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Topics - _Rache_

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Request/Find Meshes / Mesh Search
« on: March 03, 2014, 05:47:25 am »
I found this awesome castle mesh on this DA thread. (The link that I got it from is at the end of this post.) I have no clue how to use .rar, and when I downloaded the castle mesh, I couldn't open the download, I had to save it and open the folder, which only had one thing in it. I just decided to put that one file into My_objects and it just doesn't show up. I was wondering if someone here could pull up another way to download that mesh? Preferably .zip Thanks!

Could someone maybe find me some realistic forest meshes as well as realistic wolf dens? Please be sure the textures wont show up black and yellow first, thanks! o3o.

Request/Find Meshes / Mesh Request Please!!
« on: January 30, 2014, 02:11:04 am »
Hallo there, I am deciding to try and make a map, but am in need of the following meshes:
-Large castle with two floors and seperated rooms
-Various houses(some with one floor, others with 2)
-Various animals such as deer, fish, bears, exc.
-realistic foliage(trees, bushes exc)
-More realistic caves/dens
-Realistic/proportionate cages

Thanks, references are also appreciated! ^^

Game Help / Preset Stuff
« on: January 20, 2014, 05:54:51 am »
I've been trying to export a preset so I can use it, except whenever I click export it says, 'Failed to Export Preset'. It is quite odd considering I can export presets on my other account. Another problem is that I have a preset, but at preset maker, it isn't there. The odd thing is that when I go onto Feralheart>>My_presets, I open up the preset number and it's there! just won't appear in the preset maker. I had the preset awhile ago, but now it won't appear. the ULTRA odd thing is when I go onto the account that can export presets, on  an old character I used the missing preset with, the preset is still on the character. o3o. Help?

Poems / This is me.
« on: January 13, 2014, 04:54:15 am »
This poem, made by me, is I feel in reality. Comments welcomed. It's a free verse poem by the way.

Laying in bed,
Alone in the dark.
Unable to sleep,
Because of a screwed up knee.

It's the morning now.
Limping around the house.
No siblings, alone.
Only my sleeping mother and belligerent father.

Now on the way to school.
Thoughts of depression and worry fluster my mind.
Will I fall because of my knee? Will someone bully me? Why does everyone ignore me.
Dad swears and rabidly laying on the horn.
How annoying and stupid.
He is the one going 20 miles over the limit.

Wonderful, just arrived at school.
Limping through three halls,
Just to get to the darn elevator.
Here it is,
At the second floor.
Putting my coat and backpack in my locker.

I arrive in my homeroom.
Sitting in my desk.
Classmates chatting with each other.
As usual,
I sit alone.
Nobody looking at me,
Nobody talking to me.
Every single day.
I am friendless, confused, and lonely.

I struggle to make it between classes.
Nobody offers help.
The hall monitors just silently observe.
Oh,  look.
There is that kid again,
Calling my injury a fake.
Just called me ugly,
 Why bother living, I think.

Just arrived home.
My dog barks at my face for an hour,
Before I go to my room.
I sit alone.
It is cold,
Dad won't let me turn the heat up past 66 degrees.

I lay in bed,
And go into deep thought.
Why am I ignored?

It is now Saturday.
I wait to go on the laptop.
It's now 4PM,
My disabled mother lets me on,
After she plays a few hours of solitaire.

I am excited,
To get back online.
I go on Feralheart immediately.
My lover tells me about,
What horrible things happened to her in roleplay,
While I was offline.

I reckon it isn't fair.
Now, after hearing the depressing news,
I have to deal with who harmed her.
And once mom forces me off,
I feel worried.
I feel lonely again.
Taken away from,
The only one who seems to care.
That seems to care about me.
Now, though, I can't defend her.

This is all true have ya know. e.e And on Feralheart, that harm thing was in an agreed, fair RP.

Game Help / Just a question..
« on: January 10, 2014, 08:40:45 am »
I don't know if this is in the right section, but, I am curious about something. What are TEC wolves?

