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Topics - yourlocalcrow

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Game Discussion / Harmless Movie Trolling
« on: February 22, 2017, 01:49:57 am »

Yep. I'm beyond bored. And when I'm bored, I pump out pointless movies. Aaaaaaaaaand this one was the lyrics to an old viral song XD
I wanted someone to whisper me the rest of the chorus, but no one did, sadly.

Anyway, does anyone else do "mock" or "troll" movies? Just for the fun of it, because you're bored, because you're dared to, etc..

Game Discussion / Legendary "Update?"
« on: February 17, 2017, 10:11:58 pm »
I feel like a hipster for not liking the fan-made Legendary update. I suppose it's a similar thing to the FH patch: It's not for everyone. I don't want to discourage anyone from downloading it or using it, but here's just what I thought about it.

Upon downloading it, and I'm scrolling through all the items, I'm find it quite difficult to find what I need. Dare I say that it's even more difficult to find what I need with this than 4.3. While yes, all the new subcategories some might find more helpful than digging through the unorganized mess of 4.3, I simply find that it throws me off. After literally years of knowing that all the neck items are after muzzle items due to the old way items were sorted, with everything suddenly being in the same place, it's now extremely difficult to find what you need. For me, I am very heavy on necklace items and I cannot find any of them; I can only find a plethora of head items. And let's just talk about the FH update for a moment. The FH update brought with it a slightly extended list of default items, those being commonly used items from Legendary at the very top, making them easier to access. Two types of antlers, both ear feather items, and a few other things. Now that these items are also filtered in with the rest of the items, these commonly used items are now harder to find than they've ever been in the history of items.

Now, I love that the bandanas have been recoloured! It's awesome, but it'll go to waste if the people who need them most are simply struggling to find them, or not finding them in the first place and giving up. An easier way to have gone about this would have been to simply tag the items on at the end, like with all Legendary updates. The FH update items would still be in place, no one would have item disconnect if they didn't have this, and we wouldn't have to get used to a new system of navigation with the items.

I understand that they were trying to make it easier for you and some others who found the old system confusing and difficult to navigate, but I personally just find it to be causing more problems than the single problem it was trying to solve. I find that this isn't something I'll be using, and re-downloading 4.3 so I don't have severe item disconnect. I'm sorry if I came off very negative or if it even came off as hateful, I'm just stating the problems I found with it.

Personally, I don't feel like this is a proper update to Legendary, merely an overhaul trying to fix things that really didn't need to be fixed. The FH update brought new blood to a game that was dying, changing it entirely while leaving all mechanics the same. The only new thing to learn was where the portals to the other worlds were. Same thing went for the other Legendary updates; the new items were tagged onto the end, and you just had to learn where these new items were in relation to the others, nothing was overly changed with what was already there aside from a few names and models being slightly changed.

I'll be opening the floor for what everyone else has to say! Is this something good, or does anyone else find it to be a bit more problematic than helpful?

Game Help / Marshmallow Tail: RESOLVED PLEASE LOCK
« on: February 17, 2017, 12:11:39 am »
Hey guys! So, I've got a small issue with a scrolling tail. I have absolutely no clue what's wrong. I've copied the code from the body, which wasn't a marshmallow, and spell-checked.

The code for the tail is as follows:
Code: [Select]
material preset_12_tailMat
    texture scroll.png
    scroll_anim 0.1 0.1
   scene_blend alpha_blend
    texture 12tail.png
Compared to the code on a working body part:
Code: [Select]
material preset_12_bodyMatL
    texture scroll.png
    scroll_anim 0.1 0.1
   scene_blend alpha_blend
    texture 12body.png

If anyone more skilled in preset codes can tell me the issue, I'd appreciate it greatly! ^^

I have already spell-checked and used a code that was working on other body parts. I am being completely honest when I say that I don't know what is wrong in the code. I know it's probably something stupid that I just can't see, but I've done everything I know to do when I'm getting a marshmallow instead of my texture.

Presets & Markings / A Box Of Presets
« on: February 15, 2017, 01:34:29 am »
If you are interested in purchasing any of those presets, or looking at my older presets, please go to my dA gallery here-->          Links to all of their dA pages will be below. ^^ THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT!

Newest at the top.

A cute little trico! The item I used for Trico's horns is a lazily recoloured Tiny Horns item. If you'd like to use it, paste this code at the bottom of the items.cfg file (assuming you have Legendary 4.3):
Code: [Select]
[=======My Recolours=======]

[Tiny Horns: Blue]
offset_f=0.22 2 0
rotation_f=90 -4 90
offset_c=0.25 3 0
rotation_c=90 -4 90

Radioactive Milk

Pretty Little Lady
A beautiful little caracle-esk cat that I'm putting up for anyone to adopt! She can be a cougar, a caracle, even a lion if you want. I just gave her caracle markings beCAUSE WHY NOT?

