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Topics - Chapawee

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Request/Find Meshes / Mesh requests
« on: November 03, 2013, 06:16:41 pm »
Is there a Starfleet Enterprise mesh? Just asking. xD

Hi fellow Floofs, I'm creating a huge pack of Impressive Title based maps for anybody who misses them. I didn't have my internet yet when IT was still around but I'm on a few servers and I was inspired to make maps. You can find the download links to finished maps at the bottom of this post;several maps are done. Enjoy them! :)

There will be many more maps after these. But please be appreciative because I worked my tail off making this. I hand-added everything from all the trees to each clump of grass. I still need to find the code to make the grass wave but I've added grass with water sounds to the river. I don't mean to brag, but I've earned some serious bragging rights with all the hard work I'm putting into this. I even found the IT music.

The next maps in this project (not in order):
Impressive Forest (0%)
Impressive Gathering (0%)
Impressive Plains (0%)
Impressive Jungle (0%)
Impressive Islands (0%)

Before anybody calls this a ripoff, it's NOT a ripoff! Lots of these maps are my own remakes based off of IT maps. I'm putting lots of work into this project.

Edit: Crap. I have to add a portal to the Savannah map. *flips table* But I'll add one in Impressive Cave because you can get there from the Savannah.
Finished maps:
Impressive Savannah:
Impressive Cave:
Sun Temple:

Site/Forum Help / Rumors
« on: November 01, 2013, 08:57:58 pm »
I've heard a rumor that Raz is doing a big update or something. Just to clarify, it it true? There's so many slight variations I've heard and I'm really confused now. xD

Game Help / Map music
« on: October 31, 2013, 12:34:25 am »
How do I add a music group to my map?

Request/Find Meshes / Tauren mesh?
« on: October 20, 2013, 05:39:04 pm »
I want the Tauren building meshes from WOW but I don't know where to get them at or how to convert them.

Finished Maps / Chapawee's Village Remake, V1
« on: October 13, 2013, 06:04:46 pm »
This is the remake of the map I lost. I used a ton of different meshes and stuff, and I just learned the basics of re-texturing. I re-textured some flags and stuff. The height map, terrain mask, map ideas, longhouse mesh, wigwam mesh, wolf statue mesh, my den mesh, campfire mesh (with stones around it), fern lean-to mesh, hut thing mesh, and map title are all mine! My meshes were made in ObjectMaker. I re-textured my den mesh with a dance floor texture (that is NOT mine) and I made some buildings out of Hammy's lean-to meshes, I hope they don't mind because I didn't claim the actual lean to and dance floor as mine. I got the fern lean-to idea from Hammy's lean-to, and I wanted to see if I could make a complex mesh like that. I'm not trying to make a ripoff item of anything. xD

You can all find the rules next to a welcome sign when you enter. It's basically just simple everyday rules of being polite and whatnot. I also re-textured the basiccube.mesh to the MoltenMetal_GoldMat to make a random cool item. Again, the molten gold texture isn't mine either.

I'm sorry I couldn't remember the names of every mesh creator whose stuff I used but I'll try to credit as many as I can. I used Tetsu's bridges, Glave's meshes+textures, Hamilton's meshes, the default FH meshes, Lion9962's warrior cat meshes, and I also used Thierry's meshes (including the Tompaq laptop and the dens). Thank you all! :3

As for the things I made, I'm not sure if I'll put them up for download yet. I worked very hard on them and I don't want anyone to steal them.

I hope you all enjoy this map! Screenies are included below le download. :)
Here's the download link:

My personal den (with my wolf statues).

The Medicine Den.

My longhouse and wigwam meshes.

Part of the Pond Resort.

Game Help / How do I re-texture items?
« on: October 13, 2013, 05:19:53 am »
How do I re-texture items? For example, I wanted to make a poster that says 'Welcome to Chapawee's Den." This may seem like a silly question, but how do I do things like this?

Game Help / Particle problem
« on: October 13, 2013, 02:19:18 am »
I can't load the fog or splash particle. Why? It's in the default particle folder and it comes with FH.

Praise / A shout-out to the community
« on: October 13, 2013, 01:12:59 am »
First off, I don't know where this topic should go because praise says "praise for friends." This is praise for a huge group. xD
Secondly, sorry this post is so freaking long but I have a lot to say.

I just want to thank the entire FH Community for being such great people. This is like a (very big) second family to me; my parents are nice but I have many great friends here who understand me a bit more, being fellow teens and all. This is one of the few parts of society that I actually like. In fact, FH is like its own society.

The game is awesome and so is everyone here! Even if there's few game updates, all the people who make meshes/mods/textures/etc. for the game are very creative. In fact, I recently learned to make some in Object Maker! And even for people who don't create stuff like that, you're still creating something. Don't think you can't contribute to FH, because you can too. You help to make a welcoming, happy, floofy atmosphere here. :D

To me (and probably many others), FeralHeart also provides a great escape from reality. We can all make our own maps, items, meshes, names, and personalized characters here. We don't have to worry about lousy crap like jobs, money, housing, and society in FH. And we don't even have to pay for this amazing place!

I love the fact that we can basically build our own "other life" here. We can all make our own appearances and be ourselves here; we all get to experience a unique and diverse community. There's no subscriptions or costs to worry about, as well as no horrible chat filters. Even if there's no hunting or combat options like in IT, this has to be the best game and forum I have ever seen! I'm very proud to be a part of this great community.

The rules are fair and there's always tons of creativity and freedom here. Here, the confining boundaries of reality are no more! And I've only encountered one or two rude people in all the time I've been here. That's incredible compared to all the morons in reality, and those few people in game weren't even that bad.

I absolutely love this place. All the irritating crap of reality and all my problems just disappear here. FH provides a truly amazing experience both in game and on the forums.

I want to thank all the great staff, fellow floofs, and nice friends here. I truly wish real life could be like this!
Thank you all! *Gives everyone a giant group hug*
FeralHeart gives me something more to look forward to every day!
-Note: My life isn't totally awful but it could be a bit better. Just want to clear that up. xD

If home is where the heart is, FH is like a second home to me. I love it with all my heart! <3
Just in case anybody is curious, I'm the flame colored wolf on the bottom right couch. The white wolf next to me is my friend AlphaEclipse.

Site/Forum Help / What happened to DarkPetal?
« on: October 12, 2013, 11:17:32 pm »
I saw a bunch of people with "In memory of DarkPetal" or "R.I.P. DarkPetal" in their signatures. Who is DarkPetal and what happened? I'n not trying to be nosy or anything but I must have missed something because I have no idea what's going on...

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