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Topics - ritat

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Media / Nature Photographs ?
« on: August 10, 2015, 10:40:21 pm »
Nature Photographs ?

Hey floofies, how are you? So, I'd like to share some photographs I have taken in Lebanon. It's a beautiful country once you look what's inside it, but honestly, people right now are making it look ugly and there is garbage all over the streets. Yes, it's a terrible situation. The army of the country randomly burn the garbage in the middle of the streets and the people are putting a lot of complaints from the awful smell. But I'll forget about that right now because I have some pretty things to show you! Well, I have told some of you I will not be very active on the site as much for a week because I am decorating my moms sisters daughters wedding. Then with a surprise, I came across a lot of areas which are glowing with their beauty, so I couldn't resist. I had to take pictures, but I didn't take a lot or my memory will over flow. I will be updating this thread if I take more outstanding pictures! :) I added some affects to make it look better, it'll catch your eyes.

This is my favorite one, overall. The colors blend so well together!

If you'd like to know anything more about the garbage situation (if you want to know), feel free to message me. And, if you have any questions where I took this or who I was with you can also ask! I don't mind at all. c:

Ask Me / Ask Rita :)
« on: August 06, 2015, 03:56:34 pm »
Ask Rita Anything!

As the title says, you can ask me as many questions as you like. But please, do not exceed more than 50 questions (well, that's a joke).

Who wants to begin? :)

Finished Maps / MiniLake ~ Creative Map (using FH default objects)
« on: August 05, 2015, 10:12:18 am »

I am not a fan of massive maps and contain so many objects created by people, so I decided to try and use feralheart's default objects in a small map. I called the map 'Minilake', I didn't know what to really call it. I rarely make any maps, this is the second one I've ever done. Since I am an artistic and creative person who always seeks perfection, I thought this would be easy for me and it is! Feralheart's objects are a little boring themselves, so I made something that will blow your mind with them. You can go to this map when ever you like, with your friends or even yourself. I will be linking you to the download, it will be written with the pictures. Here they are with some information:

Time taken: 7 hours, 32 minutes and 6 seconds (I timed it)
Any other objects: I only added a sign and a campfire
Lag free! My friends tested it and they said there was no lag
Download the map here. :)

Please note:

- Not to claim this map as your own, because it took hard work and thinking.
- Not to copy anything from this map, this will be called 'theft'.

Thank you. :3

Game Discussion / Noobs and new members: Reject or Accept?
« on: August 04, 2015, 01:46:11 pm »
So as the title says: Would you reject or accept noobs or new members? I bought up this question because so many experienced people in the game reject newbies (I don't really like the word noobs). It is sometimes upsetting for me to see people who are excited to play with other people nicely, rejected in a rude and disgusting way. For example, the other day people started bullying a new player in the game just because of their characters look and the lack of grammar, so I had to come up and type 6 long paragraphs teaching them how to respect new people. In what I think, everybody should be brought up forward to do things, even if they are new. Who knows, maybe those new players are intelligent and kind.

Anyone want to add on? :)

Introduction / A warm welcome to all new members and guests!
« on: July 28, 2015, 07:02:54 pm »
Feralheart Guide by Rita

Hello all new feral members and guests, I have seen so many new floofies joining us these few months and it is usually confusing to know your way round the game when you enter so I made this guide to give you an image of how this world looks like. If you have any questions, you can discuss or ask them below and everyone here will be glad to help you. :) Also, please let me know if this poll should be moved to another place because I was confused where to put this, thank you.

When you first enter the game, you are asked to make a character and everyone should know how to do them anyway, it is one of the easiest things to do but if you still need help with that you can ask me as well. The map, which only allows you to enter it alone, is lonley cave.

And you cannot fly there if you have wings. It's named lonley cave for a reason, because it is the only place where you can actually be alone and it is your mini home. c: The portal right there leads to South pole, but we'll get to that later. If you make your way outside the big den, you will have two options, meaning two maps to either go to.

Cape of distant world or Ascension Island, and one of my favorite but 'annoying' maps is Ascension Island. I'll begin us there to warm you up because it is a long time of jumping.

It goes higher than this picture and is considered a jumping maze, in my own words. When you begin climbing, it is as easy as eating a cake but as you go up it gets more complicated and challenging. Here is a tip: Once you you reach the first circle, set your home there. Click the feather below your screen and click 'set home'. I recommend you to do this just in case you the wrong way or fall down, so if that happens, you can click go home and you'll be exactly where you set home. Now, since there is nothing else to talk about here, let's make a move on to Skys Rim. You'll find a portal once you reach up (or if you do reach up) xD.

I really love this place, and it can give you a break right after you go through the jumping maze. This one is not complicated as Ascension Island and you cannot go further this map but if you wish to stay here, you can as long as you want. It's time to go back to lonley cave and remember me talking about Cape Of Distant world? We will make our way there next.

