/Rouge Wolves
Prisoner: Prisoners from battle, or rouges held captive


Pack Rules may be broken if it means keeping in character. These only apply during roleplay.
Game Rules may NOT be broken. Not following these rules will result in being kicked!

 Pack Rules:

1. Listen to and Respect your superiors
2. Stay out of higher-ranking areas
3.Do not hunt in other territories other than your own
4. Stay out of other wolves territories

Game Rules:
1. General chat is for announcements and updates
2. Group is for chatting
3. Please do not whisper-chat, only use whisper to contact leaders
4. Be kind (unless in RP)
5. Respect EVERYONE
6. Follow basic Feral heart rules
7. Stay in Character
8. Roleplaying is restricted to local chat only
9. Never go out of local range from camp alone (More Important than it sounds!)

Character Name & Gender:
Short Character Bio:
Desired Rank:

Or register on the site if you want to join

Our Site is We are mapped, realistic, and semi literate to literate. We are looking for rivals!

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