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Topics - magicfairy

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Game Discussion / Well, I'll Put it This Way..
« on: May 20, 2014, 10:12:47 pm »
Well.. the title explains my first sentence..

I've been thinking.. and I think FeralHeart is dying.
Here are some reasons below;
1. South Pole is beginning to take very little notice.
2. Ascension Island is taking very little notice as well.
3. Atlantis takes the most little notice.
4. Bonfire... it's become unnoticed a lot as well.
5. I'll put Cape of Distant Worlds this way.. it's beginning to fade out from everybody, the time I'm posting this it says 19 people are in it!
6. Ficho Tunnel is taking little notice.
7. Temple of Dreams seems forgotten by most people.
8. Last Cave gets forgotten VERY easily.
9. Fluorite Plains seems to be too noticed.
10. Trolls are spreading.
11. It gets kind of boring without a few wolfspeakers bounding about.
12. I regret everything I thought about Bonfire.. Bonfire is much happier and pleasant with all the spelling errors. It seems to be taken over by literates.
13. General is gone, most people complain.
14. Movie spam is getting worse and worse.
15. Too much clans, so very little good or neutral clans. So little packs, so little creativity in groups.
16. I don't see loners so often anymore. Where did all of them go?

Ok guys, there is the explanation why I believe FeralHeart could be dying. Or becoming boring about.

Do you think FeralHeart is dying? Any comments about this? Opinions? Anything?

Game Help / Fluorite Plains + Severe Connections Problems
« on: May 11, 2014, 06:43:30 pm »
Ok, so recently I've been going on a character and jumping through Fluorite Plain's portals and losing connection (ALL THE TIME). However, on characters that are already in Fluorite Plains I don't crash. But the time my often crashing began was the time I turned on Brokami's old HD pack on the high setting, BEFORE the new one that came out on May 1st, 2014. I crashed very quickly during that time. And sense then I have been having often crashes. It just starting out with, "Failed to connect to map server, Wish to try again?" I pressed 'Ok' but it never worked. Then whenever I downloaded things it got worse and worse, I didn't notice it until that day I crashed on my TEC character, Navu when it said, "FeralHeart has stopped working," Please help! This might be my last day on FeralHeart if I can't find a resolution. ;-; And I might have to stop being a part of this:

Leaving / Long Absence
« on: May 09, 2014, 12:44:40 am »
I am very sorry but I may not be really active.
Here are some reasons
1. My life has gotten more busy.
2. I am sadly losing more and more interest in FH.
3. I am starting to become more pegasister now. Basically Why:
4. I must tell you a secret. Shh; I am in love with music. (I listen to it almost ALWAYS when I am on my computer) Favorite Song + Animation:

Update: This isn't exactly leaving. It's just a absence until I can gain interest in FH again.

Other Mods/Creations / ~|Upcoming: The Ultimate Emote Pack|~
« on: April 29, 2014, 08:28:59 pm »

By Wolfsoul108 and pokemonXY..

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Leopard Avenge
« on: April 29, 2014, 02:24:04 pm »

A roleplay by PokemonXY.

Other Games / ~(The Online FH Adoption Center)~
« on: April 23, 2014, 12:11:14 pm »
Me and my friend thought and created a online adoption center site! (Also includes mate search) We are currently accepting staff for the forum. c; Link to site: Feel free to post your adoptable characters here!

Request/Find Meshes / Any Meshes?
« on: April 20, 2014, 01:45:02 pm »
I'm making a map for one of my roleplays and I need some meshes for it.
Here is a list of needed meshes

Human (ALIVE)
Fire Station Stuff or Just One Fire Station
Fire Truck
Textured Cars
Hay Block
Hay Pile (I know there is one just too lazy to find it)

Misc. Roleplays / ~|The Easter Egg Hunt|~ [Inactive since 17/04/2014]
« on: April 17, 2014, 09:46:42 pm »
The Easter Egg Hunt

An RP by PokemonXY

<-- Le gifty for Sura<-- Le Brittnie's Request

1. Do not copy or use any images without permission. But if you are using it without my permission always leave credit.
2. Don't spam please. If you spam your request I will might as well skip it.
3. BE A DERP! 8D Please no flaming, harassment, bullying or any other material that was made to hurt others.

Slots and Request

Slot 1. Reserved for Mcgee
Slot 2. Open
Slot 3. OPEN
Slot 4. OPEN
Slot 5. OPEN

Request Form
Code: [Select]
Forum Name:
Username: (In game)
Character Name:
Backround: (I can do transparent)
What Type?: (Realistic for example the pink dog, Flat Lines/Polygon, Poke's Ancient Way Which is basically the wolf in the moon and Sagitta, Paws, Headshot, So Fab Realistic for example Lord Sura)

Other Mods/Creations / ~|Smooth Mane Mod 2|~
« on: April 11, 2014, 11:29:22 pm »
~|Smooth Mane Mod 2|~
Smooth mane mod 2 is out! I fixed the glitch where the thin mesh of the mane would be brighter than the thick mesh. Once again the same instructions. First, backup your fmaneShade and cmaneShade texture files. Next, delete the fmaneShade and cmaneShade. After that, save this file as a .jpg two times, one named fmaneShade and the other cmaneShade. Finally, save them in FeralHeart>>Media>>textures.

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