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Topics - Azorukon

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Art Gallery / Vipen's Entry :D
« on: December 26, 2012, 12:27:03 am »
This is my entry ^^ It's my Dragon known as Azorukon, female and she is one of my characters I use on FH quite a bit. This is a detailed realistic look to her. :3
Well that's all I didn't color her (for I am horrible at coloring ATM) plus it would ruin the line details and shading..
Anyways thats all C: hope you guys enjoy!

Request/Find Meshes / Animated Trees and grass?...
« on: December 24, 2012, 08:18:41 pm »
well see theres a map i go in alot and the grass, oak trees and some other trees animate, like their leaves and strands of grass animate, and i was wondering where could i find these mesh's for myself? some people say they come from the FH+ files, others say someone made them and there's a download for them somewhere but im not sure, so if anyone could tell me where to find these animated objects please tell me, thanks ^^ ~Vipen

Request/Find Meshes / One Piece, Choppers Hat
« on: December 08, 2012, 06:11:50 am »
Looking for Choppers hat off of the anime known as One Piece eh I'm pretty sure there isn't any out there made already so... I'm requesting a mesh maker to maybe make one for me if they can? just really need to complete my chopper character gaiz xD so yeah I have pictures here of it: and so yeah if ANYONE anyone at all can make decent looking mesh's could you spare some times to make me a chopper hat? ill repay in a drawing of anything cx MORE INFO HERE:

Game Suggestions & Ideas / more animals...
« on: December 01, 2012, 11:14:55 pm »
I've heart a lot lately and in the past on adding more animal models to the game, anyone else think lions and wolves get tiring after awhile? I do most of the time, when I look around I do see a lot of reindeer rp's, heyena rp's, LOTS of dragon rps, (since i love dragons it'd be really awesome to add one in FH) horse rp's... ect. just some idea's i support many opinions on this considering I see a lot of people wanting this done xD just a suggestion for the near and far future of FH C:

Game Help / Mesh's not showing up??.. o-o
« on: December 01, 2012, 09:35:28 pm »
Well I made a map and it seems some mesh's aren't showing up however in map maker they will when I test it I'm not sure whats going on, I checked the mesh files to see if I had put them in right and it was fine but they just don't show up when I go into the map from cape... what should I do? its a map for a request so I need them to work xD if anyone knows how to take care of this I'd appreciate the help C:

Game Help / My map terrains wont load why? need help...
« on: November 30, 2012, 12:19:40 am »
Well see, every time I try to load a height map feral heart crashes at that moment and I cant do anything about it, I've tried several times with other maps to but still the same result, my terrain masks load just not the height maps... I really need to know why soon because I have several map requests to do and I cant let them down, the boundries I've set to 513 by 513 as required and it IS on grayscale... I cant seem to figure out whats wrong... someone help pleaseee D:

Request/Find Meshes / Looking for Choppers hat...
« on: November 21, 2012, 03:39:55 am »
well you see I'm a huge One Piece fan and i have a Chopper character, but, I need Choppers hat to complete the character, if anyone has one or knows where one is please link me to it, or if there's any good mesh makers out there that know what One Piece is could one of you make me choppers hat? I would do it myself but I don't know how and I'd appreciate anyone who would for me C:  maybe his blue backpack also, here's a picture of chopper and his hat: his backpack: (yeah he wears different hats but pink is best) I'm really hoping someone would take some time and consideration to make one I could give something in return. That should be all and I hope to see someone who would accept the request ^^

Game Help / map masks not working! help!
« on: July 27, 2012, 05:47:54 pm »
for some reason all my map masks now either appear all black or i have stripes across the terrain... what can i do to fix this? i tried switching the rendering systems but nothing D; i really need these to work for my new maps.  :'(

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