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Topics - TheApplePie

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6
Game Suggestions & Ideas / Some ideas
« on: September 23, 2014, 12:19:21 pm »
I was really bored, so I decided to put my recent rants into useful ideas.
I know that the game is not updatable, but it may be in the future... Who knows..

Two marking layers
Have you ever thought that you wanted two body/head/tail markings on one character?
I personally would use tiger and siamese body on my characters, giving them both stripes and coloured paws. That was just an example. Maybe one would like swirl and butt stripes, or collar and jaguar? The two markings would have seperate colours. E.g - Black toeless socks and grey chimera.The two markings can also be on the tail and head. I don't know what markings people like, and that's up to your imagination.  It makes unique characters more unique. More options and more creative floofs, right?

Mane/Wing markings
Devynex mentioned these before, but that's just something I agree with. Imagine a great brown wolf with celtic markings, and celtic wing markings? How cool would that be?

Links ingame
It's really annoyning when you can't copy/paste/highlight a link/phrase in chat. Even worse when you need to copy it.
It would be great if we could click a link and/or highlight, copy and paste stuff into the game and also from  the game into the internet?

More public maps

Only these that we've got are quite boring, right? These can actually be added by making them, putting them into the FH folder and uploading the new download. c: Not all people will download though. However, it will spread across the chats,  so most would download the new link. It would be hard to make a non-laggy map though for many, wouldn't it?

The size changed the running/jumping hight/speed
Isn't it wierd, small characters can jump/run as fast as bigger ones? Blergh.

That's all of my blabber. cx

Game Discussion / If you could change things in the game
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:25:44 am »
If you could change three things in the game, what would you change?
What would you add?
What would you remove?
What would you modify?
Anything you can think of, share it. If we all had the coding, if updates were possible and if everything was changable, what three things would you pick out?

Ask Me / Ask acrylics the paint splodge ovo
« on: September 15, 2014, 09:37:51 pm »
ask me anything c:

Game Help / Controls have messed up
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:57:09 pm »
Hey guys, I have a problem.
Once in a while this change occurs with the controling system on my keyboard.
Here's something that happens;

What it should be - When I press A, my character should go to the side.

What it is - When I press A, my character spins around.

I can't really explain it. It just annoys me a lot. Anyone know what I have to do?

Art Gallery / Fix's art stand - Requests CLOSED - ZENA'S & TIGER'S ADDED
« on: September 11, 2014, 07:22:43 pm »
Fixl's art stand

~- Requests are currently CLOSED -~

I want to change my art into something useful, so here I am with requests! c:
The art in the OLD section is scruffy, and in the NEW section (coming soon) is my current art.

The NEW request style will be clear lined and professional, you just wait. >:3

Fill in this form to give me needed information.
Code: [Select]
Age( Puppy/kitten, teenager & adult):
Transparent bg/decorated transparent?:

Finnished requests:

Vespian's request

LordSuragaha's request
Hope you like it, Suraaa c:

Re.'s request
I tried all I could do but the cloth just didn't work out with the pose. Sorry.

Jake is so prettyyy o3o Love the character

I had fun drawing Asher. ;u; I hope his wings will do.

Here's Martyn! I think he is the cutest cat character I have ever had as a request. OuO

A request for Zena of her lovely fursona. I failed to do the warpaint since the shape of the muzzle in my art style made it a little bit hard, and I wanted it too look as good as possible. Hope this is what you were expecting. c:

This was a request for Tiger. Sorry for the quick colouring, but I didn't have enough time to do an advanced piece. I've got my GCSE coming up for college and I have more homework, exams and such than hours to sleep. Hope it's alright though. ;u; P.S I was working on it with a black background so please excuse any lines coming out.

Request a Preset/Marking / Brandy Preset - Request :)
« on: September 02, 2014, 08:50:37 am »
I would be extreamly happy to have a preset of my character Brandy, but sadly I can't do invisible parts on them. I've watched stuff and tutorials, but I would love it if someone else did it for me.
If anyone will want to, I will send the information and referance over via PM.

But once the preset is sent over I will make a drawing for the one who made me it, like as a thank you.
One character, simple background. Shaded - Traditionaly drawn c:

Introduction / Back From Holidays - Brandy's Era
« on: September 01, 2014, 04:04:18 pm »
Heeey guys. ^^
You may have noticed that I have been gone for a long time, over 3 months. Well, first I had a lot of school work. Then, a two month vacation. c: But I'm back now.

Wait there!
My new call name will be Acrylics, not Kiquaii. woot.I just think it's a good name. cx

I'd like to say that requests are open.
It's slotted, so it's gonna be open and closed at times.
When it's closed you can't request because at that time I will be drawing something for someone else.

It's all I've got for examples, but as more requests come I'll add more.

1. Echoz
2. Zircon



Fill out this form to request:
Code: [Select]

Everyone that requested for slots 1 2 3 4 & 5
your requests have been put ON HOLD.

My tablet broke and they cannot be continued/drawn!
You have 2 choices.
- Let me draw them on paper
- Cancel the request

Other Games / Sims 4
« on: June 07, 2014, 02:30:34 pm »
I've got it, be jelous.

Yeah, Sims 4's out.
Lel, I love it so much.
Genny's gonna be happy.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Two user chat IN GAME
« on: June 06, 2014, 09:43:09 am »
That feeling when you're only active in game and have no idea about PM'ing.
You want to/need to send a message over to a friend even though they aren't online?
Whisper doesn't work when the other player isn't online...
There could be an option with a PM in game for two players. When you click onto your friends tab, there are options, right?
What if there was a 'Private Message' button with the rest of the options in the friends tab?
There would be all the names of the chats, and with a right click on one of them there would be these options:

It would also show if someone is online like this:
(ONLINE/OFFLINE) <--- Shows weather the other player is online/offline.

How would you know if you had new messages?
There would be a [1] next to the chat name for every new message. 2 undread messages = [2] and so on.

Hope you like the idea. o3o

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