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Topics - Saylor156

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Game Suggestions & Ideas / Presets on your own Maps
« on: August 12, 2011, 02:01:20 am »
I don't know if this idea has been posted but...

The idea is that when you make a preset, others should be able to see it automatically on you own maps. It could just be a selection you could make while making the map that others could see it or not. (you could choose one or multiple presets per map)

It would be good for rp things.

I hope this makes sense to you all! =D it would be SO awesome!

Game Help / Presets?
« on: August 07, 2011, 04:07:44 pm »
Ok, I don't get what the point of presets are. I'm not trying to sound rude, but why make them if others can't see them?

Or can they see them somehow? Or is it just my computer that won't allow others to see mine?

Stories / WIP dragon story
« on: July 31, 2011, 11:20:34 pm »
(Note: to make my paragraphs indent, I will add two underscores at the beginnings of them)

__From the surrounding areas, it was as if a kind of substance that was neither gas nor water had filled the valley. The morning sun didn't even affect the fog, for it kept swirling peacefully.
__A dark shape loomed from the misty-lake, ominously diving back beneath the silver waves like a water-creature. A sudden shriek broke the early silence, echoing eerily among the valley walls.
__Below the mist and the perfect dawn, two dragons sparred ferociously in midair.
__"You'll regret ever coming here, flutterwings," one snarled before raking its claws down its opponent's shining green flanks.
__Stung by the insult, the smaller, green dragon redoubled its efforts against the larger dragon. However, all it managed to do was get its throat clasped by huge, muscular talons. An arm slid around her chest, holding her fast against the large, black dragon. She was left helpless in her captor's grasp.
__"Either get out of here or I'll slice your throat and leave you in the sun to burn before you die," the black dragon whispered into her ear.
__Emerald narrowed her eyes and stopped struggling. "I'll be back for what is rightfully mine, Obsidian. It wasn't yours and never will be," she growled back.
__Obsidian smirked. "Alright.But mark my words, I will be living in this valley until I die. And who knows how long that'll be. Maybe up to 1000 years if stupid little flutters like you stop coming into my valley to distract me from hunting my real prey."
__With that, the black dragon let the dragoness go and watched her fly off, grinning darkly.

I know it sucks. I just thought of it as I went. I haven't planned anything out. XD

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Start Requesting! (Closed for now)
« on: July 11, 2011, 12:40:55 am »
If you want a cartoon-ish drawing of a wolf (in a realistic pose: sitting, running, howling, etc) but don't feel like making one, just fill out the form below and I'll make you something!

Emotion: (that I make him/her with)
Gender: (so I can make it obvious)
Basic Color(s):
Spec. Marking(s):
Use for pic: (So that I can find a good size)
Words on the Pic?: (Names, a poem, etc)

Here are some examples of my pictures:

This is also my avatar

Please do not copy any of my work.  And by the way, my weak spot is paws, so I might not include them if you say it's ok!

Game Help / How do you make hills/valleys on MapMaker?
« on: July 05, 2011, 02:19:22 am »
The maps I make feel slightly boring because they are perfectly flat. I don't know how to make the hills/valleys that I've seen others have in their maps.

Do I have to download something special? Or is there a button/code I have to know? I am so bad with this stuff, so please help!  :P

Game Help / How do I upload my map for others to use?
« on: June 29, 2011, 11:11:24 pm »
I have a map I want to share with other FH players, and I don't know how to upload it. I have an account on mediafire, but I need somebody to help me.

Whenever I download somebody else's map, it has a different ".___" at the end. I don't know how to change it, so please help!

Game Help / Which patch do I download?
« on: June 28, 2011, 09:02:43 pm »
Today when I tried to login to my game account, it said I needed to download the new patch on Well, I came and clicked the new patch (The only patch on the downloads page...) and it asked me if I wanted to overwrite "FeralHeart". Please help me, because I really want to play soon! :)

Game Help / Which Patch do I download?
« on: June 28, 2011, 08:59:39 pm »
Today when I tried to login to my game account, it said I had to download the new patch. I was wondering which one it is because when I try to save it, it asks if I want to overwrite "FeralHeart". Please help! :)

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