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Topics - Luna.

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Praise / Thank you floofs so much!
« on: April 13, 2014, 02:09:12 pm »
Alright floofs, Why I am posting a thread a here? Well I'm very thankful and amazed how every single floof in this community, starting with the Admins, Mods and the members of FeralHeart first off.
This game wouldn't be the same without you wonderful Admins/Mods watching over the community, keeping everything safe and secure for the users that come and go on here and in-game. You guys are so kind and really care about this community aswell as the game from guiding members who are in need of help and assistance, you guys are always there. And I well I think everyone  appreciates all the time you guys put in working your floofs butts off for us, aswell as the game.
Thank you Staff Family sososo much! :D <3 ~wiggles arms~

Alright second of the members of this community!
Wow I'm so thankful for the amazing members of this game, from the amazing map-makers, to the creative bootyful preset-makers, to the arts on here that post there wonderful art! And the users that make amazing breathtaking mods for everyone!
 And the floofs who make wonderful Roleplay guides, Guides for preset making, etc!! And the ENB mods that the members created <3 Thank you guys so much! Keep up the amazing work! ~shoots fireworks off~

Once again, Thank you Floofehs, you all are simply amazing. <3


Characters / Mah Charriez .:.UPDATED.:.
« on: April 10, 2014, 05:58:09 pm »
Herro Floofehs, These are my main RP/OOC characters. .3.

(I generally don't RP with her, so I guess shes my OOC.   :D)
Name: Rava
Sex: Female
Nicknames: Ra, Ravalava, Rav
Age: 3 years old
Species: Kalahari Lioness
Mate: Who needs a mate when you've got food.
Personality: Rava is very strong-willed, very sarcastic. She is really competitive and also very stubborn, and protective over her pride members. She is very odd lioness, she rolls in urine of different types of animals because it's like her own perfume she wears around. Although she generally loves to be close to her pride members, cuddle perhaps. She is sometimes incredibly blunt and doesn't realize what she is saying and will possibly hurt a persons feelings unintentionally of course.
Parents: Father: Tonraw Mother: Unalah(Deceased)


(Mah RP charrie :D)
Name: Undiscovered
Sex: Female
Nicknames: Discoball, Diss, Undies, Disco
Age: 4 years old
Species: Stagasaberion (Don't know what that is? Click here.
Mate: Unknown, The dominate Male of the Stagasaberions
Personality: Undisco is the dominate female of the Stagasaberions, But being the dominate female doesn't change her personality, She is friendly, graceful, loyal, and unforgiving. Even though she is a kind Stagasaberion she is very brutal and mean to weak, pathetic males and females around her, who have been defeated or aren't really good at anything she refers to them as 'peasants'. Also She is very reactive to even the slightly moment and turns it into a threat which will turn to undiscovered full out attack you even though you didn't mean to threaten her in anyway. She is very kind to lone females that live in the forest, she offers her protection of there and offers them shelter, food, and a place to rest. She is very cunning and sly, and very intelligent when it comes to confronting her enemies, Also she is very passionate and loving towards her mate, Unknown.

 Zaheer is my main RP character, possibly my most favorite beside's Rava..

Zaheer's Preset download to see him in game :
.:.General Information.:.

Sex: Male
Age: 9 years old
Element: Ice
Sub-species: Barbary lion
Father: Roku
Mother: Unalah
Siblings: Tonraw, Rawhi
Was once lord of Kiwanja Zuhura
Personality: Short-tempered,protective,stubborn,wise.

.:. Backstory .:.

