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Topics - ThaBIue

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Request/Find Meshes / Can't find specific meshes?
« on: August 27, 2013, 03:30:16 am »
Okay, I'm still redownloading a lot of meshes after my FH crashed ^^; , but it seems not all my back-up files have retrieved some of the meshes I'm looking for..

1) A untextured somewhat detailed-like cat?

I believe these 2 are in a mesh bundle~
2) A horse mesh(not wombat) from Autumn City map.
3) A sheep mesh also from Autumn City.

Game Help / Making item help?
« on: August 23, 2013, 07:07:14 pm »
Well I don't even know if you can make a item from object maker... Just how to put it to game?

Game Help / Item help?? :solved:
« on: August 21, 2013, 05:42:34 pm »
I'm not exactly pro when it comes to setting up positions for items... I have an item I have been trying to get in the right position.. I don't exactly understand the numbers of what is what... Can someone explain how it works, or can they set the item up for me? ~Thank you.

Game Help / Anyone have dropbox, needing favor please...? (FIXED)
« on: August 12, 2013, 03:48:34 pm »
Sorry if this doesn't go here, I wasn't sure.. I recently had a issue to were I had to reinstall my feralheart. I did save back up files but for some reason that made the game crash each time I tried opening it with the put-back-in-files... I also have a few mesh back up files stored on my Mediafire, but only problem is(and this happens rarely) that Mediafire wont let me download 2 of them. I've been trying to find someone for nearly a week now but no one really has dropbox I guess.. That being said, I was wondering if anyone could download those 2 non-working files and put them on dropbox for me to download. After downloading I'll let you know so you can remove it once I downloaded it.. ~Thank you.

Request/Find Meshes / Looking for city meshes.
« on: August 07, 2013, 05:08:38 am »
I am planning a update for Autumn City and was wondering if someone could make a human mesh?

Also, I'm looking for meshes that are city/farm/shelter related so I can add newer stuff.

Request/Find Meshes / Cant find who made this mesh? :Found:
« on: July 29, 2013, 03:06:43 am »
Grass Mesh?
I have been looking for someone who can make me or get me that one grass that's on the feralcity map. It's brighter green and thicker and I think from something called K.I.T.O. or IW or IT.

Who made that item?
Who made the red bracelet item in a item pack, I'd like to ask them something but I don't remember where to find them..

Request/Find Meshes / Can't find this mesh! :Found:
« on: July 16, 2013, 09:44:30 pm »
I have been looking for a specific mesh for quite some time but can't seem to find it. It's a grass mesh except much thicker and I believe lighter than the plain grass patch FH already comes with. I know it's on the map FeralCity. It looks like the grass in this link:

Finished Maps / Autumn City ::Huge Detail:: {Public}(Moved)
« on: July 10, 2013, 11:08:19 pm »

Go to link below. I will no longer answer comments/questions here. Lock if so.

Site/Forum Help / Account related issue
« on: June 30, 2013, 08:45:30 am »
Hello there and I have a problem that I been hearing and noticing.. You get a FH account that has been working fine and everything runs well, but suddenly in a about maybe a week(or that's what happen to 3 of us, including myself), you can't log into the account.. You try making sure every possible correction is made that you typed it in right. Then you head over to the site to log in but it states that there is no user by that name when you try to log in... I have had this problem, a DA user has, and one of my friends. Are the accounts deleted or what's the issue there?

Well now that I got a new account that actually is not removed, it's not a issue to me, but I'm scared that it may happen to this account now that I know it has happen with past users...

Game Help / Black screening issue.
« on: June 25, 2013, 09:47:40 am »
My sister's computer has this issue a lot but it mainly affects onto FH. It black screens(like black-screens and holds for 2-5 sec. then normal screen reappears. But it constantly does this 10 sec after it already had done it the first time, and it repeats) a lot. Before I got my laptop, I had the issue on that comp with it constantly blackscreen to the point I didn't play FH for years till I finally got a laptop. Yet I don't know what the problem is with that computer.. It mainly black screens when she's making maps or her character, and loads when she's on the actual game.

Anything to fix this or anything we need to do to get rid of this?

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