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Topics - ~Stargazer~

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Discussion Board / What did You do for New Years Eve?
« on: January 08, 2014, 02:04:11 am »
This is late but what the heck xD What did you do?

I stayed up watching my brothers play games like DayZ and Black Flag in our basement o3o Which by the way, I fell asleep around 2 in the basement and my brothers never woke me up. I opened my eyes again to see that they were gone and I was all alone sleeping on a couch in a dark basement :D

Praise / Happy Birthday Hugrf!
« on: January 07, 2014, 05:10:14 am »

I specifically stayed up to make this thread >;3 Happy birthday bro.
You need a preset.... Ah!

Of course I'll give you more art 8D Love mah gifts gurl<3

I hope you have an awesome day!

Darnit... you're older than me ;-;

Forum Discussion / Your Personal Text
« on: January 04, 2014, 06:11:24 pm »
I was wondering this the other day; What do you use your Icon/Avatar/Personal Text for?

Right now, I'm just using it to say I'm different. Which is true, by the way; It was based on the game Portal 2. Instead of explaining it, here's a video of it here. But, in the past, I've used it to argue with a friend about swag :P That was amusing, always got me in a good mood. But now, Nothing much really.

So, what's your personal text and why?

Leaving / Going Inactive
« on: January 04, 2014, 05:45:37 pm »
Lol, nope. I'm not leaving this place. I'm just posting this so I don't forget. School starts on the 7th. I'll be inactive in game on the week days because of school. I'll be active on the weekends, but I might want to go back and re visit the games that I left in the dust when I found FH too.
To keep this short, I'll still be active on the forums, in game on the weekends, but not on the weekdays.
Hope this makes sense ;-; Anyway, just a heads up!

Game Discussion / Fangirls/RPs
« on: December 29, 2013, 08:07:19 pm »

Site/Forum Help / "Hacking Attempt..."
« on: December 29, 2013, 03:27:24 pm »
I know I've probably asked this more than once but I'll ask it again. I tried changing my signature and instead of changing it brings me to the "An error has occurred!" Page. And it says "Hacking Attempt...". Is this perhaps a glitch in the forums? What did I try to hack? xD Does anyone else get these messages or know how to fix it? Thanks in advance.

Art Gallery / Ahkrin's Art Box ~ Closed ~ Update 8/21/14
« on: December 28, 2013, 01:00:57 am »

Art Gallery / Gifts for Floofs ~ Updated; Kikiorylandia & WhiteLightHeart
« on: December 27, 2013, 01:34:48 am »
.:Gifts For Floofs:.

So basically, I got really bored and started drawing eyes. -sarcasm- Eyes, the best gift ever, right? Anywho, I'm gonna be giving a lot of gifts here.
Why? Because I feel like it :P
I used my fingers, and my iPad to draw these in SketchBook xD Not the most popular idea but hey, it works!
Note: If you got an eye don't feel like you have to use it. This is just to show my appreciation~

The Jaguar Artist
Time: 15 - 30 minutes
This piece didn't take very long, but it turned out nice for me. Hope you like it though! Bababutt, you're like the friend I never had<3 Your an awesome example for me, and you like cookies. Spending time with you in TEC is so much fun.
Thank you for being you<3

The Madman
Time: 30 - 45 minutes
This was a bit more troublesome, I had a hard time with the fur for some reason. Vespian, although we've only exchanged words through whisper once or twice, your an awesome guy. I love your writing style and your fursona xD His eyes are epic. I couldn't not draw them. But you're very helpful towards the community and friendly to those around you.
Happy New Years~

The Apple Slayer
Time: 10 - 15 Minutes
Buffy, you may not know this but, I secretly admire you. Your awesome preset eyes are so pretty, I had fun drawing them. You're very helpful around the site and you're so sweet. Being an awesome addition to the Feral Community, you surely deserve this!
Happy New Years!

