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Topics - scar24

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Site/Forum Help / How do you post pictures on the fourm?
« on: August 25, 2013, 05:36:28 pm »
I know many get annoyed by people who post links to a picture.I've been wondering for quite some time,and i don't know why i didn't ask earlier.Can anyone tell me how to post pictures? (not sure if this is in the right place)

Game Help / Origanl Canine and feline Masks?(please help)
« on: August 25, 2013, 05:18:02 pm »
While useing a whole new mod, i accidentally deleted/over writed the original Masks for both feline and canine.Does anyone know where i can get them again or something?

Request/Find Meshes / ~::ManyMeshesNeeded(PleaseHelp)::~
« on: August 14, 2013, 10:07:26 pm »
I'm currently making a map and i need some meshes to be made or found if possible.If you need pics i'll be happy to give you them.If anyone could help me i'd appreciate it very much.

Meshes i need found or made:

  • Multiple different Horse jumps
  • Bleachers
  • Piles of hay
  • Horse trough
  • Horse tack items(such as brushes,saddles,bridles, and etc
  • Horse trailer
  • A hose rolled up and on that's not
  • Buckets

Request Maps / ~:: 2 Height Map Request ::~
« on: August 12, 2013, 01:57:04 am »
I'm still really new at making height maps and I'm not able to make the right one for a map i have in mind.I know what type of height map im looking for but im having a hard time of thinking how to explain it, so please bare with me.I'm looking for someone who's willing to take the time and have the time to take this request.If someone will make one or both height maps i would greatly appreciate it.Though I'd love to do something in return , like i said im kinda new at this.I can make presets, but i cant promise they will come out perfect like most(for more info about that please pm me).
I'm looking for a height map that has some hills that aren't too high yet aren't too small/ arent too close to each other.There must be a flat land somewhere in between with a creek somewhere and a small yet not too small or too big lake in the flat lands.Basicly what im trying to request is kinda/almost like lands in the movie Spirit only in height map form.
In this one im looking for a height map that has almost the same set up as a real forest.There has to be a creek somewhere,a mountain side of all different sizes and stuff.Flat lands in the middle and somewhere a river seperating the middle of the terrain with land in the middle of the river.
I'm sorry if i sound a bit confusing i've never requested a height map before.If you need anymore details ask away,please don't hesitate.If you have any questions regarding this please pm me or ask below.

Request/Find Meshes / Looking for farm related meshes ^^ please help
« on: August 11, 2013, 11:33:31 pm »
Greeting fellow FeralHeart users, I'm ineed of some meshes for yet another map im making(Only one is public the rest are not.). I'm looking for any kind of mesh that is related to a farm, or can pass off as an object that would look like it belongs in one.Some mesh's I'm looking for are a chicken coop,hay,plants,fences,farm house,green house,dog houses,dog bed,dog bowl,furniture and more.All meshes must be in a zip file if possible please.

Request Maps / ~::Map Request::~
« on: August 05, 2013, 06:09:21 am »
Greeting Fellow FearlHeart users, I'm looking for someone who's made maps before,Who's willing to take their time and of course have time to do it.I,m just looking for someone to be able to create a Realistic as possible forest map for my rpgroup .Who ever can do this, i would very much appreciate it.If you have any questions regarding this request please feel free to ask me.

What I'd like to be in the map if possible ^^ :
 1.A small creek flowing through a random part of the lands with a waterfall.
 2.A mountain/hill side/part of the map (If you can do it if not its ok)
 3.Hollow logs that you can climb through
4. Loner dens spread throughout the map but no where near each other.
5.If possible tree dens/small underground dens
6.Flowers,grass,Bushes,pine trees,rocks etc.....please no animals
7. if it makes it easier to do the underground dens you can make this map more than one map if you know what i mean.

2.10,000-30,000 length wise
3.Make the height whatever you think would be best
4.Name: FAHF
5.I'm in no rush, so take your time on the map.When its done its done ^^
6.Let your imagination flow ^^

Request Other Mods/Creations / ~::Collar Item request::~
« on: August 05, 2013, 02:30:51 am »
Greetings fellow FeralHeart users, i'm ineed of someone who could please make me a collar item made to fit the feline model and/ or canine model, or if one already exist to please link me to it.This collar item can be any color except pink, and it must have some kind of tag/s connected to it like a real collar.The tags/s if possible must be either , silver or maybe a gold color.If anyone does happen to create it or link me to one i would very much appreciate it.(im not really sure if this belongs in this section, if not could someone move it for me please and thank you ^^ )

Greetings fellow FeralHeart users,I'm ineed of finding some lava,dragon,and bone meshes and some particles for a map i have started.These meshes must be in a zip file if possible, if anyone could please help me find theses meshes or create them i would very much appreciate it.

Meshes&Particles I'm looking for:

1.Thick grey/black smoke

2. Volcano  

3. Lava textured den

4. coal colored Black rocks

5. Leafless partly lava colored trees

6. Dragon skull and spine mesh

7. Lava water

8. Lava waterfall
 and anything else anyone could find would be great ^^

Game Help / FH Cinema Map Help.
« on: August 01, 2013, 05:30:24 pm »
Can someone please help me? i downloaded the FeralHeart cinema map and followed every direction in the readme, but i went in the map and i can't see the couches.Does anyone know how to fix this?

Characters / ~Fire~
« on: July 26, 2013, 05:26:39 am »
Bio:Long ago lived two separate packs named Fire and ice after their alpha's names.Over the years these two packs fought against each other brutally destroying one's family and lands.Many believed Fire was a pack made of dark tinted pelted wolves who had dark souls and had no heart at all,while others believed ice was made of light tinted pelted wolves who had kind souls and hearts made of pure gold.Though these people believed wrong,my pack was not dark like they say,we had hearts filled with light,we had souls who cared."Ice was one pack who didn't care,we tried to talk to them to no success ,their alphaness Ice didn't want to hear any of our words.All she seemed to care for is finding something to accuse another of and lead her pack into war.It's been a few months now that this war as been going on and im afraid it won't last much longer.My family is dieing and there's nothing i can do,we'd run yet they'd track us down trying to tear us apart,we'd hide and they'd seek finding us every time.I have giving up and surrendered myself over to ice knowing i was the one she wanted,But i made her promise she'd leave the rest of my family alone.She had promised but never kept it,I watched her pack kill and tear each of my pack mates apart unable to do a thing.Right then and there i had lost everything,I had nothing to live for, and nothing to hope for".(To be continued)

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