Introduction / Hai.
« on: January 07, 2014, 03:57:05 pm »
I have been here for a while, and I never said herro! So hai, fellow floofers. <3

Ask Me / Ask NeonSlaughter
« on: January 07, 2014, 08:54:43 am »
Go ahead and ask floofs! <3

Stories / |:| Maniac |:|
« on: January 07, 2014, 08:46:02 am »
The sun has not been found. Darkness has taken its rein on the whole Feral world. This is not legit, this is paranormal. Due to the lack of sunlight, foliage is shriveling into dust. The grass has turned to dirt. The death rates have plummited off the charts. The strong creatures have become weak, the weak creatures have become deceased...extinct if you will. Deer, rabbit... all have faced extinction. The now weak creatures lost food supply. This leaves them savage, tearing whoever they could apart, and gnawing they're bones, digesting foul intestines, and devouring tender meat. One species has a great advantage, the humans. They can cook, they have, intelligence..weapons. They can manage to thrive in this bizarre world for a while. But, what about everyone else? Every other species now sees humans as a major threat. More than a an enemy that must be destroyed for the well being of feral creatures. One wolf in particular is still strong. This wolf is brutal, sinister, and mighty. He has lost his sanity because of how Earth has become. He has a forceful drive that no other creature could even pursue. This demon's eyes glimmer solid white, almost as if you were staring into his soul. This wolf had a hobby, to pass time. This is a victims point of view...that survived..... "While cuddling with a rugged rock, an anonymous creature; a maroon pelted, white eyed wolf with a muscular anatomy approached me. He didn't blink once, he innocently grinned while staring. His head cocked, almost suspiciously. He continued doing so, until I had an itch. I turned my head and gnawed at my shaggy rump. That was a mistake. He leaped up, and slammed me off of the rock. I drowsily bashed my head against the ground. It was useless trying to fight back. His massive jaw clenched my scruff. Then, he dragged my nearly unconscious body through Flourite, through Ficho, and into the South Pole. He yanked me through the ice, and into Atlantis. He propped me on his back with care, and ventured to Last Cave. The cave was empty, only the two of us. He pinned me against the bitter ground, and lustfully licked my entire pelt dry. That is before he licked my cheek, and muttered in my ear, "Goodbye, Hun." Then he sunk his vile fangs into my leg, and gnawed and gnawed until it came off. After biting it into pieces, he shoved them down my throat. He did so with each appendage, including my tail. He then spit his acidic saliva in my mouth, which made all of the bone shrivel to dust. He then placed metal legs into my stubs, and let me free." Creepy, eh? What an interesting passion.

Characters / Adolf
« on: January 05, 2014, 02:49:16 am »
Meaning- German name meaning 'noble wolf'.
Age- 10 months(almost an adult xP)
Affiliation- None
Searching? Currently, no.
Rank- Loner
Traits- Energetic, Friendly, Goofy.
Appearance- Look at my signature!

So, why did I choose that look for him? Why is this your fursona?
Well, my previous fursona, that wolf with numerous colors, just didn't fit me, in real life, correctly. In real life, I really don't have friends. I'm quiet, rather serious, or so I seem, and know what backstab is at heart, for I'm like a big red target for that. The very, very few people who talk to me, which is one person, well, I am semi-crazy. I pop out of my shell. I just need the chance. Adolf's base color is solid black, correct? That represents the loneliness and depression I feel. The small burst of that neon azure is the hyper ness and goof that is inside me. That diamond with that white swirl? Well, that represents me. I am quiet, shy, and self-minded because I have no friends right? Swirls can represent illusions. I am just an illusion. Others see me as this quiet little kid that just goes with the flow, but if someone would give me the chance, they can see the real, outgoing side of me. Illusions trick the eye, indeed. I trick the eye. Adolf is me.

Game Discussion / Aemuli Novum
« on: January 05, 2014, 01:15:25 am »
I know this is odd, but, for anyone here who was/has heard of the amazing group, Aemuli Novum, comment below! I would enjoy having a discussion. ^^

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