Gemstone Triplets
Two of the presets, Jet and Bismuth, are up for adopt! They're priced as low as I'm willing to go. More information is on the page. ^^

My Ditsy Little Boi Puddlebrook
This is a private preset for a Warrior cat roleplay. Ain't he cute? :D

Panda Presets
Yes, I know red pandas aren't actually pandas. They have panda in the name, and worked with the texture, so they got included anyway!
It includes all presets shown, and at the link is a free pack of rainbow pandas. (Red pandas, but in all the colours of the rainbow!)

Again, please stop by my gallery on dA to look at more recent presets! This thread shall be updated weekly with whatever presets I've come up with.

Hey guys! As a novice preset creator, it does seem strange that I'd be found here. Except this preset is beyond what I know I can do, and I don't want to butcher my beautiful darling. Her name's Appleshade, and she's a really gorgeous tortie with long fur.

This would be what I want her face and what her body should be mostly based off of:

However, I don't expect you to be miracle workers and find out what the rest of that cat looks like, so her markings should be at least something like this:

Obviously, the front legs should be the front legs shown in the first picture. Whatever can be drawn from the first picture should go into the preset, but don't just assume what you don't know. That's the point of the second-- so you don't go blindly into parts that aren't clear.

I understand that presets like this aren't suddenly coughed up in a few hours, or even a few days. I am the person to ask how progress is coming after a week, though. ^^ (I'd expect a screenshot proving that you're working on it!)

As a very broke woman, if you would like to receive something in response, I am willing to do an art trade. It won't be all polished and pretty, as I'm taking a break from digital art, but I will be able to get you a nice coloured sketch.

If you can, a longer/fluffier looking texture would be wonderful, but work with what you have. ^^
I would prefer preset_6, although preset_12 would also be fine. A mane would also be nice, although I don't currently plan on using a full mane or bangs.

If you'd like to try this beauty, I do want to see a few things:
Best/favourite example/s of recent and realistic presets (eyes, body, face, tail, mane):
Suggested texture/favourite texture to use:
Average/estimated completion time for similar presets:
Any payment needed?:
Anything else you want to tell me?:

Thank you for taking interest! I might be a bit of a tricky person to work with, as this character is intended to be one of my longer-lasting characters, and I want the preset Apple starts out with to be what I envision, but can't create myself. Please be prepared to tweak things! (I suggest that you save your preset files as a .psd or .xcf or whatever layered file it is that your program makes if you aren't used to it, and to keep those files in a handy place!)

Please feel free to ask me questions! If I take your offer, I can easily be reached via Skype, and notes on dA, and you will receive both. I will start deciding on who will do it at the end of the weekend once I start getting some responses, so consider this an audition/competition.

Good luck to the person who will take on this project!

Game Help / Name Not Showing Up In Party Chat
« on: January 21, 2017, 10:22:31 pm »

Hello! I joined a party chat, and the <Name> tag for one of the people in it, Silver Ti, didn't show up. Anyone know why this glitch occurred?


Yes, you see two presets. Because I was too lazy to make two separate images for them.

The one on the left is my fursona. (Holy shoot I finally got one guys!) Her name's Blueberry, and she is just me. Every month of her age is every year I've been alive, so she's 1 year 1 month old, and in February she'll age up a month when I age up a year. IT MAKES SENSE TO ME, I WANT HER TO BE OF NORMAL WOLF AGE. The preset was surprisingly easy, considering I had no idea what I wanted to do for her other than some tribal markings. I think she turned out gr8 m8, 8/8. If anyone would like to make a ref for her, I have her colour swabs for everything except her eyes. >.> I'msorrythere'salotofgradients,Ilikegradients.

The one on the right is Anubis, and they're a free preset. It was more of a experiment, just to see how that colour pallette looks. And I think it looks pretty darn gr8 m8, 8/8.

Download to see me and get Anubis---->

I know you're all looking for a The Last Guardian preset, but I don't have one atm. I have my own character that's named Guardian. Sorry!

But hey, they've got four eyes that took a while to code. :D

Go to this link to download their preset to see, plus my other presets. ^^

Other Games / Is anyone still on Myatar Legends?
« on: December 13, 2016, 09:18:30 pm »
Hey guys! I know that Myatar is a bit more of an obscure IT server, but it's one that I'd really like to see more people on! If anyone else still plays the game, I never really see them. Does anyone here go on that server? I know Hammy's been doing their best to keep working on it, so it'd make me really happy to see other players once in awhile!

So I guess I'm just looking for other people who go on that server. >.> <.< I'mverylonelywithmycharacters.

Game Discussion / Memorable Quotes
« on: December 10, 2016, 04:28:42 am »

So, we all have that one line our characters spoke in roleplay that is just beautiful. Things that hold significant meaning to them, or are just witty and hilarious-- what are a handful of your favourites?

"Hey, kid, this is important $%*!, pay attention."

"You're not a school bus. You're a magic school bus." "-__-"

"Is this how you want to live your life? Surrounded by your dead tribe mates?"

"I'm a freak of nature-- Fate told me himself."

"(monologuing)You'll understand one day. But that day isn't today, aNd iT wIlL nEvER cOMe."

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