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Topics - ace13

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Gods Of The Savannah
« on: April 22, 2012, 12:34:52 am »
Hello, My user name is "ace13," and I am the leader of the newest pride "Gods Of The Savannah." My character in the pride is name James, and I am looking for new members to join my fabulous Pride. We do not have a map, but we do have a website that I am making at the momment.

God Of The Savannah, is a pride of 57 members so far, and my fellow lions and lionesses are working hard towards the rank of one of the highest active prides known in the game. Now, we all know of the pride "Pride of Eygpt," perviously known as 'The Pride of The Pyramids.' Well, you may think it's gonna be hard to reach that hight, but it is not imposible. The group is growing fast and is active everyday.

My pride could do with some more lions and lionesses, we are hoping to get an addminatrater on our side, or even a Moderator. To help us be rid of them rude threats to out pride such as swearing and insulting my beloved pride members. I may be getting a map made for this group but I am trying not to have anyone left out of the group as that would lower our numbers.

I have been talking to someone named Ember, User name; GreatWolfEmber, into making her pack rivals with my pride. Now, I don't quite know if this will work out but I will keep in touch with her to see if it does.

Anyone who joins this pride must hang around the pride at all times, obey their King and Queen, aswell as be active almost everyday. If you do not come on the pride within two weeks you will be kicked from the group, "no buts." If you are just constantly getting on and off the pride you will be kicked and if you disobey any of my or the Quee's orders you will be kicked. If you are loyal, helpful and a good company, your rank will be raised.

Be aware that we go inside our group den every night and either sit at the group tree or move to another spot in that day. Most days we will be going out and recruting members for the pride.

Please send a request to join: Gods Of The Savannah

King: James  (me)
Queen: Aqua

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