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Topics - Oddonelynx

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Game Discussion / Some Cliches in FH "Story" Videos.
« on: August 05, 2019, 02:05:48 am »
So, I like to watch Feral Heart stories, most of them are  somewhat old. But there's something I've noticed in the stories or the music videos in Feral Heart that tells a story..

1. The Villain Is always black and red or at least has some sort of black in the color scheme.
Black and red does not mean evil! Those are literally the most overused colors for evil or edgy characters!

2. The mate dies
Like sometimes it's like this:
Doggo loves Certain Doggo
Doggo leaves, certain Doggo is cheating on Doggo with his brother.
Doggo catches Certain Doggo with his brother, they decide to brawl it out like Super Smash Bros.
Either one of the doggo dies or they both run away.
Certain Doggo seems to blame herself, and ends her life.
I mean come on, you cheated on them both, killing yourself won't do anything.

3. They're mostly wolves
Most people find wolves cool & majestic, I like wolves but more of a hyena person myself. When was the last time
you saw a jaugar love story? Or a spotted hyena story on Feral Heart? That's right, there's none, sadly.. Are people
afraid of being different and diverse? Or are they wolfaboos? I've seen like a few love stories of non wolves, but they're
another known and good reputation species, like lions or tigers or leopards etc.

4. Couples always the same species
Since it's a story, it can be unrealistic as much as you want, it's your story.
Like it could be a love story about a tiger who loves an Indian wolf, or a jaugar
who's in love with a brown hyena, possibilities are endless! It's nice to different, not follow the crowd and try to fit in.

5. Overpowered Wolves
Uh oh, here comes the wolfaboo thing again. There is a story where a wolf's mother gets killed by an "evil" male lion
who's black with a white underbelly with neon red scars. In the part two she somehow kills A FULL GROWN MALE LION.
Lions are bigger & stronger than wolves! It's a fact. That lion could have killed her within seconds. Wolfaboos are people
who are overly obsessed with wolves if you didn't know.

6. Same Dog syndrome
Kind of like same face syndrome, expect with a character, usually a wolf. A lot of characters in the stories
literally look like almost every wolf you might see in The Grounds just siting down and chilling. With the
Mohawk mane, mostly no markings, sharp or back ears sometimes, wearing maybe a spike. Same face syndrome
means when all of the characters have the same facial shape or features, like this:

7. Cliche Genre of Story
It's either Love, or Revenge, or drama. Expect for certain ones like one of my favorites; "Hey Brother Feral Heart", that one is about a single wolf dad protecting
his children from danger, it only have one cliche, the predators being all red and black. Hey people who make Feral Heart videos, maybe try some new things as well.
Like, one about a super feline/canine! A funny story, a canine/feline who likes to make movies or is a movie star, whatever you can pull out of your head!

8. The bad guy is almost always a feline/lion.
Seriously? The feline could just be hungry, or the wolf attacked first, try looking at it from the "evil" feline's point of view. Also people,
wolves would never dare even try fighting a lion, I mean
already fight cougars which almost always win. A lion would have no problem killing
a wolf like stated before.

So the moral of this is, try something new, be different, follow your conscious not the crowd.
( All of the art you saw was made by me ^_^)

Site/Forum Help / Where to post discussion abut the game it'self?
« on: August 04, 2019, 11:40:58 pm »
There's a discussion board, but it's for off topic.

Game Help / Tuft mane only colors when I equip a mane
« on: July 30, 2019, 02:30:06 am »
Don't understand? Well this is what I mean.

Videos / My Second Music Video!
« on: July 29, 2019, 08:33:30 pm »

Screenshots / Meet Fol the Chimera
« on: July 28, 2019, 07:56:11 pm »
Meet Fol, she's a friendly chimera. She's quite lonely since there are no other chimeras in Feral Heart.


And now... Prepare yourselves for the greatest picture in Feral Heart history...

Fol headbutting a tree.

Screenshots / How to Dog
« on: July 28, 2019, 03:52:07 am »
So you want to dog?
Well Eunika the Ethiopian  wolf will show you!

But how do you dog exactly?

With these easy steps you'll know soon! Right Eunika?

No 1: Appropriate habitat

Seriously Eunika? That is no place fit for a canine like you!

Ethiopia is in Africa, East Africa!

Ah, much better!

No. 2: Appropriate behavior

What the heck...? Eunika why are you mooing? You're a canine, not a bovine...

Okay that's better!

No. 3: Having Fun

There are so many things you can do after learning how to dog... Like sleeping, Eunika is quite tired out after all of this. Let's leave her alone, sweet dreams Eunika.

Game Help / Skeleton Meshes Needed
« on: July 26, 2019, 08:20:48 pm »
Okay, for some reason the file I downloaded for custom skeleton animations, is gone. Does anyone have a working link where I can download the skeleton to make a custom animation?

Screenshots / Kilroy If He Was a Cat
« on: July 22, 2019, 03:54:48 am »

Game Discussion / An Amazing Discovery...
« on: July 22, 2019, 02:09:33 am »
ENB MODS WORK ON 1.17!!  :D ;D ;D

Game Help / Uncustomizable Manes
« on: July 22, 2019, 01:48:27 am »
This is so weird.. Everything works crystal clear, I can play, I can log in no problem, but it's just this.. 

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