|:| To hate me is to give me breath,to fight me is to give me strenght |:|

Leaving / Wow, I'm actually posting a thread on here..
« on: April 06, 2014, 04:44:16 pm »
Herro floofehs...Yes I'm posting a thread in the 'leaving' section of the forum..Why?
Well it's simple really, Real life situations...Well you see, I'll be moving out of South Florida ( have been waiting to move forever ) and It's finally happening, I'll be moving to Ocala..And I'll be starting my brand new life up there, Of course with my horses..and most importantly my profession, which I am very passionate about. I'll be working 24/7 all day everyday when I move to my new location..And working all the time, I simply won't have anytime for FeralHeart anymore but that doesn't mean I'll be on.. or visiting perhaps, I'll probarely be on at night time..If I'm not to tired and exhausted from my days work and end up floping on my face, sound asleep. xD But anyways I'm very passionate about my job, and I'm going to be fully launched into my career, and won't have time for you floofehs as much as I am now..But that doesn't mean I won't stop spending my time on FeralHeart..Just only at night..Since the reason I've stated already. I'm also going to miss the memories, and fun times and most importantly friends that I've formed throughout this community..But I'm not fully going to leave...Just..Inactive..I'll still be around the forums, flopping and plopping around as usual..And sometimes in-game. At night. Welp. That is all.

.:. Rava .:.


We are beautifully mapped, literate, sited, long-term, active group! Here is the site link! Check it out if you want!
Our Official DeviantArt Group page:

What is a Stagasaberion exactly? Good question a stag/saber/lion smashed together as one = Stagasaberions. Here is the little history behind our species.  Enjoy.~

It all started as a human experiment gone very wrong. They decided to cross species genes to find the perfect predator animal. A killing/fighting machine. Years of failed subjects finally paid off when Project A was created. He looked of a feline cub, an off black with deep black stripes that covered his figure. He had 2 tiny nobs on his skull along with two long canine teeth already developing in his gums. Within a few months the cub had grown little bits of black tufts around his forehead and neck, and the nobs about his skull grew larger, points poking from his skin. He was already off a formula specially made for him and onto soft meats. Within a year of his growth he had shown harsh signs of aggression towards his human owners and was put into a large, caged, habitat with a rouged lioness. Project A felt immediately protective of her as their bond became impenetrable. As another year passed, the male was at his full adult hood, he matured quickly. His saber teeth were 5 inches long and as thick as a highlighter. His antlers were large with a spread of 3 feet with more than 12 points sticking from the bone. His body structure was massive, full of muscle and he stood 5 feet at the shoulders.

Yes we have antlers and saberteeth aswell as striped markings on the bodies.  

Undisco and Unknown are the dominant male and female of the Stagasaberions.

Here are some general rules regarding the role-play!

Though there are no tags or ranks for your characters, there is still a Dominant male and female that must be respected. (Unknown and Undiscovered) Why? Because We created this role-play.

*: Males that join must be permitted by Unknown for the right to mate with one female of the male's choice. We do have long termed commitments and don't tend to mate with more than one female in a lifetime.

*: You are allowed 2 characters in the group.

*: Female Stagasaberions can have up to 4 cubs in a litter.

*:It's highly unlikely that your character will escape a fight without a scratch, even if it's playful. It doesn't have to be a serious injury. This rule is also referred to as God-modding.

*:If you're expecting to have a fight with another Stagasaberion, please whisper them first and sort out if either of you will get injured, or if one of you will die, ect, ect. We don't want endless fights that go on forever or grudges help out of character either.

*:Please don't attention seek, by constantly ranting your out-of-character problems to everyone in the group.

*:You Are Not A God, Do Not Act Like One.

*:We will handle every situation that comes in are way in a mature fashion, that means We will not go on a complete rage cluster cuss fest.

*:If you are MAD or UPSET Please Don't bother coming on, I'm sorry but we don't want to deal with your behavior.

*:We will not tolerate any rude, disrespectful behavior coming from our members and towards one another.

*:NO ties, bracelets, glasses, paper notes, or weapons. And no armor. Jewelry, piercings, any of that. Please.

*: You must have Antlers, and Saberteeth on your character.

*: You MUST have the Pawsome Items Pack V4 and aswell as The Aug 22 MassMarkings Pack.

*: Stagasaberions are striped, So make sure your charrie is striped, doesn't matter if it's the regular markings that FH provides or the Aug 22 MassMarkings they provide for your charrie that you've downloaded.

*: Remember, This group is about having FUN. So have fun!

*: Stagasaberions are in fact Monogamous, What is that? They mate for life. But if other Stagasaberion's who don't have a choosen mate yet, The lone females tend to stay together with the Dominate Male and the Dominate Female, Why is that? Because if a lone female is out on her own, surviving with thristy male stagasaberions around, They will likely be killed or even worse things happen to them once the two Monogamous Stagasaberions have choosen eachother, They will not be protected anymore by the Dominate Male and Female.

