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Topics - unnbrellas

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Game Discussion / I want to make some videos
« on: June 03, 2014, 06:00:54 pm »
If this is in the wrong section, please move it!
(I think it's meant to be in game help and I accidentally put it here)

I wanted to make and edit some vidoes in FH. So my question is What is a good screen recording and editing program? That is free and safe? Thanks!

Game Discussion / How many characters do you have?
« on: June 03, 2014, 01:35:25 pm »
Simple enough question- how many characters do you have in your vault?
How many are fleshed out? In a roleplay? ect...

I personally have about 5 characters, all but two having extensive back stories personalities and used frequently. Those

Characters / Mocha / Black Passions Bio
« on: June 02, 2014, 08:50:46 pm »

So heres some stuff on mocha and passion :3

    Mocha is a a mix between Anatolian Shepherd and Wolfhound, with some German Shepherd mixed in.
Her left front paw has a mitten, along with her right hind leg. Her bubbles/dots represent how in control of Passion she is. When all 3 are there, she is stable. She is generally calm, excluding her fan girl mode. She is VERY nerdy and geeky. She likes books, coffee, tumblr, comic cons, fictional characters(you get the idea?), but doesn't like socializing(with non-geeks), hipsters, excessive emotions.
 Fun Fact: Wears hipster glasses as a mock to hipsters

    Black Passion is a very moody girl, being aggressive, sassy, and loving.
She is very pretty; her right hind leg has a white spot area with a black rose and a winding thorn trail. The rose is in full bloom when she first turns into passion, but dies as she becomes Mocha again. Her lines/stripes represents how close mocha is to regaining control. The more stripes, the closer she is to moving back into mocha state. Directly related to footnote Mocha's bubbles! She is overly eager to be in a relationship, so has a nice long list of males she now hates.

Mocha at one point was a shy little nerdy girl that most people take her to be. But she's really not. Mocha couldn't take the emotional pain her characters put her through. So, she decided to get rid of any emotions related to her characters. And after reading about black magic, potions, and horcurxes, what do you really expect?
   After some -ahem- dealings, Mocha had successfully taken all her character inflicted pain and conflict away. Kinda. You see, she really just restrained them until it became to much and she lets them out in a spur of love hate and every emotion in between. It's technically still Mocha, as it's her feelings and body, but she takes on another personality and look. That side of Mocha is known by Black Passion.
  Black Passion, or Passion, is prone to mood swings, and is dangerous for her outlashes. When stable she is confident, outgoing, and sassy, but her mood swings make her violent and depressed. She doesn't realize she is tied to Mocha, and is completely unaware she is only half a personality. Due to Passion's completely different personality, appearance, and how she is oblivious to her other half, it is suspected Mocha simply had another soul tied to her absorbing all excess emotion. Mocha, while aware of the changes, is unable to control her actions when Passion is in control. It does seem like the emotion transfer is one way- Mocha may only get rid of feelings she doesn't want. So, she does keep her mellow and sweet personality, along with feel enough to care about characters and others, just not enough to go crazy.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Coloring Friends
« on: June 02, 2014, 07:55:38 pm »
I think it would be cool if you could assign each person on your friend list a color. Then both their names and dots on the mini map would display in that color That way, if you wanted too, you could kinda color code people into groups, like in role plays you could have all hunters be colored green. Or maybe have some of your closer friends get a nice blue dot, making them easier to find?

And I don't think we could do these without the codes, but correct me if Im wrong.

Forum Games / The industructable waterbottle
« on: June 02, 2014, 07:28:23 pm »
Edit: You can also show affection to Lipton to raise his HP! But you have to pick a side, If you help lipton once, you always have to be on the helping side, and vice versa!

We have all had that one "water" bottle, which, not matter how hard you try, wont open.

So meet lipton

You have to defeat lipton by attacking him- His start HP is 100.

It goes something like this:

Person1- -Shoots lipton-

Person2- Liptons HP is now 98
 -Bombs lipton-

Person3 -Liptons HP is now 90
-bites lipton

So, you tell the effect of the last persons attack, and then your attack! :D

In honor of my bottle of lipton who won't open. And it's the last one so I can't even switch it out. GRR

Game Help / Download Link?
« on: May 24, 2014, 04:18:31 pm »
I was trying to download the game, but the link only brings me to the homepage...

Game Help / Game Crash
« on: May 17, 2014, 08:24:39 pm »
Feral Heart keeps crashing, the normal FeralHeart.exe has stopped working yadayadaya. It gives me the message right as I open the game, nothing ever comes on the screen.I've already checked my particle files, I have no duplicates.

I'd really like to get my game working again so please and thank you for any help. i am not going to reinstall, so please stop suggesting it.

Leaving / {EDIT: RETURN} Going away for a while
« on: May 05, 2014, 09:09:46 pm »

Hey guys :)

I'm glad to say I'm coming back to feral-heart. And just in time for the mots too... I know I'll have some floofs to nominate! But yes, I am back to the forums and game. I look forward to being more active and helpful this time!

Hey Guys

I'm becoming less and less active on feral heart. Part of it simply being my game isn't working; but even if it was I would scarcely be on. It's a whole number of things, like stress, exams, practice, art, and generally other things that I'd rather be doing with my time.

I won't be totally leaving- I'll probably drop by the forum once a week or so, even if I don't post anything. I've been noticing a good deal of changes going on semi-recently, and they seem to be for the best.

Anyways, see you all around. I'm still active on deviantart, and If you PM me, I'll tell you my kik account~


Avatar; The Last Airbender PROJECT
Project means Work In Progress

Info To be added. Please don't post until This info is added. Thanks <3

Hello Everyone! Some of you may have noticed my recent activity drop, both ingame and here on the forums. This is because of my new map pack project, based off the Avatar cartoon series by Nickelodeon!  I have been working very hard and will continue to do so until I finish- which, mind you, I will do. I was worried I would lose inspiration quickly, so I waited until I was to far into the project to stop before posting this thread.
Enough of that jabber.

The main map itself is VERY LARGE. 80,000 by 6,000 to be exact. This is because I hate invisble walls and the hightmap was easier this way. I'm worried this will cause lag, but I trust the more empty areas will help reduce lag, along with the basic lag preventions.
In addition to the main map, there will be many other sub-maps. The sub maps are any place they spent a whole episode or more focusing on, such as the Northern Water Tribe Spirit Pool (Name?) and Cave of two lovers. I'm willing to take suggestions, so comment with a place and I'll look into it.
In addition to both the main map and the sub maps, I am including the spirit world. The spirit world isn't exactly like the show, as I had to improvise a good deal, but some places I have made sure to include- such as Ko's den. The spirit world currently has only one access point, which I'm not going to say. The spirit world portal will be very well hidden, but in a logical place.

This project will take time. Don't expect it to be done before next year. Right now I am also busy with school exams, so I don't have as much time as I would like. But I will be working hard over summer!

More information will be added as I go~

Other Mods/Creations / Seamless Desert Sand
« on: April 19, 2014, 03:22:36 pm »
I made the desert sand seamless for a map I'm making, but I figured you all should be able to use it t0o.

What it looks like:



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