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Topics - Skrillexx

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Discussion Board / Your nick-names for ponies. :3 (MLP:FiM)
« on: June 03, 2013, 08:33:24 pm »
Eeyup. Okay, I was just writing a random story somewhere, you'll never know :3 while listening to Becoming Popular and I thought of this thread, what are your nicknames for the ponies of MLP:FiM? It can be anypony at all! Heres mine :3

Luna: Lunee, Moon, BEST PONY EVAR.

Celestia: Tia

Lyra: Human. ('Nuff said.)

Twilight Sparkle: Twily, Twi, Egghead.

Pinkie Pie: Party pony, best prankster

Rainbow Dash: RD, Dashie, Boomer (Sonic RainBOOM)

Applejack: Applekick, AJ, Applez

Fluttershy: Flutters, Shy, SO ****ING CUTE :3

Rarity: Taste death you stuck up unicorn bi-- NO SHUT UP. Ahem.. Rarez, Marshmallow

Sooo.. Yeah.. Whats yours? :3 Please ignore the start on Rarity's
I'm so sorry. ;___________; -Gets destroyed by a marshmallow-

Stories / Halloween in the City~
« on: May 26, 2013, 09:26:29 pm »
Halloween in the City~

I'm just going to warn you now, the story will contain language (and maybe some gore, I have a very dark side..).

Chapter 1

The wolf nudged her snout through the garbage, sniffing around for scraps of food left in the bins. Crash, "Hehehe.." A voice cackled rather strangely, she darted out of the garbage scanning for the creature, "Hello.. Whos there?" She snapped, no answer. She backed up from the trash as the wolf's fear started to build up, "I know someones there!! Show yourself c-coward!" She stuttered, calling whatever it was a coward when she was mortified herself, Crash! She whimpered quietly, pinning her ears back, "Show yourself already for gods sake!!" She cried, as her eyes darted around in every direction, 'Worst part is, its near fucking halloween..' She thought, sweating. As the crashing and rustling got closer, she held back tears of fear, suddenly everything fell silent, "H-h-hello..?" She stuttered, "Wh-whoever you are.. Please.. J-Just leave me alone!!" She cried, the silence continued to make things worse. After a few minutes the rustling got quicker... "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!" A creature cackled as it leaped at the fae, almost all of it's flesh ripped off, no eyes and no ears, she screamed, cut off as the creature launched its fangs into her throat. Blood spilled from her throat, the creature's claws drawing blood from her side as it grabbed her jaw, ragging it violently. Snap! The fae's eyes went contracted, tears rolling down her cheeks as her misplaced jaw hung to the side, the animal quickly slid under her stomach, tearing away at it as her organs started to hang out, she didn't know how she was still standing, but slowly she dropped onto the floor, blood spilled out from her stomach and mouth, she wanted to scream. But all she could do was lay there and let the darkness take her away.

"Hmm hmm hmmmmmm.." The creature hummed silently, crouching down to the fae's stomach, ripping the organs out of the now dead wolf's body, placing them to the side, "You won't be needing those when you.." It paused, "Wake up.." He chuckled quietly, "OH! Did you think you were going to go to your so called heaven?!" The creature snapped, as if she was alive, "TOUGH!" It screeched, ripping out her eyes, "Heh. Well, lets get you back to my little den, hmm?"

~End of chapter 1~

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Prey Idea =3
« on: May 06, 2013, 09:16:29 am »
So yeah, I was RPing in my group when we had to go hunt, thats when I got the idea of prey: I thought that certain prey would be able to pop up in a certain map at random places, at random times. This is what I thought for each map:

Bonfire Island: Gazelle, Birds, Mice, Fish (Water)

South Pole: Arctic Hares, Penguins, Owls

Ficho Tunnel: Rats, Fish (Water)

Sky's Rim: Dragons (Maybe, I mean seriously, its the sky), Birds, Fish (Water)

Atlantis: Fish, Sharks, Dolphins

Fluorite Plains: Gazelles, Zebras, Hares, WARRI-- NO, Foxes, Mice, Birds, Horses

I dunno if this would be possible, but it would be pretty cool. :3

Most of these things people have probably encountered, if not.. Lucky you. Anyway, on with the post.

Mate Beggars

One of the most common things to pass by in my opinion.. Don't know what a mate beggar is? ... You really need to get on this game more.. They are normally ugly characters who run around asking people to be their mate just like this:
will u b mi mate

But seriously, these people are a pain in the *Bleeplez*.


Not rare. NOT RARE. They are literally spread across Bonfire Island. Whether TLK characters or 'humans' they will ALWAYS be right in the corner of your eye to go: bites throwt and pins to the grownd instantly breaking its windpiyp and instantly killing it.

Illiterate /& Powerplaying/ Warriors

Yes. You have to at least seen one. Just one. I have. This is an experience I once had:

(Ash Rogue *AR* = Me CL = Clan Leader)

AR: The rogue walked around, minding his own.
CL: -hisses running over to the rogue- get out of shadow clans territory now!!!
AR: He hissed at the cat then turned "Your territory, doesn't catch so much as a whisker to me." The tom snorted.
CL: what does that mean?! -he snarled-
AR: *My thoughts: Wow..* (It means I don't care >_>)
CL: -he roared (somehow) with anger and jumped at his neck and ripped it open making him suffocate-
AR: ._. Goodbye *bleeplez*. =3

Then I walked off as he yelled cuss words at me and threatened to ban me. What'd I do..? I just roleplayed. =3

Anyway, I'll probably update this.. Soon. Goodbaaaaaaai!

