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Topics - rustheart

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Art Gallery / RustBucket's Art
« on: December 18, 2012, 04:05:21 pm »

This is my Fursona, CharChar. My fail of a pillow is being thrown at him.

This is one of my old Fursonas that I got rid of. His name was Kolvu.

Dib from Invader Zim on the joker playing card.

Zim from Invader Zim on the king playing card.

This is the back of the cards.

Screenshots / I Got It! I Got It! (Face Glitch)
« on: December 16, 2012, 09:24:35 pm »
I have been wanting a screenie of this for a long time. I wanted it to be me with it but Slurpy's char works too.

Slurpy as Tak from Invader Zim in Temple Of Dreams showing off her weird mouth with my rock in the background. (Inside joke)

Characters / RustBucket's Characters Huge Update
« on: December 15, 2012, 10:56:30 pm »
Seer is a winged elemental wolf of the Temple Of Dreams. He wears on his neck a crystal that hold six souls. Each soul welds a different element and personality. They all have bubble head and body and swirl tail markings.

Normal Forme

Normal Forme is the weakest of the souls and rarely becomes in control of the body. He was the first soul. He found the crystal and wore it, which made him a slave to the crystal like the other four and the crystal uses his body for the souls. He is often submissive to others but he is an amassing flyer and hunter. Fear of others makes him stronger and be able to take control. He has no element.

Dark Forme

The dark forme is easily the smartest of the souls. Most people think dark element animals are evil but he is not. He isn't friendly and will often call others pitiful lowly mortals. They must prove to him that they are useful animals for him to think otherwise. Anger of others makes him stronger and be able to take control. He has the darkness element.

Light Forme

Light Forme is calm and only fears demons. He will often say 'Oh my!' or "Oh dear!' and stuff like that. He is easily tricked and often does people's work for them. He is one of the less smart souls. Calmness of others makes him stronger and be able to take control. He has the light element.

Wind Forme

Wind Forme is ignorant and too proud for his own good. He will often boast and fight people who say they are stronger. But he isn't that strong or skillful as he thinks and often loses. Pride of others makes him stronger and be able to take control. He has the wind element.

Water Forme

Water Forme is vary playful and somewhat stupid. He is unable to tell when someone doesn't want to play. He thinks that he doesn't get much time in control so he better make use of it and have some fun. Happiness of others makes him stronger and be able to take control. He has the water element.

Invader Zim Characters


In cat costume.

Out of costume.

Mimi is a female programed SIR bot who's master is a female Irkan named Tak. Mimi is different from normal SIR bots. She was 'homemade' by Tak while she was working as a cleanup drone after Zim blew up some of the Irkan training planet. Though Mimi was made like this she is more advanced then other SIR bots. Her costume is a hologram of a black cat with grey striped ears that look a little like horns.


Dib, along with his non-caring sister, Gaz, are the only ones who knows that Zim is an alien. He is often called crazy because he believes in paranormal things. He is antisocial and many of the kids in school make sure be stay away from him. Though his head is about the same size as everyone else he is often picked on for having a big head.


Gir is a friendly waffle loving SIR bot known for his random behavior. He is the most well known malfunctioning SIR bot and his master is Zim. He was made from random trash by the Tallest, which are the Irkan leaders. He thinks everyone is his friend. Though Mimi had cut off his head and his head has blown up many times he still isn't dead. He holds many random things inside his head like rubber piggys, waffles, sandwiches and even a beehive. Gir's costume is a green dog with a zipper on his belly. Though he walks on two legs and talks to people no one seems to notice.



Key is on the far left and the second last on the right is Lola and I think the scarred lion is her mother.

Key is a large and strong lion on the outside but inside he is a calm cat with a loving for cubs. He once loved a young cub named Lola and often talked and played with her. But now he has lost his pride and his goal is to return to his beloved family and the now full grown Lola. This story is true. I got no idea what happened and now I got to find my pride again to rejoin. I know Lola's username is Mistypaws so I just got to find her.


Lind is a mate-less and pride-less lioness. She can be headstrong and very brave. She doesn't want to be told what to do and that is what made her lose her pride. She is currently looking for a male lion to start her own pride but no male wants her because she is blind.



Kaklan is a packer of the MacHeath clan. He is a fan made wolf from The Wolves Of The Beyond. He is proud like many of the MacHeath wolves. he belevies that his blood is pure and he would never have a female birth a malcadh pup, a deformed pup. Little that he knows that he has a brother in the pack who is a Gnaw Wolf called Sinnolon. Kak means pure and Lan means wolf.

Dazzle is a Kinglig, look at link for more info. Dazzle is male and has the Mudpie coloring. He once lived in a pack of Kingligs. He was low ranked and got little food. After a month of only handfulls of meat he was driven crazy and stole the leader's food. He was chased out and almost killed, but he did get the food. He is not crazy anymore and is working to build his own pack.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / The Black Death Wolf Pack
« on: December 15, 2012, 04:01:11 pm »
This is a pack of devilish animals. There rules are simple, survive and don't challenge the leader. These wolves take great pride of there black fur that each member must have or else they are left to die at birth. Any wolves born mainly black but have some discoloration will always be an omega.


No bad words
No killing each other without permission.
You must be LITERATE
More to come

How To Make A Wolf

All wolves must have all zeros on the color for belly. All twenty for their pelt. They must have sharp ears. Any realistic eye color will do. If there is any markings at are not dark grey or black the wolf must be an omega. The only markings that will to this are the scar markings. A male must be as big as it can be and biggest weight unless it's an omega. A female must be lowest weight and smaller. A pup's size will depend on it's age. If the pup is male the weight must be at the largest unless it's an omega pup then it would be smaller. A female will have lowest weight.


