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Topics - xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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Member Bio & Journals / Teh Ninja of Me-ness!
« on: February 22, 2012, 12:11:00 am »
Heyro there! My name is Aki-chan! ?? - ???! OK, just thought I'd tell a little bit about myself. (OK, yeah, you know my name is Aki, and not Miyako, but still refer to me as that because Aki is boring) About Me: As you can probably tell, I live in Japan, which isn't much different from America, I'd suspect. I think you already know that I do speak English x3, which I usually speak on the forums, since there isn't a section for Japan, and the other language I mainly know is English, so I go on here (is there a Japanese forums)? Anyways, I'm kind of annoying at times, but all my friends say that I'm funny and I make them laugh whenever I'm around. I have one sister- according to her her name is Amaya-chan, (but she's actually called Haru-chan x3)  she used to play FeralHeart I think, until she quit...something about being 'bullied' on the forums, but she's young, and pretty sensitive and kind of a pest. You might know her on here from something, but I doubt it. She wasn't even supposed to have made an account, because my parents didn't give her their permission, and she said if I told them she would call up my friends and say embarrassing things-she rummaged through my stuff, stole my phone, and looked through my contacts-that girl is vicious. She also likes to pretend she's from the UK and constantly imitates a British accent, but now it's turning into about Haru-chan x3.
   [ Anyways, I'm an OK person, I also love the UK, but I'm not constantly imitating a British accent. As you probably tell, I also love Naruto and have a crush-obsession on him <3. My friend's favourite character is Pervy Sage x3. She doesn't actually watch Naruto, but I showed her Jiraiya and she loled. I seriously have no life x3, I'm on here or at school most of the time and listen to Okami soundtracks, anime openings, or watch Naruto in my free time. I am a naturally skilled ninja, and my friends notice. They can all imagine me as a ninja, and sometimes they don't even notice me when I'm standing right next to them. I can pull some really creepy faces and tell lots of funny stories about my therapist being a dementor, because they all say I need 'mental help' when we're joking around lawlz. I know they don't mean it-it's a thing we say when someone says something random. We've all said it to each other before. Also, even though I love Naruto, I love to make fun of it as well, as you know if you have read my 'I Like Brooms' topic in the Discussion Board, which I doubt seriously.
   Enough of me boring you with this talk about myself. What about you? What do you think of me?

Discussion Board / Favourite Naruto Character
« on: February 21, 2012, 02:17:44 am »
ANOTHER Naruto topic?! Come on, Kitsune-chan, I understand you like Naruto, but isn't enough enough?


So, who is your favourite Naruto character? I've seen lots of ranges, from Zabuza-san, to Sasuke-baka (that's my suffix for him hehehe), to Kakashi-sensei.  

Right now, I bet you're going out on a limb and guessing Sasuke is my favourite character. You would bewrong. It is Naruto-kun x3. (Kitsune-chan) <------------------- Naruto-tard

OK, then. I don't expect many replies, but those who do reply get free karma ._. and a free Naruto shadow clone.

Discussion Board / I Like Brooms ;D
« on: February 21, 2012, 12:30:04 am »
OK, random title, and I don't really like brooms all that much, but here we go!

Are you a critic? Do you laugh out loud at typos in novels? Do you like to find the little flaws in things that should be professional?

Then you are perfect for this! The CRITIQUE place for people who have MST3K comments, but have nowhere to share it. This may seem a bit out of the blue, but I have a lot of critques for Naruto. You just take a screenshot of something you want to make fun of, or just say something making fun of a topic or novel you like.

OK here are my Naruto critiques (I have one more, but I need a screen-shot for it, but the site for the screenshot isn't loading now, so...)

1). Apparently Naruto's childhood is filled with people of a muted blue colour (Avatar?) that either stare at him strangely or don't even pay attention to him.

2). Is that a diaper on Choji's head (I think some people may have realised this)?!

