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Topics - catsanddogsandbirds

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Stories / "The Average Day of Those Lands" ~Short Story~ *involves death*
« on: February 02, 2013, 12:12:33 am »

Ask Me / Ask WhateverHerNameIs (AKA Twizzlerr)
« on: February 01, 2013, 02:15:31 am »
Okay ma peeps. Keep the questions rolling in!


 Before I do that, I shall put up some info you MUST know about me >.< Might end up being da FAQS. Lookeh here:

Twiz, are you a girl or a boy?
GIRL! Geez >:I

Where did you get your name from?
Well, you know. When I was little I was obsessed with candy (unlike most kids) and candy leads to my favorite candy, which was fruity candy, which led to my favorite fruity candy, which is licorice, and that led to my favorite licorice brand, which is Twizzlers. It's not copyright, however, since I added an extra 'r'  8) Yea.

Who are your friends on here?
Chur ma fwend! 8D But here are the ones I know...know:

Do you have any pets? And if so, what kinds, and what are their names?
Frenchy--Indoor cat. 13-15 years old. Yellow, long-fured, often grumpy.
Stripe--Outdoor cat. 5 years old. Gray with a white stripe running down from his chin, through his belly, then to the top of his under-tail. Thick, but short, fur, has a temper.
Orangey--Outdoor/indoor cat. Nicknamed "Big O". 7 years old. Big, short tail, faintly striped, orange fur.
Xerxes (pronounced X-er-ks-ees)--Indoor cat. 1 1/2 years old. Long-bodied, short, extremely long tail, clear brown and black tabby.
Harry--Outdoor/Indoor cat. 4 years old. Extremely long-furred, golden, thin fur, large eyes.
Hazel--Indoor cat. 5 years old. Short, semi-thick fur. Attention-loving, tortoiseshell.
Hershey--Dog. 2 1/2 years old. Black, short fur. Soft chocolate fur inside of ears, near cheeks, on rump, tip of tail, and near eyes. Long-furred tail. Flat-coated retriever/collie mix.
Tigger (keeping for a couple yrs for my uncle)--Dog. 10 years old. Extremely fluffy, gray-and-brown fur. Thin muzzle. Playful. Rough fur. Sheltie/mini collie.
Chuck--Dog. 6 months old. Purebred English bulldog. Has spinal biffeta, so he has weak hind legs and cannot control when he...goes. Has to wear a diaper. Clumsy, playful, lazy.


 Questions from my Peeps:
Twix or Twister?
Hmm...tough one. I'd say Twixx.....ster...XD Not sure....*eeny meeny miny moe* Twister ^^

Dragons or realistic animals?
GAH another tough one >.< I'd say dragons. If you mean modern realistic animals *young paleontologist*

Favorite RP?
You make me answer too hard questions. I'd say...Leadclaw Dragon Flight? *siggie*

Favorite TV show?
I don't watch many...but probably Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Biggest goal in FH? :3
Biggest goal? Well, let me become a professional derp ;3

What's the weirdest thing someone ever dared you to do?
I'd say...a friend dared me to give a giant gummy hamburger to my coach. :3

If you can go back and relive one moment or day in your life which it be and why?
I'd probably say when I first rode on a sled on the back of a snow-mobile. I had so much fun with my cousin XP. I pushed him off, we tried to swap sleds while still riding...which ended up in a faceplant for both of us. xD

Fav color?
Electric blue

Fav food?

Fav book?
Ratha's Creature, by Clare Bell

Fav time of day?
Early morning

Best night-time dream?
When I moved to a different planet *o*

Career dream?
Paleontologist. Definitely.  

Shopping: Yes ir No?
Oh my gawd NO.

Favorite animal?
Hmmmzz.....I'd say a cougar?

Do you like to write?
People rarely see me NOT writing. x3

Would you like to be an author someday?
Perhaps. I like writing for fun more than trying to please an audience with my writing.

Favorite Saying?
"So what?"

Favorite Song?
"The Cave" by Mumford and Sons

Favorite Singer/Band?
Not sure. I guess Boyce Avenue.

Favorite map out of FeralHeart?

Public- Ascension Island. Private- Leadclaw Flightlands (a roleplay I'm in)

Do you know how to speak dragon language?
 I know some. Mainly simple words, though.

What dragons you prefer: Ernest Drake or How To Train Your Dragon?
 Ernest Drake. More realistic.

Are you in any dragonologist forum?
 No. I didn't know they existed. *searches on Google*

Roar roar roar, roar roar?
 Roarey roar roar

If you could have a pet dragon, what dragon would it be?
 Probably...a wyvern. ^^

If you had a pet dragon, would you beg the head teacher of your school for a "Bring your pet to school" day?
 For sure. Though I don't think my schoolmates will have much fun...o.o

If you had to live with a dragon for the rest of your life, what dragon would it be?
 A wyvern. xD If not, then a marsupial.

If you were a dragon, what dragon would you be?

 I'd like to be an Asian lung.

If you had a pet dragon, what would be its name?

 Male- Spikrel. Female- Silitio. I know, odd names. xD

If I made a FH map based in your rp, would you download it?
 Hmmzz....NO I WOULDN'T. jk I would.

Okay ma peeps. Keep the questions rolling in!
And scene.

