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Topics - Death_The_Kid

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Screenshots / Random Cool Screenies
« on: May 08, 2011, 10:48:19 pm »

  the gummy bears lol

me and my mate

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Future contest ideas
« on: May 08, 2011, 09:29:02 pm »
The comic contest was seriously awsome especially the 1st place winner that comic was genius!! some future contests that i think would be cool would be a Music video contest or maybe most creative/original character contest.

But with the music video one youd need to make a separate thing for those who use simple programs like windows movie maker then those who use Sony vegas since not everyone can afford a 600.00 program like that X_X!!!  its just to be fair because when u dont make seperate categories for things like that the sony vegas users always win. so the wmm and sony vegas users should be in there own contest. thats just my opinion lol.

Ideas go in the idea section - moving

ok so this is a simple trick my sister discovered but listen closely. Go to the feral heart folder. Then to Media then to Music.. Now this is very important so pay attention. Pick a song you like but it must be in MP3 format!!! then simpley replace it. heres what i did.

I got tired of the title screen music so i clicked the file labeled title..i right clicked Cut it then saved it to my desktop..then i went to another folder that had the song I wanted that was in MP3 format renamed the file to title and pasted it into that folder. then i restarted my game and wella!! new game music!! you can do this for all the music but be sure to label the song you use the name of the file your replacing. if you cut and save the old file to your desktop you can easily switch back the old music its that easy!! just thought id share this little trick with you all. anyways leave replys if you need any help.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Fundraiser for a better bandwith ?
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:47:24 am »
Well according to a thread the reason we cant have custom presets in game is because of the bandwith. Why not make a fundraiser for it? Make things like shirts, maybe make it to wear people can post a pic of there character and get custom pins made or maybe preset commisions. half the money going to a bandwith the other half going to other things for the game yknow? for T-shirt designs have a contest to decide what the shirt will look like. but this is just my opinion i think custom presets in game would be cool.

Videos / Have you ever...
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:35:35 am »
Watched a Feral heart or imprssive title video on youtube and saw your character XD. I noticed i was dancing in the background of a video one time and i found myself in a screenshot or 2 on deviantart.

Game Discussion / How do you handle your RP fights?
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:00:10 am »
I usually set standards for my pack and make sure there is no goddmodding we also do whats called the Sparring system which is set up so everyone fights fairly if you want to know how it works just ask. it works for my 18 member pack all the time and everyone seems to like it and think its fair. So how do you RP fight? Are you tired of Goddmodding?

Ok I think its about time they made a combat system fro this game The RP fights are out of control sometimes with the Godmodding and such.  These are my ideas for combat.

Combat Grid:

Make a Square by Square Combat Grid Zone where players use attacks like claws and biting. maybe even make it to where you can have 5 or more people fighting at once like on a team. My sister whose a computer programmer made a combat system for a game shes working on using this method. it works very nicely.

Or they can do a experience point system where maybe killing a Elk gives you maybe 50 or beating another player gives you 100 and after so many you level up and get to use new abilities. But keep it as realistic as yknow we can since it seems like that was kovus intention.

Emotes: I think we need more emotes or at least have some of the emotes improved like with the crazed grin i think the eyes should be wider and more wild looking. Perhaps making a emotion for feeling ill or sick.

The dance moves do get abused way too much at times i must say. The buttswing move needs more hip into it the current one seems to slow and lazy..not much energy..perhaps make a enhanced version where its faster and more energetic. More dance moves like from IT with the walking and swinging of the head would be nice(i never played IT only saw videoes) maybe they could have like Paw tapping yknow like tapping to the beat of a song.

What do you all think?

Member Bio & Journals / Waz up? waz up? wazzzzz upp? Im Nowe
« on: March 23, 2011, 02:45:41 pm »
Name: Nowe(pernounced no way)

Age: 17

Height: 6,2

Heritage: British(dads side),australian(moms side)

Eyes Color: carribean blue

Hair: shoulder length/ black colored

Hobbies: Dance, Singing, MArtial arts, Taijutsu, Sparring MMA, Animation, Art,

Languages i know pretty well: German, Spanish, Sumerian

Accent: medium-deep british accent/southern sounding

instruments: Piano

Other info: I have a very bad case of OCPD in real life over Symmetry(if you look at my user you now know why i chose this character to rp as) Everything has to be perfect. its worse or better depending on my mood.

Anyways nice to meet all of you

Characters / My characters bio
« on: March 23, 2011, 02:19:21 pm »
Name: Death the Kid

Age: 17

Positions in packs:

Gender: Male

Mate: PAradiseManga13

Pups: none

More info: MY father is the grim reaper himself(otherwise known as shinigami sama to other) I have 3 white sanzu lines on the left side of my hair and none on the right(to my dismay) I have a OCPD Over symmetry which can be very obnoxious to others sometimes. Im always friendly to all species and never resorts to fighting unless absolutley neccasary.

In game appearence: Sometimes im a all black wolf with red scars. Sometimes im a black and grey wolf with white skeleton markings. Other times im using whastever color i feel like if im in the mood for something different.

RP fights:
Lost: 2
Won: 22

I enjoy making new friends so add me Death_The_Kid

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