Purple Derple
Time: 15 Minutes
Hugrf, I'm not sure how we became friends but I'm glad we did<3 You were my first real friend on FeralHeart and you really got me out of my box. Someone that shared my randomness and fun was really what I needed to break loose. Thank you<3

Thomas Hickey JimMoriarty
Time: 15 minutes
My Assassin Pal! -tackles-. I'm not sure why or how we became friends but I'm so grateful. You're a fun person to hang around and you're so kind.
So, what do you say, friend? How about getting rid of that gif of Thomas Hickey and replace it with this as your avvie :3
Thank you<3

#1 Sugar Muffin
Time: 45 minutes
Eww, the comparison with the white and the yellow eye is horrifying xD The left eye looks like it's out of Silent Hill. Anyway, Lord, you've done so much for this community. You're probably the floofiest mod I've ever met and you're so kind. And you stuck with my butt through those rough times. Thank you for being the person you are<3
Happy New Years!

Time: 30 - 45 minutes
I'm really proud of this one :D I mean, just look at the shading! Alpha, you are one of the best friends I have, I had a lot of fun drawing it and I hope you like it. You're very encouraging and helpful towards others on the site. Keep it up<3 Lol, I think this is the last update for today. I just heard my elbow pop in stiffness @_@ Must. Rest. Hand.

Hot Chocolate
Time: 15 - 25 minutes
I'm really happy with this one and I hope you are too! Mocha, you're a great friend to hang around and you help out around the site whenever you can. Thank you for being you<3
Happy New Years!

Time: 25 - 30 minutes
Oreo, I may not know you very well but. You're an amazingly kind and helpful person. You always encourage others and make them feel good about their selves like me. Keep it up~

Time: 30 minutes
Rii, you're an awesome person. Being the lovely addition to the community, we surely wouldn't be the same without you here. You're very helpful and surely deserve a bit more than this. Awesome job dewd, keep it up<3

The Green Tiger The Striped Leopard
Time: 20 minutes
Kiki, you're a really good friend to hang around in game<3 You're an awesome help around the site a and you're Encouaging towards others. Thank you for being Kiki<3 Keep it up! Your art is lovely!

Time: 30 minutes
Whitey, you're so sweet and kind around the site. You're so amazingly talented at your art that this doesn't even compare xD You've done a lot for FeralHeart and you certainly deserve that Moderater Position of yours<3 Keep being fabulous
Happy New Years!

There are tons more to come, but maybe sometime I'll open up an eye shop xD That's sounds weird but hey, not that bad of an idea.

Done! I am defiantly considering making an art thread and open up requests for these and maybe do some other Sturf.

Remember: If you weren't on here it doesn't mean I don't appricieate you!

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / The Subject of Birthdays
« on: December 26, 2013, 05:56:34 pm »
I do know that there was once a calender for members' birthdays (but when I got to the forums it wasn't there). I heard that it was taken down because it was hardly ever used. But I have another idea about displaying birthdays. I've seen this lots on other forums, so I thought it'd be a nice idea to try here as well. So, at the bottom of most forums that I've seen, after or before it tells you who's online it normally says something a bit like this:

Users Having a Birthday Today: -insert name here-
Birthdays Within the Next Month: -insert name here-  (insert day the birthday is on)


Users Having a Birthday Today: ~Stargazer~
Birthdays Within the Next Month: ~RedSun~ (30th)

I hope you understand what I mean, if you have anything to add to thing, or any reason to not add this to the forum, just post a reply.

EDIT: Lord has just brought up a good point. Their are lots of members. To be exact, 208,035 members. That many birthday threads would be insane. So we would have to come up with a way to only display the active users. What do you think of displaying users that have been active during the last week or users that have over 25 posts. Seems like a somewhat reasonable idea, but we may need to change it.

Game Discussion / Role Play Posts That Are Too Detailed
« on: December 24, 2013, 08:13:43 pm »
After a short discussion with some friends, I decided to start this topic. Have you ever encountered an RP post that's too detailed/impossible to understand? The type of post that has so many adjectives/excelled vocabulary terms that it makes you confuzzled. Here is an example:

"The brutes obsidian orbs narrowed to exiguous apertures, as he lowered his attic and stretched his boa."

...Erm.. I'm sorry, what did I read? Eheh, but trust me, it's not just wolf speak that can make your post unreadable. I've seen posts with loads of detail that were hard to read. But they didn't use 'wolfspeak'. I haven't been the only one to witness this, no? Its also in the real world as well. I've read plenty of books that have so much detail, it's almost impossible to tell what's going on.

So tell me this: Why do some role players insist on so much detail? Detail isn't bad, it's normally good. But when users use so much of it, the posts suddenly become almost impossible to read.

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