Want to fill out an Application to join? Here it is! :D

~Copy and paste the Application in your post and post your info on there. Thank you.~

~Joining Application~

Ingame Username:





Description: (Words, picture, or both.)


Other: ( interested in being a cub? If so, You will have to be a newborn and be born, etc.( You or the pregnant female or the male can pick if they wish you as their newborn/fetus.)

Lone or matched with a mate:

Role-play Sample:



We are beautifully mapped, literate, sited, long-term, active group! Here is the site link! Check it out if you want!
Also we have a Official DeviantArt Group Page!

What is a Stagasaberion exactly? Good question a stag/saber/lion smashed together as one = Stagasaberions. Here is the little history behind our species. :D Enjoy.~

It all started as a human experiment gone very wrong. They decided to cross species genes to find the perfect predator animal. A killing/fighting machine. Years of failed subjects finally paid off when Project A was created. He looked of a feline cub, an off black with deep black stripes that covered his figure. He had 2 tiny nobs on his skull along with two long canine teeth already developing in his gums. Within a few months the cub had grown little bits of black tufts around his forehead and neck, and the nobs about his skull grew larger, points poking from his skin. He was already off a formula specially made for him and onto soft meats. Within a year of his growth he had shown harsh signs of aggression towards his human owners and was put into a large, caged, habitat with a rouged lioness. Project A felt immediately protective of her as their bond became impenetrable. As another year passed, the male was at his full adult hood, he matured quickly. His saber teeth were 5 inches long and as thick as a highlighter. His antlers were large with a spread of 3 feet with more than 12 points sticking from the bone. His body structure was massive, full of muscle and he stood 5 feet at the shoulders.

Yes we have antlers and saberteeth aswell as striped markings on the bodies. :D

Undisco and Unknown the dominant male and female of the Stagasaberions.

Here are some general rules regarding the role-play! :D

Though there are no tags or ranks for your characters, there is still a Dominant male and female that must be respected. (Unknown and Undiscovered) Why? Because We created this role-play.

*: Males that join must be permitted by Unknown for the right to mate with one female of the male's choice. We do have long termed commitments and don't tend to mate with more than one female in a lifetime.

*: You are allowed 2 characters in the group.

*: Female Stagasaberions can have up to 4 cubs in a litter.

*:It's highly unlikely that your character will escape a fight without a scratch, even if it's playful. It doesn't have to be a serious injury. This rule is also referred to as God-modding.

*:If you're expecting to have a fight with another Stagasaberion, please whisper them first and sort out if either of you will get injured, or if one of you will die, ect, ect. We don't want endless fights that go on forever or grudges help out of character either.

*:Please don't attention seek, by constantly ranting your out-of-character problems to everyone in the group.

*:You Are Not A God, Do Not Act Like One.

*:We will handle every situation that comes in are way in a mature fashion, that means We will not go on a complete rage cluster cuss fest.

*:If you are MAD or UPSET Please Don't bother coming on, I'm sorry but we don't want to deal with your behavior.

*:We will not tolerate any rude, disrespectful behavior coming from our members and towards one another.

*:NO ties, bracelets, glasses, paper notes, or weapons. And no armor. Jewelry, piercings, any of that. Please.

*: You must have Antlers, and Saberteeth on your character.

*: You MUST have the Pawsome Items Pack V4 and aswell as The Aug 22 MassMarkings Pack.

*: Stagasaberions are striped, So make sure your charrie is striped, doesn't matter if it's the regular markings that FH provides or the Aug 22 MassMarkings they provide for your charrie that you've downloaded.

*: Remember, This group is about having FUN. So have fun!

*: Stagasaberions are in fact Monogamous, What is that? They mate for life. But if other Stagasaberion's who don't have a choosen mate yet, The lone females tend to stay together with the Dominate Male and the Dominate Female, Why is that? Because if a lone female is out on her own, surviving with thristy male stagasaberions around, They will likely be killed or even worse things happen to them once the two Monogamous Stagasaberions have choosen eachother, They will not be protected anymore by the Dominate Male and Female.

