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Topics - Kittycatty

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Game Help / I have a few more questions...
« on: August 12, 2012, 12:12:42 pm »
[color=limegreen]Hello!  ;D
So I've got a few more questions;[/color]

Q1:How do you make a site on proboards for a feline rp? Is it free? Do you have to register?
Q2:How do you make the terrain different colors? Its my first map, so I don't know. All my rps have ground that has different textures in different locations. (ex: rocky tex. in the mountains, dark green ground in a pine forest, sand-color in the lakes and rivers, etc, etc)
Q3:How do you make a weather cycle in the sky maker? I need oit for my map but it is nothing like the shy maker. Is there a tutorial on how to do that?
Thanks! :)


PS: forgot to add) I got this massmarking pack called MassMarkings2
I don't remember where I downloaded it and I want to use it for my group
Do you know what pack I'm talking about?

Game Help / LOTS and LOTS of questions DX+Red read this plz
« on: August 09, 2012, 06:30:11 pm »
Ok, so I am making a warrior cat map for a cool roleplay I made up. I was working on the map today since the server is down (unfortunatly). So here are my questions:

Q1. How to make weather and sky? Because every map i go on has cool rain and night effects. :( How do i do those?
Q2.My map objects are white DX. I have wombat animal pack, and herbs pack, and everything is white. I put everything in objects (in media) so what do I do?
Q3.Mediafire. I heard you need to export the map, zip it, and then make an account on mediafire. First of all, how do you make an account? and how do you upload the map on Mediafire? Is there like an 'upload button' or something? Also, how do you include the weather and sky files in the download? Also, is it free? Thanks :)
Q4.SPECIAL MESSAGE TO RED: In your message about the server, what does Server will remain offline for a while due to some unexpected behavior" mean? Unexpected behavior like people cussing in the game? Or the server is just messing up again? I hope people weren't doing bad behavior on fh and it gets shut down.

Also, I know this isn't even the right sight to post this, but I didn't know where to put it plus you guys always have such great answers for me. OK, really freaked out here. So, I have a question about Impressive world. Yes, yes I know. The Impressive World forums are down due to inactivity on the forums. I recently downloaded Impressive World, (it took a LONG time plus fh wasn't working that day so it was really annoying) And then it did "Running secruity scan" but then A RED shield with an X on it popped up and it said something like: "warning! This file is not normally downloaded and could harm your computer" I got really freaked out and dissapointed because i really wanted to be able to hunt and play in IW. My mom won't let me run it because she thinks it will mess up my computer. I don't have money to buy a new one and I need some help. Does anyone here play Impressive world and knows what to do? I know I shouldn't post this here but I didn't know where to put it. Hope you understand :) Oh, and I downloaded it at this site

Game Help / Feralheart will NOT log in. Help?
« on: August 03, 2012, 11:34:28 am »
;D OK, so today I tried to log into feralheart. I logged it, and it said 'Connectiong to front server' then it says 'request accepted sending login' But it just stayed like that. I just checked on it and its still doing that. I tried closing feralheart and it still didn't log in :( Is the server broke AGAIN? Hope feralheart doesn't end up like Impressive Tittle did a few years ago.... I hope the staff can fix this problem. I'm just gonna get Impressive world while I wait for things to get better....
Oh, PS how do you put a video/picture in your signature? I would like to do that :D

Game Help / Why is my feralheart crashing on custom maps? D:
« on: July 31, 2012, 05:32:00 pm »
Hi guys! Ok, so today I was on my custom map then feralheart stopped qorking and crahed. It was on a really cool map, but I haven't experienced lag yet. It crashed when it was in the middle of a rain storm. Its rained before, but fh didn't crash. I installed rain correctly because I read the instructions on the read me, so what happened? O.O

Game Help / I can't log in. Can someone help me? O.O
« on: July 27, 2012, 10:22:01 am »
 ;D Hello! Ok, so first let me explain what happened. I was playing on a custom map called WNG. It does lag from time to time, but I usually don't have problems with it. I did esc>quit so that I could change characters, but when I logged in, it took a really long time. Then, when I FINALLY got to the screen with the characters, It takes forever to load when changing between characters. I am waiting right now for the chars to load, but its still loading. I tried going back and logging back in but ittook forever to log in again! I didn't have any problems logging in for 2 hours of playing but now its taking forever. Is Flouritre messing up again? Its so annoying when so many people slow down the servers.  :-\  If that is the problem, I hope the staff will try and fix the lag. All I can really do right now is wait I guess. Oh, and I want to help you guys with your answers to my questions. I really appreciate it. :)
Oh, PS. How do I insert a video/picture into my signature? Thanks! :D