Stories / ? Princess of Darkness ?
« on: April 27, 2013, 11:20:45 am »
? Princess of Darkness ?
This story will contain some strong language. I'm warning you because I am not adding any *'s. It sometimes can contain some gore that I don't plan to make.. Not gorey. So tough luck.

I'd also like to thank Thrillex for the Roleplaying Word Guide, it helps. =3

Chapter 1

The cub trotted out of the large cave, onto the giant balancing rock, "Hurry up, Mashaka!" She yelled after her younger sister as she stumbled out of the cave to her sister "I'm coming!" She snapped, annoyed of her sister's impatience, slowly their mother walked out of the cave, "Kika, you need to learn to be more patient with you sister. She isn't the fastest cub in the world, now is she?" The queen spoke softly as she looked down at the cub, "Sorry.." She murmured, "Good girl," She smiled at her "Now, why don't you find the other cubs?" She smiled as the king walked out yawning loudly, "Okay mum, bye. Come on Mashaka." She smiled, trotting down and running to the cubs, "Did we really make the right decision for the next queen..?" The king mumbled "Kaburi don't be ridiculous.. Of.. Of course we did." She sighed as she watched the cubs run off.

Chapter 2

The two princesses noticed the cubs near the gorge and raced over, "Hey guys!" Kikatili chirped, "Oh hey Ki--" The dark cub stopped in the middle of the sentence and groaned "Uuuuuugh! Why did you bring her?!" She snapped, "Maana! Shes my sister, why shoudn't I?" She growled, as a male cub walked to Maana's side "Still, shes so weak and she can barely run. More of a snail than lion." Kupoteza sniggered, "Shut up." Mashaka snarled, "Oh no! The weak little cub is gonna hurt me!" Mashaka growled again and attempted to roar, but all it sounded like was a squeak, the three other cubs started to laugh loudly, "Is this an example of a mouse or is she serious?!" Kupoteza cackled, "SHUT UP!" She yelled biting him and 'accidentally' shoving him into the gorge "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The cub screamed as a spalt was heard, then a cry of pain. Mashaka's eyes showed a immense amount of fear, she slowly crept over, peering over the edge where he had fell, she almost puked. He was impaled in a spike down in the gorge, his blood splattered everywhere, she backed up from the edge "M..Mashaka..? What.. What did you do..?!" He sister stuttered in fear, Mashaka was literally stuck to the ground now she gazed up at her sister, "What did you do?!?" She yelled, Mashaka burst into tears and she hid her face in her paws, the other cubs ignored her sobbing and looked over the edge, Kikatili was the last to look "MASHA--..." She yelled but stopped to see her sister sobbing and running off in fear. "Nice sister, asshole." Maana growled.

Videos / Do the Harlem Shake >=3
« on: April 21, 2013, 10:03:40 pm »
YES. I know its just Harlem Shake, but I like do the harlem shake =3 Anyway this is something I put together yesterday or Friday.

-Facepaw- Pinnacle VideoSpin and Sony Vegas 12.0... Happy? ;-; Good.

Member Bio & Journals / ? Skrilly's Bio ?
« on: April 04, 2013, 10:39:27 am »
Mai Bio o3o

Herro, I'm Skrillex. Known as Skrillexx in game. I've been playing FeralHeart since.. Somewhere near the end of January :P and its automatically become one of my favrioute games :3
Although I don't like to go up to people and yell 'HAAAAAAAAAAI' I do troll.. A lil' bit o3o

I would like to tell chu about mahself in real life but.. You can just [No just no.. Content deleted..]

My favrioute spot on the forums to creep into is off-topic and other games o3o I go in off-topic for the randomness and other games for.. Well you know, other games! My favrioute spot(s) in-game is the rock inside Cape and N/Z in Fluorite.

Anyway, enough with my derping. MOVING ON.

? Likes & Interets ?

|Creepypastas (Strange isn't it..?)|
|Primal Carnage|
|My laptop o3o|
|Dogs & Cats|

? Dislikes ?

|Grammar Nazis..|
|People who annoy me and think they're getting some good out of it..|
|Sparkle mutts/furballs|
|Crappy games|
|APPLES!! (Look above)|


|Skrittlez (Don't ask who gave me that name :P)|
|Trollex (I DON'T KNOW.)|


This bio is over o3o

Ask Me / Ask Skrilly~ o3o
« on: April 03, 2013, 05:30:10 pm »
Ask away.. OR HE'LL TAKE YOU...

Game Discussion / The Funniest Mate Beggar Situations
« on: March 24, 2013, 12:05:45 am »
So, if you have been in a mate begging situation that was hilarious.. Devil voice: WHAT IS IT?!

This is one I shall never forget >.>

Female feline: will u b my m8?
Skrillex (My main not for rping): No >_>
Female: y not
Skrillex: 1. You are a mate beggar. 2. You are a African lioness and this character isn't a rping one.
Female: lol this is a rp game so yea it is
Skrillex: Thanks for the advice. Now please go away.
Female: b my maite (They spelt it like that, no joke.) ;(
My friend: Can we go? >_>
Skrillex: Yep.

Then we wandered off, my friend was probably peeing herself. By the way, the lioness asking to be my mate was unrealistic, but I could understand what it was.

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Someone draw mah main? Pwease?
« on: March 23, 2013, 07:00:28 pm »
I kinda wanna change my sig from Molestia to my main character drawn, but I can't draw on computers, so could someone else do it pwease?

My main, Skrillex:
(Post image won't show with IMG >.>)

Optional: You can put Skrillexx written above.

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