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Topics - Riku.

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Characters / ~plushie~
« on: November 17, 2012, 05:13:25 am »


once upon a time when the lands where spread with famine because of over hunting. Plushie one of the wisest wolfs at that time she lead all the animals that would listen to her she said with honesty "only eat one caribou a week and use the ice to preserve the food" and after a few mouths the cycle of life was back to normal again so she became the best leader of the south pole sometimes when a wolf was kicked out of a pack he or she would come to plushies pack to ask if it could join yet if you where a arctic wolf or timber you where accepted in the pack you know her name was not always plushie her real name was sakaua after the goddess of life yet as she grew she was the nicest wolf in her pack so every one called her plushie she gets so used to time some times she forgets her real name but if other packs did no agree with the way she had her pack she was still the greatest leader the south pole has ever known.

mate: no
power: beauty
theme song

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