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Topics - Karakuri

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / ||:||Desert Bluebird||:||
« on: July 21, 2012, 04:08:38 am »
Our forums link is here: Please note we are a very literate, in-depth rp with an intricate plotline and lots of details! Human rp, but we accept animals as well!!

    Desert Bluebird is a very literate, unrealistic, post-apocolyptic human rp. Below are the plot, and several extra things you and your character should know. It's kind of intricate, and I spent a good amount of time planning this, so please follow the Lore and such. I find it irritating when people don't. Anyways, read the following posts, then post your character's forms below, please!

Table of Contents:
Post 1 -- Table of Contents, Plot, and Rules
Post 2 -- Countries, Species, and Religions
Post 3 -- Book Characters and Forms
Post 4 -- Downloads
Post 5 -- News/Extra
Every Post from then on -- Chatting and Forms[/color]


::The Plot::

Desert Bluebird takes place in the ruins of the contenient of Bolganio. This contenient, once a lush, green land, is now a barren, scorched desert. Around a hundred and fifty years previously, the government, in an attempt to preserve resources, offered a shocking solution to the citizens of the world: create a body that would not cause war, hunger, pain, or sadness. People came in swarms to recieve this 'invincible new body', since they believed what made a human was a soul, not a flesh body. However, something went awry with the operation. "The New Humanity", as they are now called, are just metal shells. They are soulless, human hating monsters, hunting down every human they can find, either forcing them to have an operation, or just die. For some reason, they still listen to the government leaders, who, ironically enough, are still human. These Androids, still called the "New Humanity", eventually caused the radiation and pollution of the environment, turning it into the desolate heap of sand dunes it is now.

         In this rp, you will take the roll of a human, a Ruler, an Android, a Vector, or even a companion animal that holds the fate of humanity in their hands. You must locate the Trans-Dimensional Orbital Interface (or TDOI), which is a government supercomputer capable of rewriting history so that the New Humanity never existed. However, to restore Lucifenia (and the rest of the world) to it's former environmental state, you must track down the Desert Bluebird. This Bluebird is a miracle...and a legend. Many are even doubtful of it's existance. It is a divine creature, capable of granting a single wish to it's captor, before jetting off to be hunted down again. It scorns humanity (or what's left of it), and has unearthly speed, and is very clever, making it hard to catch. However, it's said to be able to sense the intentions and hearts of humans, judging them on this.



  • Let's talk about Literacy: Alright, so (hopefully) you've already given me an rp sample, and (hopefully) you've been accepted. If you're on this site and I told you "Sorry, but no.", Please leave the premises immediately, if you'd be so kind. Anyways, I expect all rpers in this rp to roleplay in paragraph format. They must attempt to spell what they can correctly, and refrain from using text talk during roleplay. Also, if you would use acceptable grammar, that would be pretty awesome too.


  • So you like Romance, hmm?: So do I, at times. When it is inappropriate (describing too deeply or things of that nature) or too sudden, however, I loathe it. You can't just see someone and fall in love. I will punch you in the face, laugh at you, then remove you from our scheduled programming. Just kidding. I'll give you three (and only three) warnings on this. After strike tres, I will seriously laugh at your Romeo-failure and remove you from this roleplay. I also dislike when it becomes the main plot of the story. That sucks, okay? Don't do it. For reals.


  • Activity: We need this. Especially if you rp a book character, a Vector, or a Ruler. Even if you don't, I'd like for you to be on to rp a couple of times a week.


  • Godmodding, Powerplaying, or Being a Jerk OOC: Okay, I kind of Generalized this rule, but all three bug me about the same. Which is a lot. Now I'm not exactly a ray of sunshine myself, but I don't just lash out at random people for no reason. Usually if I hurt someone's feelings, they hurt mine first. Anyways, as for the Godmodding and Powerplaying, just try not to make your character puke rainbows and fart clouds, please? We allow things like witches, reincarnation, and mutants, but will not allow vampires (real ones would shrivel in the desert, and let's not even start on Twilight) or most kinds of werewolves (the big hairy uncontrollable human-like ones are just perfect!). If you are unsure of your character, let me or a trusted rp member approve it first.


  • Companion Animals and Book Characters: Companion Animals are small (usually useless) animals that follow a single human around, like a pet. Common ones are things like dogs, snakes, birds, and little rodents. Uncommon ones, usually owned by higher ups like Rulers or Rebellion leaders, are things like small dragons, the occasional jungle cat, and wolves. You cannot 'steal' an exotic companion animal, seeing as they form a bond with a single human. If their human dies, best case scenario is that they die as well. Worst? They wander around in an oblivious, mad, depressed state. You must see if there are any available humans to accompany, as well. The password for the map is miracle. As for book characters, they're in the same post as races, so look them up, apply to be them, and if I say yes, have at it!




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