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Topics - wolfsquad

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Discussion Board / [Late] Halloween Notice
« on: November 04, 2015, 01:52:57 am »
Halloween Notice
'Eyy, I quickly want to put this out there.
I know this is a few days late but I just want to say, please be careful on Halloween and please remember to check your candy before you eat it.

Last night, my friend gave me quite a scare. She was eating her candy when a needle stabbed her in her tongue and she began to bleed. She was so freaked out and crying. Some of her other friends, my girlfriend and I began to panic and do our best to help her as we told her to go wake up her parents and tell them and to get immediate help and the sort. Her parents helped her remove the needle and her father called the police and they said they'll look into the case and check all the candy bags for the 2 blocks she Trick-Or-Treat'ed on. After quite this shock that had put me under a panic attack and tears, I want to make sure to get the notice out so the same thing doesn't happen to anyone else.
On Halloween days, please remember that there are jerks out there (-sigh-) and will ruin Halloween for everyone and will sneak something like a razor, needle and sometimes poison into the candy. Before you open a package and began eating your candy, please check okay?
If you do open candy and something of the sort happens, either:
1.) Get someone immediately such as your parents, friends, siblings, neighbors, etc.
2.) If serious enough, please call 911.
Please don't try to act alone, get help. Unless you truly know what you're doing, then go for it but I still advise you should get help.

I know this probably might get locked or something eventually, but I just want to put the notice out there so all of you readers can stay staff on Halloween and such.
Thank you~

(Before you ask, my friend is doing just fine now. Her tongue is slightly swollen and it has a small scab, but she's alright.)

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / ????'s Doing Requests
« on: September 18, 2015, 06:01:29 pm »
Do you want someone to edit you a avatar/signature? I can do it.

- Please be understanding that sometimes I can be late and I can't help it. School, other requests, family, etc. It all still is important to me.
- I can deny requests if I'm not comfortable doing them, but you can request for me to edit other images/gif's.
- Don't spam me. Please.

Image/Gif link:
What do you want me to do?:

- I can't edit images with a large transparent background. When I save it, it always changes the background black.
- I can't edit images to make the background transparent. I don't know how.


Other Games / ?Kuroshitsuji ? - Lost Story - ?Official?
« on: September 13, 2015, 01:08:53 pm »

- A Kuroshitsuji Roleplay Website -
"'You seem to be lost, shall I give you a hand?' Says Emily". Snake translated. You nodded your head and explained.
"'How interesting. Please, let me help you. I'm sure my master wouldn't be too upset.' Says Goathe". Snake translated.
Finally, you've reached Phantomhive Estate. It was a large manor, obviously well kept. Outside stood a tall handsome butler, red eyes warmly staring back at your _____ eyes. Snake lead you to the door, the butler opening it as he bowed down in the presence of an unknown/uninvited guest. Running past you quickly, a small green-eyed and blond little boy stomped past as he seemed in a rush for the garden. Snake shook his head, gesturing that you shouldn't mind the servants and kept leading the path.
Opening wide, dark brown and wooden doors sat a 14 year old boy behind a wooden brown desk and large, soft black swivel chair.
"This is her/him?" the young boy asked. Snake nodded.
The young boy stood and moved in front of you, having to look up at you. He held out a hand for a handshake, staring up at your _____ eyes.
"I've heard there was an unknown guest lurking nearby, but I didn't think it'd be someone like.... you.." the young boy stated.
You hesitatly shook his hand, nodding.
Then, that's when things must've gone South.
"My hatred, transformed into thunders, has blinded my heart,
And become a sword that would slice through even those I love."
"The sword in my hand shall lead everything from now on!"
L O S T - S T O R Y

Media / ????'s Works
« on: September 06, 2015, 02:45:39 pm »
this is so old im gonna cry omg go away

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Genders
« on: September 05, 2015, 09:30:18 pm »
I kind of have the suggestion for the genders.
They should really add an "Other/Unspecific/Questioning" option for gender other than "Male" and "Female" or just completely blanked out and then there could be a small icon of the gender's flag next to it (or the male AND female sign side by side).

I know it's probably asking a lot and Staff won't able to do such as thing, but hey. It's only a suggestion, right?

Stories / Sebastian's Death [Fan-Made]
« on: September 02, 2015, 09:11:30 pm »
Oh, please do calm yourself.
As the title states, this is only a fan-made story. Sebastian never really and truly dies anywhere in the series. Of course, this will be slightly sad and of course there is blood. Enjoy.
Notice: I never had the motivations or any ideas to write, until during the middle of school where my hand picked up my pen and took control and wrote this down on my paper. The original paper version isn't this here. THIS, what you're about to read, is a revised version to what I originally wrote.