Other Games / ~Spore~
« on: January 26, 2013, 09:03:14 pm »
"Do you play Spore?"

      "What's Spore?"
 Spore is an awesome game where you can create your own creature! It's not like other games that have very, very limited options and body shapes. In Spore, you can drag and drop limbs, heads, weapons, details, feet, arms, and more! You can change their length, width, size, and shape of nearly everything. You can create a realistic wolf, or a crazy alien with giant tentacles and a terrifying mouth with sharp teeth sticking out. You can create a giant blob with a mouth, or a toxic serpent. You can create--well, you get the idea.
 In Spore, there are two modes. There is Free Mode and Adventure Mode, as I refer to them. In Free Mode, you can create your creatures freely, adding parts, taking them away, and changing them. You don't have to worry about if that creature can survive or not, and you can even put the creature in Adventures that you can create! Adventure Mode is where you start out as a cell, when your only thought is: EAT. Then, you became a land creature, where you can earn DNA Points and make your creature evolve to rise to the top of the food chain, and you became more intelligent every time. Eventually, your creature becomes civilized, and they create a social tribe. You can decide to be a vicious tribe that dominates the planet, a calm tribe that stays out of other tribes affairs, or a friendly tribe that helps other tribes out. You can domesticate the other creatures on your planet, or hunt them. You can always eat the plants in the area, if you're an herbivore, however.
After the Tribe Stage, you go into the Civilization Stage, where you become even more advanced and you invent cars, planes, and other technology. You must learn how to protect your city from threats, and you will have to mine for oil and other fuels, as you grow bigger and stronger.
After your great city becomes dominant, you invent...
     T h e   S p a c e   S h i p .
 You blast off into space, meeting friends and foes on other planets. Struggle to survive as you trade, make war, settle new planets, and eventually meet the most powerful species in the whole galaxy: T h e  G r o x. Will you defeat them and save the galaxy, or fall to the might power of the Grox, just like everyone else?


Discussion Board / Any dream interpreters?
« on: January 26, 2013, 03:38:56 am »

Screenshots / ~*~Twizzler's Screenshot Gallery~*~
« on: January 23, 2013, 11:53:30 pm »

Game Discussion / I didn't say that!
« on: January 21, 2013, 03:22:14 pm »
 So, I've seen people do this trick where they make it look liek you said something, liek this happened with a friend:

 <Me> No!
 <Friend> Yuuuus
 <"Me"> Okay, okay, you did.
 <Friend> You admitted it!
 <Me> No I did not. That was an evil witch taking over my chat for a moment.
 <Friend> Nupe.

 And I asked her hwo to do it, but she said that she wouldn't tell me. So, how do you do it?

Forum Games / Sticky Situations
« on: January 20, 2013, 01:00:45 am »
One person posts a problem that you can run into, no matter how realistic or silly, and the next poster puts how they would solve it, and then posts a problem for the next person. Example:

 Billy: You're car runs out of gas in the center of the Sahara desert and a bunch of poisonous snakes are trying to eat you.
 Bob: I take my hammer and smash the snakes, then summon a dragon to fly me out of the Sahara. :)
         You insulted King Arthur and now they're going to throw you to the lions.
 Joe: I make friends with the lions and tell them to eat the guards, and then eat everyone in Camelot.
        You accidentally send a text that was supposed to be to your crush to your mom saying "wanna hang out sometime?" Then she replies "Sure, honey. Let's go show your friends your baby pictures! :D"

 So, I'll start:

 You fell out of a helicopter in Africa in the middle of a lion pride. >:)

Other Games / "I, Predator" -AnimalPlanet
« on: January 19, 2013, 07:04:06 pm »
 Never heard of the game? Check it out here: and here: .

 "I, Predator" is a game where you can be either the predator or the prey, the shark or the seal, the cheetah or the gazelle, the lion or the buffalo. Try to survive as you either hunt the tough prey, or fend off the vicious predators!

Lions and Buffalo
Cheetah and Gazelle
Shark and Seal

 Price: FREE! :D
 Player(s): Multiplayer, no singleplayer option
 Account: You don't have to, but if you do, you won't show up as "unnamed" in the chat.



Discussion Board / Any dragon-themed suggestions?
« on: January 12, 2013, 08:03:05 pm »
Hello, I am Twizzlerr--obviously--and I have come to ask an odd favor of you. I am, as some have realized (*points at signature and avatar*) slightly obsessed with dragons :-\. Anyway, I have many dragon-themed things. Books, roleplays, characters, stickers, supplies, figures, drawings, desktops, etc etc. But I seem to only have a few of each kind. I need more. I want more. Can you help me? If so, it would be great if you could suggest some dragon-themed things out there that I could snag. Thanks for all the help!

                                                                                                           A fellow FeralHearter,

Screenshots / Those awesome characters...
« on: January 12, 2013, 01:27:39 am »
 So, I've seen so many people with characters on FeralHeart based on main characters they often use. Like, for me, I have Twizzy the First. Also known as Judge Twizzy, Twizzler, Twizz, and (by MANY MANY people. Don't question it o.e) THE GREAT AND MIGHT TWIZZY.

 So, here are some screenshots of da Twizzy and her fabulous tie.

Her fancy sunglasses  8)


Just her epic coolness....

 Post yours!

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