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Topics - IcyFrost

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / To get Meshes...
« on: March 12, 2014, 02:22:04 am »

Other Games / Club Penguin anyone?
« on: March 03, 2014, 04:21:55 am »
Ok, pretty sure nobody else has posted anything about Club Penguin before, if so, mods please remove. But like the title says, does anyone play -or used to play- Club Penguin?

Stories / The Antarctic Fight
« on: March 02, 2014, 04:00:13 am »
(ciodshcweuifhbweiudscbqfeu afraid to post this .-.)

The Antarctic Fight

    Antarctica wasn't always cold. It used to be part of one large continent, along with every other continent in the modern world today. Near the equator, Antarctica over a hundred million years ago was warm and filled with life. This all changed, though, once the supercontinent broke apart. Antarctica drifted to the bottom of the world. The animal life stayed with it, and for a time, Antarctica was still warm, when two unknown wolves came.
    One wolf, named Sunset, was always in search of darkess. The other wolf, Sunrise, always stayed in the light. Sunset had amber eyes, a black coat and gray markings on her tail and face. Sunrise also had amber eyes along with gray markings on her face and tail, but she had a white coat.
    These two female wolves always fought with eachother, creating powerful snowstorms that lasted for days. The Antarctic quickly lost it's warmth and it's temperatures plummeted. After years of battling, Sunset won. The victorious she-wolf nearly killed Sunrise, but Sunset let her escape. With newly gained power, Sunset turned the world of day into something that was only legend at the time, night.
    The temperatures dropped far into the negatives, killing every living creature except for Sunset, and incredibly, Sunrise. Sunset was sure that Sunrise was dead, so she forced the powerful snowstorms to continue, which weakened her greatly. The cold lasted for half of the year, when Sunrise returned to fight Sunset.
    Sunrise had slept for six months while Sunset had ruled the Antarctic. With Sunset weaker than her opponent, Sunrise won easily. Sunset was sent away. Sunrise turned the night to day, but this didn't solve anything. Sunset had already done too much to the Antarctic, beyond healing.
    The cold temperatures remained, and it never reached anywhere near the original climate. Every animal was dead, so Sunrise tried to create new ones, meant to live in the day, like their ancestors. None of the new animals survived. Near the end of six months, it became hard for Sunrise to keep the Antarctic warm, and she became weak.
    Sunset, like Sunrise, had slept for six months that Sunrise had controlled. Sunset had saved power, and once again the two she-wolves fought at the end of another six month time period. Sunset had won. Sunrise ran far away from Sunset and began to sleep, storing up power for when they would fight for the Antarctic again.
    Sunset ended the half year day and began a half year night, for the second time. These two she-wolves have controlled the Antarctic's two seasons -summer and winter- for as long as anyone's great great great ancestors can remember. The cycle repeats itself. Every six months, the two she-wolves clash, and either Sunset with winter, or Sunrise with summer wins.
    This is how it will always be.

It only took forever to post the world's worst story.... Feel free to hate xD. I had extra time today.. so..... Yerp .-.

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / GIF Image Board?
« on: March 01, 2014, 10:57:34 pm »
I've been wondering recently, will there ever be a forum board only for gifs? I know there's an art board already, but it doesn't contain many gifs if any. I would think that it would be nice if there could be one section of the forums for gifs only. Its easy to find them online, but wouldn't it be easier just going to a section of this forum instead of scrolling through images on Google?

Game Help / Material Help?
« on: February 22, 2014, 09:36:07 pm »
I want to make a custom material for an already existing in-game object, but I don't know what to save it as (using GIMP) or how to edit the coding (using Notepad). I don't want to make a mesh itself, but I want to make a material for an already existing mesh. Or would I need Blender or Python instead of GIMP?

Sorry if I repeated myself.... (tired x.x)

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