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Topics - Anathema

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Characters / Feare Brewster, the Preterali
« on: June 01, 2012, 04:18:39 am »

Feare Brewster

Approximately two and three-quarters as measured by human-years.

The Preterali (derived from the English word "preternatural", meaning something unusual or out of the ordinary course of nature) are a rare species of tenuous numbers, belonging intrinsically to no particular species, but rather a whole menagerie of different animal types along the vast spectrum of tetrapods. What defines the Preterali from other animal types are multifarious genetic traits shared with other species seemingly at random - the most notable of such being varied markings. Due to the obfuscated genetic make-up of their species, Preterali are either more inclined to aggression and obstreperous behaviour, or the antipode - to diffidence, and ofttimes cordiality when the prior is not capable of being maintained.

A Preterali of the ambiguous sort, Feare is easily frustrated and is quick to show anger, but is also quick to mend wounds inflicted and apologise if she causes any harm to others as a subsequent result of her inclinations. She is generally highly affable to those whom don't go out of their way to upset her, and is highly sentimental to kind people - ofttimes to the point of being classified by her peers as "maudlin and mawkish". She is fond of learning new things, so long as she finds the information to be useful and pertinent, and she despises ignorance - especially the type which begets folly and allows a panjandrum to become a despot in their own respect. The friends she keeps are few, and she sections off everyone else as "acquaintances", often saying that "Most people whom we chance across in this world are such, and true friends are exceedingly rare - even more so these days."

Basic background:
Feare was chanced across, by pure happenstance, by a migrant pack of wolves. They had found her shivering alone in a ditch and, addled as to what she was and whether or not the good fortune of the gods would go awry should they take in such a creature, decided to leave her there; of course, not without quarrel betwixt two of the higher-ranking individuals. A few days later, after having struggled to stay alive and feeding off the desiccated vegetation which was ubiquitous in that area, one of the aforementioned individuals of the pack returned and located her, with a bit of effort, weeping by a nearby mass of talus - her cries being the only cynosure which lead him to her. Upon finding her, he took her into care without hesitation and to the pack, whose opinions of the new member were far from unanimous, but notwithstanding had tendencies to be along the lines of "An accurst slight to nature!" - at least by the more boorish members. Those whom did comfort her were seldom yet wise; the primary impetus for her philosophy of friends juxtaposed against acquaintances, and the large margin which exists between the two.

Screenshots / Anathema's FH Edits
« on: May 25, 2012, 09:17:49 am »
Hither be a page for my menagerie of screenshot edits - now properly updated with new edits! :)

Shades of the Mind:


He and the Diatribe:

Feare (Full name: Feare Brewster)

Toryg and Charon:

Older Images:

Other Mods/Creations / FeralCraft - MINECRAFT TOTAL CONVERSION
« on: May 24, 2012, 10:25:32 am »
A Minecraft total conversion mod, for those of you whom want a little more MC in your FH!

v0.9.3 is the latest version.

Here's the changelog as usual!:

-Made FeralCraft "standalone", so that people no longer have to worry about corrupting their game if something goes wrong.
-Changed both start logos; if Kovu ever sees his, I hope he likes it. :D
-Added Minecraft grass
-Changed the title image and some of the menu text
-The title theme is now Caution & Crisis's "Cat" Remix
-New map, still in alpha stages - at the moment, it's only accessible through the Cape of Lost Worlds, but will eventually replace Lonely Cave as the starting point
-Added a wearable pig-head, hence the update name!
-Changed the "WaterMill" start-screen map (more specifically, got rid of it in favour of open skies - will probably make an actual replacement later)
-More loading screen messages, oh the possibilities!
-Reverted back to default FH character textures
-Added a "stone-brick" block to a custom "Minecraft" object menu, but I doubt anyone will be able to build much with them. More building-blocks and pre-built houses will come later. :)
Known issues:
-Aside from the obvious ones such as improper object-collisions and odd flora on vanilla maps, nothing that we can discern! Though if you do find any bugs, be sure to report them - hopefully Harkane and I won't think they're cute.


Installation instructions:
1. Download and extract
2. Launch the FeralHeart.exe inside of the folder. That's right, just download and play. :)


Older versions:

-Added dandelions, for dandy lions!
-Added basic collisions on birch
-Changed the water textures
-Repositioned the buttons yet again!
-Square stars, square stars!!
-Added a Minecraft "Steve" wearable-head item
-Updated the texturing algorithm on the terrain
-Changed the character-creation map once more!!
-Super minor diminutive tenuous changes to the GUI, again
-Added birch trees!
-Added roses
-Retextured fir and oak trees to have slightly different colours
-Added a changelog to the bulletin!
-Added loading screens
-Various adjustments to the GUI
-Added loading messages
-Retextured the gate to bear more of a semblance to a Nether portal
-Replaced the character selection map (will likely change again eventually)
-Retextured the water (turn off reflections in options to see)

-Minecraft-style GUI
-New logo
-New font!
-Added 2 basic tree replacements; fir and oak
-Replaced the odd-looking iron ore texture with sandstone
-Replaced in-game buttons with Minecraft item icons
-Added a "creeper head" wearable item (works for both canines and felines)
-Removed Herobrine ;D

-Minecraft terrain textures
-Minecraft sounds
-Minecraft music

Markus Persson and Mojang: They gave us "Minecraft", one of the best games of all time.
Anathema and Harkane: Texture-replacement and modelling/everything else FC-related
Kovu: Gave us this awesome game to mod :D
mengy0077: Created the HD Default Texture Pack, which was used for pretty much everything. You can get it here:
Caution & Crisis: "Cat Remix":
All you people: Without you, there would be no one to download this mod and not much reason to continue - thanks for being a driving force! :3

Screenshots / [Screenshot Edit] Scott the lion-hybrid
« on: May 21, 2012, 10:13:58 pm »

Here's Scott, whom is a cross between a lion and a whole plethora of other things.

Link to my original post on DeviantArt:

Link to the stock I used:

All editing was done in GIMP. Hope you like it! ^-^

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