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Topics - Silvertail12

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Discussion Board / How to deal with trolls
« on: January 19, 2012, 01:18:11 am »
Zing's Guide To Dealing With Trolls

check it out and maybe it'll help for those who deal with trolls a lot

Leaving / School-related -.-
« on: January 11, 2012, 11:38:04 pm »
hi guys, I just returned to school and since im in 8th grade and my parents want me to focus more on school than video games and whatnot, y'know, stuff to "waste lives" on XD
so yeah, im going to be offline for sometime, but im not going to disappear completely. when i have spare time ill be on FH game, not forums since wont have the time to message and hang out with friends at the same time
so ill be back soon, in like....2 months and a half (wow D8) but in March ill be back, and celebrating my b-day :D
bye guys ^^ be back in March (except there are a few days off so ill be on during those days)

EDIT: So i managed to fit some time in my schedule :D i'll still spend some time on FH, but less than usual tho. i'll get on when i want to but lately i havnt even bothered. it doesnt matter for now since FH is down for a week
*sighs* its like being grounded ALL over again -.-
i'll stop talking now  :)

Discussion Board / Out of curiosity....
« on: January 05, 2012, 01:27:41 am »
Is it wrong to think that a cartoon character is cute :P
yeah sorry ive been derping about this character ever since i started rewatching a series XD

Game Help / *Still Unsolved* can't find the portal to my map
« on: January 04, 2012, 06:46:57 pm »
I downloaded the map Futago pass

there is a map in there, but i cant seem to find the portal to get into the map. i checked videos, methods, and topics on the forum but i couldn't find how to get the portal. can anyone help?
i use Windows 7 by the way

Game Help / Number of users online decreasing? O.O
« on: January 02, 2012, 07:44:34 pm »
this morning the number was up to 500s when i logged in. i had to log off to do something with the computer and couldn't get on again. currently there are 86 users playing O.O
its the end of FH! death is upon users O.O

lol jk XD

but seriously what's happening?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / ~Silvertail12's Ideas
« on: December 28, 2011, 11:23:53 pm »
1. friend chat a different color. when friends are talking to each other and the local is really full, the friends chat should be a specific color like purple or orange. that way, they can chat without having to worry about mistaking their speech for someone else in local.
2. double markings! when ppl are trying to make a new character, there should be another tab that lets you get another making for your char and make it a different color. characters can be more unique that way

thx for reading and let me know what you think :3

Introduction / Joined the forums :D
« on: December 28, 2011, 04:35:14 pm »
Ive been a FH user for a while but i only used the game instead of forums.  ever since the evil patch came out ive been in the forums a lot more than before. so im here to stay but i wont be on forums as much as FH game itself XD

Game Help / I feel stupid but help me, where's South Pole
« on: December 27, 2011, 05:31:52 am »
I got the new patch today but i havent been able to play because of my cousins visiting. i got a chance to play for a little while but i was able to find the new map 'South Pole' ppl say its not a have-to-dowload map but i cant find it...where is it?
Thx. you have no idea how stupid i feel >.<

Game Help / can't find portal to my map?
« on: December 16, 2011, 05:54:52 pm »
ok so i downloaded this map:

i have winrar and i compressed the file into the exports folder
i got online and went to the Cape of Distant Worlds and the portal wasnt there.
ive tried many things: uninstall it, move it, change it, and even switched to winzip and it still did not show.
what did i do wrong? how do i get the portal?

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