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Topics - Okami-Shiranui

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Ask Me / Ask the spaz
« on: August 31, 2012, 06:27:13 pm »
ASK ME IF YOU DARE!!! HISSSS! Your personal potato asks you to ask me stuff. So go on. Ask me stuff.

Game Help / Download
« on: August 08, 2012, 03:22:41 am »
I wanted to try downloading FH + again. When I click the link it takes me to mediafire. When the site loaded, my anti-virus program picked up a threat from a Trojan. Scared to go back to that site. Is there any other way I could download it from this actual site? (Like regular FH)

Art Gallery / Glitch's Art ~MAJOR UPDATE 7/10/13~
« on: July 29, 2012, 07:16:19 pm »
My art. You are NOT authorized to use, reproduce, or trace this art in any way, shape, or form.

:3 So yep. I picked the ones that were... not extremely bloody. >3<

Site/Forum Help / Image code?
« on: July 29, 2012, 03:37:14 am »
What is the image code to get images to show up in posts?

Member Bio & Journals / Glitch's bio
« on: July 28, 2012, 04:27:41 am »
Name: Margaret
I am a girl, obviously. :3
Pets: 5 fully grown mollies and their 25 fry, 1 Standard Poodle, 1 Australian Shepherd Blue Healer Pitty mix, and a hamster.
What I do in my spare time: Draw, pet my doggerz, play FH, draw some more, hang with my peeps, post in the forum, go on Pesterchum, listen to music, and pet my hamsterzzzz.
Likes: Dogs, wolves, cats, hamsters, fish, pit bulls, drawing, birds, animals in general so I don't have to continue on with the list, PSE(My drawing program :3), Feral-Heart, Deviantart, Pesterchum, Homestuck, Anime, Soul Eater, Wolf's Rain, GDW, GNG, being clean, music, Portal, food, good grammar.
Dislikes: SPIDERS, some pop singers, some music, really bad grammar, replacing letters with numbers, text talk, trolling, spammers, mean people :c, nasty brownish-yellow color, yelling, screaming, being dirty, smelly feet, earwax, boogers, so on with that nasty stuff, snot, dead bodies, most insects, and again... ARACHNIDS.

My fursona: Glitch
My most used characters: Glitch, Sadie, Aruba, Blaze, Crypt, Jake, aaaaaand the list goes on.

Here, I will give you instructions on how to make me

1. Put a spider on my face.
2. Put a spider near my face
3. Steal my eraser.
4. Draw on my binder.
5. Recolor my art
6. Use my art
7. Flame me about random things.
8. Text-talk in a PM.
9. Stealing my property in general.
10. Caps spam.

Game Help / Deleting maps
« on: July 27, 2012, 11:17:29 pm »
How do you delete a map?

I noticed that the Cape is getting very filled with my wonderful mappies, and I need wings to get to some. I went to map maker and couldn't figure out how to delete them.

Game Help / Exporting
« on: July 20, 2012, 05:36:11 pm »
So I made a map with 2 items that are not default: the waterfall and the vine.

When I put the map on mediafire, I didn't make a zip... I don't know how! So when they entered the map they could not see the waterfall or the bamboo.

How do I make a zip file? (I feel so clueless >3<)

Characters / Glitch and other characters UPDATED 2/22/13
« on: July 17, 2012, 05:45:48 pm »

Eiffel and Placebo.

Name: Eiffel (The light grey one)
Sex: Male
Age: 2 years (For a male wolf, that is not quite the fully matured age)
Relations: Placebo
Short bio: Eiffel is a small grey wolf with black markings, and bright blue eyes. He has a very calm and quiet personality, but he's friendly to almost all to cross his path. His small size renders his ability to hunt large animals, and fight off other wolves. He sometimes depends on the aid of his sister, Placebo. The two roam together, and are very close.

Name: Glitch
Sex: Male
Age: about 3 1/2 years
Relations: None
Short Bio: Any questions on the origin of my forum name will be answered now. As a young puppy, Glitch aqquired the name "Glitchpatootie". While "patootie" means butt, it is also an affectionate name for cute. He was given the name by the children he lived with. After leaving the soft life of a pet dog, he also left his name. Gitch is an Alastian Shepalute/West Siberian Laika/Wolf mix. He is a mix of large to medium breeds, along with wolf, giving him a powerful frame. His strength is not often realized.

Game Help / Map Crash
« on: July 16, 2012, 07:17:23 pm »
I made a height map. It was 513 by 513, greyscale, and saved in PNG and terrains.

I tried to open it, but it crashed. I re-made the map and followed a tutorial.

It still crashed.

Am I doing something wrong?

Game Help / Map Crash
« on: February 06, 2012, 03:22:49 am »
I made a height map on Photoshop, but if i try to load it, the game freezes and crashes. i have redownloaded it once, restarted the computer and the game but nothing has worked. the map was 513x513 and in greyscale

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