Looks: (Screenshot)

Screenshots / FHW (Feralheart Warriors) Updated
« on: December 10, 2012, 04:47:17 pm »
I have made a bunch of warrior cats because I was bored. Feel free to show your own warriors! More are to come.
Sorry for the tiny update. I was going to get some screenshots of Greystripe but my lag was too bad.

Screenshots / Feralheart Character Siggys!
« on: December 09, 2012, 02:37:38 am »
I will make you one for free. You must not have anything blocking the lion or wolf, including name tags. I can do more then one character but keep the number low. The more the characters the longer it will take. If the character has black on it the blackground will have to not be black. Like the one of the hyena, Jackal.


Username Of FH:
Character Names:

Some I have done.

Jackal the hyena, owned by me.

Dollo the fursona, own by me.

Sundon the wolf, owned my me.

Screenshots / Hyena Cape Rainbow!
« on: December 07, 2012, 09:26:09 pm »
I am Buck, the grey one. Of course I end up with the non colorful one.
Did any of you guys see us being epic?

Game Help / Downloading Maps
« on: December 07, 2012, 06:08:51 pm »
Can someone give me a step by step thing? I looked in the user made tortorals but didn't see one.

Screenshots / RustBucket's Life With Zim and Gir Updated 12/16/12
« on: December 05, 2012, 01:47:29 pm »
Updates are at the bottom. Newest screenshots are Mimi messing with Zim while he is afk and Gir and Mimi.... in love?!
Dib, Gir and Mimi are now on my Character forum!

While rolelaying this random wolf thought he would come and lay on Gir. So we used him as a couch and farted on him...

White wolf is me, Dib. Green and purple wolf is Zim. Green and black wolf is Gir.

Emma_Lee's char called Ghost. Idk why I took this. Maybe because she called my Zim char cute. lolz

Dib isn't happy...


Zim blinked!

Zim is our couch. Left to right. Tak, Gaz, me as Mimi and Zim

Zim freaks out about this rock, this is what I see.

This is my rock.

All of Zim's haters.

Gaz in a rock.

Dib got a big head and Zim got big ears.

Ummm guys that looks wrong...

I have no idea how this happened in the middle of our roleplay.

We thought it was cool so we got another screenshot of it.

This pup wouldn't shut up so Gir shot a muffin at him and somehow the pup died from a muffin? Then the parents freaked out.

Just a Screenshot of Gir and Zim. But this Gir is mine.

Maybe don't take a nap in the middle of our roleplay?

*Nom nom nom*


Eheh I just farted.

What cute bellies you two have.

Just waiting for Zim's return, thats all, nothing else.....

Oh my gosh the cuteness!

I wasn't able to come on for a long time and Slurpy took over the role of Dib.  But when i come back Dib is now a Irkan?  How did that happen???? Btw that random grey wolf is Zim with another char.

Characters / Non Feralheart and Feralheart Characters
« on: September 23, 2012, 12:52:53 pm »
For form roleplays I use the same two characters, May and Asher, and just change them a bit to fit the plot. However if I play and vampire or werewolf roleplay May and Asher would not be in it. I would use Leon, Max and Thomas. My animals are Arvi, Avast, Grey, Falcon and Flair.



May is a short tempered female gifted. She is able to change into any forme at any time. She likes to change into other people and mock them. She is coldhearted and will do her best to learn all the people around her biggest fear so she can have a little fun.
May wasn't always like this. She once had a father, mother and little brother who she loved more then anything in the world. But May's world was destroyed by hunters, who would let no one get in their way from catching a gifted. All three of them were killed but May manged to escape with a hand full of money and a photo.

I couldn't find a real person that looked like him so I had to pick this cartoon one. I got no idea what movie it's from or if it's even from one.

The first words that may come to mind when meeting Asher is skittish, easliy startled, afraid, jumpy or something along those lines. Asher's past is the blame for it. His mother and him almost died when their boat sank, but his father wasn't too lucky. While reading a book his brother swam in what seemed safe a cove. But when a glanced out his brother wasn't in sight. A shark had gotten him. A year later a drunken badman started shooting randomly in the streets, his mother was shot and killed that day.


(He's got yellowish eyes)
Leon is a 'young' vampire. He is a outcast because of his best friend being a werewolf. It doesn't bother them however. He's not a person who likes to be in a crowd. He rather be alone or in small groups. He only speaks when he has too and when he does it's vary little. But being with a hyperactive, talkative werewolf makes him have to talk more then normal.


Think of this boy being 16.

Talkive, loud, ignorant, that's Thomas. How be became friends with Leon will be unknown forever. He is such a new werewolf he hasn't even learned out to change or seen another werewolf.


I don't have anything on Max. He's a hunter, what he hunts changes depending on the plot. He was first made to be a vampire hunter.



Avri is a male eevee and is also one of the talking pokemon(Like meowth) but he isn't talkative. He is a trickly pokemon that is hard to catch. But if a trainer a kind enough to him he'll open up and become a very loyal pokemon.


Oooooo! It's a Absol named Absol! Great name huh? I don't know how this young pokemon acts just yet, I haven't used him yet.


What a wise little guy he is, a born leader. But, he has no one to lead. He's on his own.

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