3). Another snippet of Naruto's childhood is everyone staring at him on a cliff while his shadow is that of the Kyuubi's. I think a lot of people would be staring at you weirdly if your shadow looked like that ('cept for me, I would just be jealous. If I had a shadow like that, I'd be like, HE!* YEAH!, Shadow twins!)

4). Why does Itachi have more exaggerated tear ducts if he's the bad guy who barely ever cries?

5). Is Naruto ever gonna learn his Genjutsu?!

6). They say Naruto has been through pain because no one in the village will acknowledge him. I understand he has no parents and all, but I still would expect strangers not to care about me anyways. Welcome to Tokyo/New York/another Metropolis City of the World. No one gives you a second glance unless you're family/good friends, or you're gonna give them money.

P.S Yes, I am obsessed with Naruto

Game Help / Mesh?
« on: February 20, 2012, 07:53:16 pm »
How do you make a mesh? Sorry if I should know this, but I've looked in the manual, and it just tells me how to make an object out of the mesh, and I need some important objects in a map I'm making.

Media / A Work of Art
« on: February 20, 2012, 05:25:15 am »
*I did not make this, please note that*
Need to share this work of art with the world <3. Mix - All Naruto Shippuden Opening [1-7]

Discussion Board / AMV
« on: February 20, 2012, 04:43:10 am »
OK, I'm making an AMV to go onto my YouTube account, and this might not belong on FH forums, but the AMV might have to do with it. OK, just a poll for what it should be about because I get burned out quickly on animating. I know you know these already, but the choices are:

Warrior Cats

The poll will run for five days then show the results. I'll try my best on it then post it onto here. I already have a good song picked out for it, but does anyone know where to download the Naruto Shippuden theme song "Hero's Comeback" virus-free and with no charge? If I don't finish the AMV kick me in the butt to get me going, although it's Ok if no one votes, since it doesn't matter, I can always decide on my own X3.

Oh, also, which would be a better animation program to use? WMM and GIMP or Pencil/some other frame by frame animation program?

P.S. Sorry if I'm underestimating you, but I know from experience the awkwardness of not knowing what an acronym is, and not wanting to ask because you're afraid you'll look stupid, so an AMV is an Anime Music Video.  

Game Help / Pa-ree-a-sets (Presets)
« on: February 18, 2012, 11:24:02 pm »
Does anyone have a tutorial on making presets, or a link to one? Sank you so much!

Discussion Board / Awesome Animator
« on: February 18, 2012, 10:41:56 pm »
Actually, can a mod please move this to media even though I did not animate it? Thank you so much! (I can't really think of a discussion topic about it!)This person is an epic animator:
Whoever agrees gets a free karma. Meh, I'd give one to you anyway  :D, but I decided this needed to be shared with teh world.

Site/Forum Help / Just A-Wonderin'
« on: February 18, 2012, 09:22:12 pm »
Meh Gusta. -troll face- OK, srsly, I'm not a troll, I'm a fox, but whatever. I was just a-wonderin' how long it takes for someone to become a Jr. Member, and Elder Member, Senior Member and so on, because I have no idea, and it seems like no one asks this question for some reason.

Discussion Board / Naruto-kun <3
« on: February 18, 2012, 08:32:28 pm »
OK, this is just a little piece of rambling I thought I would share since I'm obsessed with Naruto. He's so cute, especially when he's younger. He looks cuter with his jacket on though-sooooo hot! I feel like the only one who thinks he's cuter when he's younger. I guess that means I'm special then :'D.

Btw, I called him. He is mine. Too late. Deal with it. You can't even have Shippuden or Hokage Naruto. No, he is completely mine! -puts Naruto into a sack and drags along-

Naruto: "?????????????????????????????????!"

Me: "You're not supposed to speak in Japanese on the forums! Tsk, tsk."

Naruto: "??????????????!"

Me: -3-

OK enough of this rambling. No need to reply-I did this out of complete boredom and Naruto crush-ness  :-*.

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