"Young master!" Sebastian screamed, reaching out to grab his young master's hand. "Sebastian!" His young master, Ciel Phantomhive, replied. Sebastian temporarily had Ciel's hand until The Undertaker's death scythe impaled him right through his body. Flipping over the railing, his hand slipping out Ciel's hand and crashed into the floor with a loud thud.Sebastian motionlessly laid there, eyes wide open as he bled out slowly. "F-For once... My demon side fa-fails... to behave and o-obey..." He choked out, blood splattering as he spoke.Ciel ran down the stairway. Once he was closer to the bottom of the stairs, he rode the railing down, the same railing Sebastian flipped over.Running over to Sebastian, he lightly hovered over Sebastian's body and stared down at him. "Sebastian, get up." Ciel ordered. Sebastian stayed still. "Sebastian, I said GET. UP." He ordered again, more force in his voice. "SEBASTIAN, CAN YOU HEAR ME!?" Ciel screamed. Sebastian's eyes slowly opened. "Yes, I can hear you just fine. No need to shout." Sebastian said, putting emphasis on 'need'. Sebastian tried to sit up, Ciel moving out of his way. Sebastian's energy drained out quicker than he thought and he smacked back down, his eyes closing and his breathing slowing."Se.. bas... tian..." Ciel said, pausing every once in a while as tears slowly formed in his eyes. Sebastian stayed still, his eyes slowly opening again as he said weakly and quietly with a mouth full of gurgling blood, "Farewell, my young lord."His eyes closed once more, his mouth shutting itself slowly before he took his last breath. Ciel started to loudly sob.Almost an hour later, Ciel slowly stopped and stood up, grabbing Sebastian by his hair and dragging the tall and heavy demon butler to his manor. Ciel locked himself in his room with a lifeless Sebastian, slowly going insane without Sebastian and pretending as if Sebastian was still alive."Still alive. Still by my side. Still my shield. Still my sword. Still my butler." Ciel quietly said, rocking himself to sleep in the corner of his room as lifeless Sebastian laid in front of him.

Other Mods/Creations / Kuroshitsuji Mod - ?????
« on: August 26, 2015, 01:22:23 am »
In my spare time, I have been creating a Kuroshitsuji mod for FeralHeart. Some may also see it as a "Demon Mod". I see it either way.
This download includes:
- First Mod
- Second Mod
- Backup Interface Textures
Notice #2: If you don't like some images, feel free to change them. But don't change TOO MANY. <3


Download Here (.ZIP): Download Mod
Notice #3: You can change the first logo if you want! The whole weird Sebastian and Ciel picture was to replace the lion for KovuWorks picture but I slightly messed up after sudden realization.

Discussion Board / Art Theft Website
« on: August 24, 2015, 11:23:59 am »
I'm not sure how many people heard of this or not, but anyways...
There's a website that steals artwork off the Internet and sells it. It's horrible, like really.

1.) They take artwork from artists without permission AT ALL.
2.) If you try uploading artwork and/or buying artwork, they get your information and steal it to use on other things.
3.) If you use the "Violations" page, it downloads some sort of virus to your device automatically and messes up everything!

If you want to stay safe, I suggest:
- Keep your artwork safe
- Stay away from the website
- Don't try buying or uploading ANYTHING
- Don't report them, we're already trying to remove the website safely.
To keep you all safe, I won't put up the website's link or name.

Just be careful around websites that you don't feel are safe!
- Finni -

Game Discussion / Adoption Center & Adoptions
« on: August 22, 2015, 10:17:58 pm »
Adoption Center
How do you feel about adoption centers? Aren't they slightly annoying, do you like them, etc?
I honestly have no problems with adoption center. I find them helpful for characters I have without parents (coughcough Finni coughcough).
The only issue is constant spam and caps. :P

Doesn't it bother you slightly how people only adopt PUPS/CUBS and not characters like 12 year old's and teenagers?
I sat in the adoption center and watched as only PUPS/CUBS that had common genders got adopted.
I slowly started to feel unloved and that people wouldn't adopt my character because...
1.) Finni is 12 and not one of those little 5 year old's
2.) Finni is genderless

Characters / .:Finni:.
« on: August 22, 2015, 12:31:09 pm »
Welcoming: Finni
Name: Finni
Age: 12 Years
Gender: Agender (Genderless)
Sexuality: Pansexual (Loves EVERYONE)
Nationality: Unknown
Parent(s): Unknown (Actual: Mother died shortly after childbirth, father left and never came back)
Sibling(s): Unknown (Actual: Siblings died of miscarriage)
About: Finni is an agender 12 year old pansexual who's parents and siblings died and/or left him. Though, he is two young to understand death, so he doesn't know that his parents and siblings died.
He enjoys to explore, play games with other children and sing. He's very childish, innocent and "adorable" by she-wolves. For a boy his age, he's very weak and cowardly when it comes to meeting his elders and tries to respect them the best he can.
He's an albino wolf with medium blue eyes and red hair (He was born with gray hair but his father dyed it before he left).
He currently doesn't have a pack, but would love one to have one! He's also looking for parents and siblings. Although he is genderless and seems more female-like, I give him male gender pronouns.

About: As a human, he's still an Agender pansexual. He is Caucasian with a tan t-shirt and shorts that hover slightly above his ankle. He still has red hair, but slight tints of blond. His large eyes are still medium blue.
Since he's still a innocent, childish and "adorable" 12 year old, he carries around a soft and furry/fluffy teddy bear with brown fur and a tan belly and black eyes. Due to him being a wandering orphan, his clothes is ripped, dirty. The only benefit he currently has is that his shirt is over-sized, so it acts as a blanket that goes from the middle of his neck to under his knees. He usually holds his teddy bear AT ALL TIMES up to his chest/stomach. Although his is genderless and seems more female-like, I give him male gender pronouns and because he takes on the looks of a male as a human.


(Use information of Human Finni to help you. His hair style: Finnian style <3

Feedback is always welcomed~!

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