Want to fill out an Application to join? Here it is! :D

~Copy and paste the Application in your post and post your info on there. Thank you.~

~Joining Application~

Ingame Username:





Description: (Words, picture, or both.)


Other: ( interested in being a cub? If so, You will have to be a newborn and be born, etc.( You or the pregnant female or the male can pick if they wish you as their newborn/fetus.)

Lone or matched with a mate:

Role-play Sample:


Screenshots / Rava's Floofeh Shots !!BEWARE MAJOR DERP!! 2/4/15
« on: March 19, 2014, 04:32:06 pm »
 Hue Hue. General Sturf I have to go through within Feral-Heart. Just Oh my gawd.



Dat face doe

They Are REAL Floofehs!
Massive Elephants have been discovered. :o Yes the arrow pointing to the little sprinkle thing is Meh. LOL

Derping around With Eli :'D The floofeh Freak Parade around da plains. .3.

Floofeh Pile. :'D

Cuddlin and Huddlin~

Undisco My Stagasaberion, My othar Main Besides Rava Of course. c:

Was f3ing around the plains, And this is whut I come across.

They see me rollin
They hatin
Patrolling they tryin to catch me ridin dirty.

Cuddlin on da rock in da plains.~

In the fab mane. *.* So Fabu.


Dat face doe. So fabulous. ~Hairflip~

Posing for da sun. ~Strikes Pose~

Sleeping on the magical rock that makes floofehs float in thin air.

Rusty cuddles. x3

Partying with just ourselves. :'D

ENB mod by Brokami, so purty. ;-;

Ravek and Rava <3 Snuggles c:

Undisco and Unknown the Stagasaberion's invading StoneBridge. c:

Stagasaberion Cuddles c:

That forehead doe. So fab.

Another fab forehead. .0.

I don't even know. e.e

Da #TwerkTeam #2FABFOYHU

Da Staggy's taking over stonebridge. hehe

CUDDLE Partay~

Cuddling in bonfire .3.

Typical day in Feral Heart

I don't know.

Holding pawz

Dat car doe

Twerk Triangle thing.. .3.


I don't know whut's wrong wif dis floofeh

Akina and Undisco Derpin~

Major Derpin




Hold dup, WHUT.

Dat face doe

Um...What. There's a war going on? and No one told me? HOWDARECHU. Lawl. Warrior kitties battling it out. .3. (I think)

Partay on ze rock~ :D

Snuggle sess :D

When bonfire turns into this. /shot


Pile of Derp.


Couched :u (Poor Raphi. Huehuehue)

Snugglez are da best

Poor Konga. LOL

I can't even

Da Fabulous Floofeh mane! So purty.

Sura's #bootypop snuggles

Parteh Hardie

Derp Flower .3.

Snuggle sesh~


I can't even.

Yes I gave birth to a shark. Her name is Shakria. yes it's a preset

Chillen in Mother Tree #Swag


Saggy looking like model. Work it gurl

That's one fine looking lion

Snuggle Pile?

Rava's Preset Download:

Sugie snuggles are the best! <3



Family <3

FH Outlaws 4 lif3

FH Outlaws partying allday and all nite, yee bby

Merging the fab bridge

Moddle and Ravvlez

Partying hard wif Saggy

So many derps

3 headed dawg = 3 times the swag

Evil Sag, Sag, Derpy Sag and Feline Sag "The Swagging Saggs"

Derp Saggita, and Derp Rava

Male Sags, Ravak. LOL.


Twerkin by ourselves. lel


I can't even

Raphi's magical mane

Modoru swag


I can't even


The Snoogles <3

Part3h h@rd *burp*

Work eit Kongurk

Sura coming for dat booty

Only in Feral Heart


Working in ~

This Cluster doe

Double Rava's .3.

