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Topics - silverMarie

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Request/Find Meshes / Looking for deer and bear meshes.||Solved||
« on: January 07, 2013, 05:52:47 am »
Just as the title states, I'm looking for a buck and some bear meshes. At one point I had both but lost all the files x.x An antlered deer would be preferred. Thank you in advance.

Game Help / Probably a noobie question.
« on: December 30, 2012, 02:20:57 am »
Well I am going to make a map but I don't want to use the pre made textures that come with the game..
My question is; Where can I get more textures? Seamless would be grand.
Do I just get images from google? Thank you in advance.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Echo Lake Dog Park||Open! You may post :D||
« on: December 10, 2012, 07:32:20 pm »
Welcome to Echo Lake Dog Park!

Welcome to our dog park! Where you and your best friend can enjoy our open runs, agility course, food court, and our Doggy Salon! We hope you and your loyal companion enjoy your stay.

Dog Park rules
-Keep your dog under control.
-Keep you dog leashed if you do not trust him.
-If you see your dog 'bullying' another dog please leash him and remove him from the park.
-Be kind to other people's dogs.
-No abusing your dog or any other dogs in the park.
-No fighting with other people in the park.
-Have fun!

~Keep OOC chat to a minimum.
~No OOC fighting.
~Drama and romance are encouraged but don't keep all the attention on you all the time.
~You can RP as a human and a dog if you would like to.
~Your owner can be a NPC.
~You can be a stray but please if you see quite a few strays in this RP try not be a stray.
~Be as literate and active as possible.
~Have fun :3

Other Games / The Future is Black
« on: November 12, 2012, 03:48:39 pm »
The Future is Black
Call of Duty: Black ops II
Status: Offline
Prestige counter: Master Prestige
Hello Everyone! Am I the only one who is excited for Black Ops 2? I loved the original Black Ops and still do. what are you most excited for in the new installment of Call of Duty? I have always loved Call of Duty, not a big fan of Modern Warfare 3, and am most excited for the new one! I can barely wait, just hopping out of my chair thinking about it :'D
For some of you who have not heard about this game here are some YouTube videos I have gathered for you all :3

Discussion Board / Funny youtube videos?
« on: November 09, 2012, 04:04:48 am »
I have see so many hilarious YouTube videos! xD Post some videos of the ones you think are absolutely hilarious. OMG I laughed the whole time XD I know it seems "mean" to laugh but what were they thinking letting her do that anyways? :p I'll never know, but it's still funny.
There are so many others that I love to watch but I can't post them all, it will take up so much space xD

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Year 2451 [Inactive since 22/12/2012]
« on: November 07, 2012, 07:59:42 am »
Year 2451

It's been two years since the World War started, dogs have been abandoned or used in the war as attack dogs, bomb sniffing dogs, etc. But the ones who were left behind now have to survive while constantly fearing of being a victim to the constant shooting or starvation.
The year is 2451 and the whole world has gone to complete chaos, all the countries are fighting each other for resources. The humans began using animals in the war from wolves to the domestic house cat, you are a cat or a dog living in this world you are either forgotten or in the war. Do you choose to run from the soldiers trying to use you in the war or do you choose to join them? Where do you stand?

~No OOC Fighting.
~This will obviously be a 'gory' role-play, only join if you can deal with that.
~Be literate please.
~War dogs are not abused, so don't make the humans abusive monsters.
~Any dog is used in the war. Yes even chihuahuas, the smaller dogs are normally used to go through small tunnels to transport notes.
~No power-playing or god-modding. If you die just make another character.
~No role-playing as humans yet or wolves.
~Max of 3 characters.
Code: [Select]
[img]Image url here[/img]
[u]Species:[/u](canine or Feline)
[u]War Dog/Cat?:[/u](Yes/no)
[u]Handler:[/u](If you are in the war.)
[u]About Handler:[/u]

Discussion Board / Hurricane Sandy
« on: October 29, 2012, 04:30:41 pm »
This hurricane is freaking me out and I'm in Michigan. I can't only begin to imagine hat the people on or near the coast are feeling. To all my friends over on the East coast I am praying for you  and everyone else's safety.
Live feed:
If that is lagging use this:
What are our thoughts on Sandy? Are any of you already experiencing the weather from it?

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Prom Night [Inactive since 12/12/2012]
« on: October 27, 2012, 03:37:17 am »
Prom Night
Prom night. The best night for every girl, makeup, pretty dresses, beautiful hair, and most of all prom King and Queen. The year is 2016, all of the senior class have awaited this night, the night to get all done up and be beautiful and handsome, well most of the senior class, some of them could care less about prom and would much rather hang out with their friends and do things they shouldn't be doing. But this year, it's all going to change, for the worse..

You are a teenage boy/girl going to prom with the one you love. Suddenly you hear screaming and see blood going to the bathroom. You alert the security and they investigate and tell everyone that they must all go outside. Only to find out you can't open any of the doors or windows, even the phones are out. Now your stuck inside, people are going missing one by one. How long will you survive?

Prom Rules
-No drugs or alcohol.
-No explicit activities.
-No fighting.
-No harassment or bullying of others.
-Boys and girls do not share Hotel rooms.

RP Rules
~No OOC fighting.
~Don't go overboard with the cursing.
~Minimum of 3 characters.
~No god-modding or power-play
~Please don't steal other character's dates, that's rude. 030
~Gore is allowed.
~You can die. If you die, make another char if you want.
~Have fun.

Other Games / IMVU-image heavy-
« on: October 17, 2012, 06:24:47 am »

I think IMVU is such a fun chatting software ^-^ Does anyone else play?
*note- this trailer was made in 2010, the game looks much better now ^.^

Random pictures:

As you can see this is a really great chatting software, well to me it is. :3 Hope to see you there

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Wolf's Rain RP
« on: October 15, 2012, 06:42:04 am »
Wolf's Rain

According to an old legend, when the end of the world comes, Paradise will appear; however, only wolves will know how to find it. Although wolves are believed to have been hunted to extinction nearly two hundred years ago, they still exist, surviving by taking human form. Freeze City is a northern human city in a world where the majority of people live in poverty and hardship.

~This Role-play will be in-game and we will have a map, it will be public until I can make us one.

~ Please be literate or semi-literate please.
~Be able to download map/s
~If you choose to be one of the main WR characters you MUST be active!
~It it would be a plus if you watched the WR series.
~If you choose one of the main WR characters please try your best to make your in-game char look like the one you chose.
~No god-modding, power-playing etc.
~Cursing is allowed but not to be overused.
~Mating and birthing must be taken to a whisper.
~No odd colored wolves please.
~Items are allowed and so are presets.


Played by:----


Played by:----


Played by:----

*Ignore the 'you win' thingy.*
Played by:----


Blue is owned by Quent Yaiden, years ago when she was a up their family was killed in a fire. Through the flames Quent saw a pack of wolves and thinks they killed his wife and son. Ever since then he and Blue hunt down and kill wolves.
Played by: SilverMarie (Miki)


Played by:----


The third generation of the Darcia family of Nobles, who were said to be cursed after Darcia the First disappeared into "Paradise". Due to his grandfather's curse, Darcia is now plagued with the eye of a wolf. He seeks to use Cheza to somehow revive his lover Hamona, who has been stricken with "Paradise sickness", in which her soul is "taken by Paradise", causing her to fall into a coma.
Played by:----
*Yes I know, these aren't all the WR characters, if you want to be Quent or any of the supporting characters just say so o3o*

Character wanted:(If you choose one of them, feel free to make your own char.)
Will you be active?:

Application 2*If you want to make your own char*

The RP will start as soon as we have the main WR characters.

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