Game Help / I have 3 big questions on maps, presets, and items!!!
« on: July 26, 2012, 07:46:05 am »
Hi guys! So here are my three big questions:  ;D
Q1. I recently made a map using these swamp trees I had downloaded. I put them in the map and it worked when I tested it, but when I went to Cape and tried the portal All the trees where gone! My ferns also disapeared. Does anyone know why? O.O My friend had a warrior cat rp with the same tree pack and the trees weren't missing. We got the trees in the same place so why did her's work and not mine? :(
Q2.How do you download presets??? Because I keep looking on youtube and it says downlod>put in>feralheart/media/presets>then restart feralheart. I do that but when I open feralheart and go into the character creator and do 'use preset' there is nothing there but this one I accedentally made in the preset maker without knowing. Any ideas how I can get it to work?
Q3.How do I get items into feralheart like collars, horns, etc...? I tried downloading a pack and I put everything in the items folder in the feralheart>media>items. But when I'm in the character creator, and i go to where you add wings, only the christmas hat is there. What did I miss? O.O Oh, by the way, I know I already asked alot of questions, but I just have 1 more. How to download claws? :o Do you put them in meshes? Items? Not sure....

How do I get a profile picture? I attatched a screenshot of what I want my picture to be :3

Game Help / Help?
« on: July 08, 2012, 05:35:33 pm »
;DHi Guys. here I am AGAIN! Ok, so I finally got the map problem fixed but I need some more help. Here are some questions i have:
1.How to download meshes? Where do you save them? How do you open them?
2. Could you guys tell me where I could get some really cool nature meshes? ex;
fish, more trees, swamp plants, moss beds, reeds, ducks ;), pond flowers, bird nests, pebbles, herbs, bushes, blueberry/flower bushes....
3. WHERE do I find lots of meshes when ever I need them?
4.I once watched a vid on how to add meshes and the person just typed 'waterfall1.mesh' Do all meshes have to be added that way?
5.How to make mapped rps? Every time I join one, they always have this link that is like then some weird code or sth. How do I do that? (make the site for the download)
6. How do you get objects from FH+ into normal FH?
Ok, yeah i know LOTS of Questions. Sorry! I'm so new to this game but I already love it :3

Game Help / Ok, 3 words; Gimp 2.8, Feralheart maps, Help!!!
« on: July 08, 2012, 09:37:02 am »
;DHi Guys! Ok, so I was watching this vid today on how to make Feralheart terrain maps (video link is below) and the girl in the vid used Gimp 2.6. But, I had recently (actually just yesterday) got Gimp 2.8. The map making was a little different, different tools, etc... But, After I finally finished my map, the girl said it must be a .png file, but when i went into file options, .png wasn't there. I even looked through the online Gimp help book or whatever but it didn't really help :P
I looked through the comments at the bottom of the video, and some people had the same questions (about gimp 2.8) but none of those comments had been answered. Oh, and by the way, Once I DO finally get .png or whatever, and put in media-->terrains, how do I open it in the Feralheart map maker? I have LOADS of other questions about Feralheart maps, but thats for later. i think the reason it didn't work in Feralheart is because it wasn't png. Do I need to get Gimp 2.6 for it to work? It was really complicated for me to get gimp in the first place, (don't ask why ;)) and I don't really want to re-do my map. (I attached it to the post but I'm not sure if it worked) Now I did do Greyscale, and 513x513 size I just need help with how to open it and with the .png stuff. Please help!!! :o :o :o

here is the video link---->

Game Help / Screenshot help!!!! D:
« on: July 06, 2012, 07:24:01 pm »
 :) Hey guys, I'm having some Feralheart trouble. I recently got FH+ (feralheartplus) and I was trying to take some screen shots. I pressed the 'prt sc' button in the top right corner of my laptop keyboard, but the screen didn't pause or anything. And when I looked in My Feralheart plus--->screenshots, there wasn't anything there but 'read me'. I tryed it on normal FH too, but the samething happened. Nothing in the FH screenshot folder OR the FH+ folder (screenshots) PLease help! :-\

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