More to come! :D

.:.Kiwanja Zuhura.:. is a realistic,mapped, long-term, and active roleplay and is home of the top predator in the whole Savannah The Lion but that's not all! It is the home of the snarling African Wild Dogs, and the cackling Hyena's and the chirping Cheetah's aswell as exotic Leopards! Their will be more species to come to the Savannah in time! This group is for FUN only! And We hope to make exciting memories! Be prepared to get your fur drenched with rain from the wet season aswell as being covered in mud following that! Watch out for huge herds Elephants, Okapi, Zebra's and other dangerous prey aswell as dangerous Crocs lurking in the muddy waters of waterholes! Also be prepared to survive the harsh terrain, it's hot out there! So Drink lot's of water! Now, Are you PREPARED to survive the harsh climate and changes? Do YOU have what it takes to be in Kiwanja Zuhura? ~~

Yes, we are new! So we are looking for members! We are open and recruiting! We are welcoming any -literate- -active- -realistic- Hyena clan, Wild African dog pack, Cheetah tribe, aswell as a lion pride, and leopards. YES Rogue's are allowed!

General Rules:

: These RULES are easy to FOLLOW. SO. PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES, Otherwise you be banned/kicked from the group, and seriously We don't like kicking and banning people so Follow the rules. Thank you.

: We want people to act realistically to the best of their knowledge.

:No matter what species you are, BE RESPECTFUL to everyone.

: SIMPLY NO powerplaying, godmodding or trolling. You will be kicked and banned.

: If you are disrespectful to anyone in the group, We will not tolerate it, and we will kick you as fast as we hear about it.

: Please DO NOT share your sob stories, We don't want to listen. Keep them to yourself or don't even bother coming online. Or simply use Whisper. But We don't want to listen to them.

: If you are MAD or UPSET Please Don't bother coming on. We don't want to deal with your behavior.

:We will handle every situation that comes in are way in a mature fashion, that means We will not go on a complete rage cluster cuss fest. .3.

: If you and someone are 'fighting' with one another, Notify us. Please.

: If your character is rude and a boob that is fine while IN character, but OUT of character and you are still displaying that behavior, We will give you warning to knock it off.

: If you don't follow these SIMPLE rules. You will be kicked and banned.

:Once again. We will not tolerate any rude, disrespect behavior coming from our members.

: Remember, This group is about having FUN. So have fun! :D 

: YES, We are literate. So. We expect you to be Literate.

:Realistic Color's ONLY. You don't see neon or purple lions,cheetahs, leopards or Hyena's in the wild. So Keep in mind. REALISTIC COLORS. ONLY.

Site Link:       ::)

Ask Me / Ask .:.Rava.:.
« on: March 12, 2014, 03:45:04 pm »
Ask me anything! Weird ,odd and insane questions you name it! Pretty much anything! Asks away Fellow Floofehs! c:
 ;D  :o  :P

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Requesting Le Art! :D
« on: March 11, 2014, 02:16:46 am »
Any one willing to draw Rava for me? I would love to have a picture of my main charrie Rava of course! I would lubb you forever!  And give you unlimited floof! ;-; I am very patient so take -ALL- the time you need no rush at all~ If anyone is willing to do so. I would be really happy and appreciate it a ton. c: ;)

Here are some references to help out. :o

Back body ref~

Forward view ref~

Side view ref~

RBG Colors:
Pelt: 129 93 47
Underpelt: 169 127 76
Above eye: 129 93 47
Below eye: 169 127 76
Tail: 48 30 9
Nose: 111 74 42
Markings: 151 106 58



Art Gallery / Rava's Attempts! 2/3/15 :D
« on: March 10, 2014, 08:46:39 pm »
 I'm laughing, this my first drawing EVER, 2 drawings Of Rava. :'D ;-;  ::)  ;D  :D  :)


Her eyes <3

Lul. FEAR MEH. Yes the pupils are more bigger because she is pissed off and is flipping a table at the moment. It's a rare sight to see for Rava. :'D

Full body of Rava, stalking suntin whut could it be? :o

This one is by far my absolutely favorite! <3
Yes I had trouble getting rid of the white background. ;-;

Gift for Raphillion :D Raphillion belongs to Raphillion (c) I can't draw grass to save my life. ;-;

Raphi Icorn! ;D Raphillion belongs to Him! (c)

Rava Belongs To Me & Only Me! .:.Rava.:.

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