This map is one of the most important, or we won't be able to go to other peoples maps. For example, if you joined a RP(roleplay) wolf pack which is mapped, you will be allowed to download their map and have access to it. When you keep downloading maps you will get 2 lines of portals, but the portals won't be in order so you have to find them. Just do not over flow it, your line of portals won't be in range with your map (just the same mistake as I did when I was a new floof). Hmm, I spot a separate portal there. Want to have a look to where we are going next?

Fluorite Plains! The most social map here. If you are wishing to begin RPing, I suggest you to start at Fluorite Plains. I had many good memories there, because I joined a lot of friendly packs who taught me new things.

Yes! My favorite map. <3 This is the only map where I honestly think, you can remove your mind from bad things and negative energy. I actually never leave that place, so you can always find me there if you want to hang out or talk. And, it is the map that I never lag on.

I know I jumped directly into a totally different map but you can find the portal to this map in lonley cave. Once you go into the game, turn to your right and you'll see a black portal. This is Ficho tunnel, where I mostly meet people with different nationalities. If you're russian, you're lucky. Some one like me isn't very lucky, because I never got face to face with an Arab in the game (I'm Lebanese, but Christian).

Bonfire island... where can I start? It is the most derpiest and lagiest map of all. But still, There are some good things about it. You can find lion king RP's there if you're interested and adoption centre, where you can adopt pups for your packs. I think adoption centre is useful, for anyone out there who struggles to find a pup to raise. Also, let me warn you: Mate centre is not something I'd recommend going to, but if you want to check it out, feel free to. It isn't always available, but it will be.

Now, our last and final map, is Atlantis. You can find this map in South pole. Look at your map, on the top right of your screen, it is located around there. This map has many secrets. The obvious one, that everything alive is under water and there is a secret portal you'll find inside a cave. I won't spoil it for you, so try roaming the water to find it. xD And please, to any active user in the game/site, don't spoil it for the new floofies. c:

There is also another map I didn't talk about, it's South Pole. I didn't have time to upload pictures for this but it'll still be wonderful to tell you. <3 Well, this map has many hills with a snowy ground texture. It does not have any objects except for a snowy den. You can check it out in-game by going to the black portal that will appear in front of you, surrounded by 2 fluorite crystals.


Here are some download links to items and markings if you want them. c: Almost everybody in the game know about them.

Items (by Ringo and Delay): Download Link
August 22nd markings: Download Link
and finally, if you will make canine presets, this is the realistic wolf fur textures: Download Link

Enjoy your stay!

Leaving / Leaving the game for a few days :(
« on: July 19, 2015, 06:30:07 pm »
Hey everyone, so as the title says I'll be leaving for a few days. I didn't get happy news, it's really bad. My mom's brother died last week and they informed us today that he past away. So, the whole family is going to stay together for sometime to pray and to go to his funeral. :( I really love him, and he died from a heart attack.

I hope he rests in peace, and I'll see you later. <3

Screenshots / Summer Party 2015 #Screenshots and Selfies!
« on: July 18, 2015, 11:38:41 am »

Goodmorning/goodafternoon everyone! I have just woken up now and my parents told me I'll be out the whole day so I decided to post the screenies now. For anyone who missed the party, I should tell you that it was very fun. :) Thank you staff for organizing this amazing party, you nailed it. Anyway, the photos you're about to see are my favored ones and I made them funny instead of keeping them plain. :3

Here are the photos:

I'm a food lover. Any food lovers out there? c:

Watch closely...


During the selfie...

Other photos <3

Some of the photos here show that I cannot see items, markings or presets. I will be download items and markings soon, because my computer is reformated. c: and for the presets, I downloaded the map only because there was only a second left before the party started and I just clicked any download. x3

Again, Thank you staff for the wonderful event and Buffy, the map is flabbergasting! :)

Game Discussion / First thing you'll do at the Summer party?
« on: July 16, 2015, 06:42:02 pm »
Tomorrows the day everyone! Summer Party 2015!

Anybody want to share what you have in mind? :) I have some things I'd like to do:

-Take random selfies
-Dance with my clown character (I do have a sense of humor)
-Have interviews with people I don't know (Writing the questions down now)

Art Gallery / Sketches and experiments
« on: July 15, 2015, 07:11:55 pm »
Sketches and Experiments:

Here are some things that I draw when I want to improve or change. :3 I'm still working on the art gallery and I just noticed how much I've changed compared to the first request that I did, but I wont restart it all over again. :) You may take some ideas from these if you like, I don't mind! Sorry if it's a little messy, that's how my sketches usually are and, it's actually nice to get a little messy when you draw. xD

Other Games / Complete the lyrics!
« on: July 13, 2015, 11:29:03 pm »
Alright so this is very simple, but not that simple as you think it is unless you know how to complete the lyrics! ;) Think of a specific part the floof after you might not know in a song, and type it down. It shouldn't be very long or short. You can do as the example (by putting a sentence and a word in the end, or the opposite).

Clue: colors of the wind by vanessa Williams.
"How high does the sycamore grow?..........know. "

Complete the sentence in between the phrase and word. Answer: how high does the sycamore grow? If you cut it down, you'll never know.

Okay, let's begin! :D

Clue: here I am by Bryan Adams
"This is me.......rather be."

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