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Game Help / Mass Markings
« on: June 16, 2016, 01:20:57 pm »
Just a small warning to everyone, I'm a) terrible with downloads and b) terrible at explaining things so I apologize for any inconvenience.

So! FeralHeart updated. I'm very excited about this and since I just saw the new update I can't wait to try out all of the new maps and features.

However, I am struggling with getting my Markings back. I want to get the new markings that already came with the update and the markings I downloaded. However the only way I can see to do this is pick out marking by marking and add it to the .cfg file, which would take hours and honestly, I don't have that kind of time. Is there a way around this?

Also I must add it seems like the marking images are still in the media folder, it's just the .cfg that is missing.

Since the above may seem a bit difficult to understand, here's the main question: If I just copy and paste my old markings.cfg information into the new one, will I see the new edited markings or the old ones? If the old ones, how can I add my mass markings in there without it taking forever?

Thank you and I apologize for any confusion :3

Discussion Board / Lunar Chronicles Anyone?
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:57:56 pm »
Is anyone else a fan of The Lunar Chronicles series? If so, who are your favorite/least favorite characters, and the scenes/book you like the most?

I pretty much love all of the characters - on Cinder's side, of course. I actually cried when I thought that one of the main characters was going to die because I read the words wrong! However, I do have a soft spot for Cinder herself.

For those who don't know, TLC is a science fiction series about a war between Earthens and a colony on the moon, Luna. They're very well written and have danger, action, and romance. You should check it out.

Game Help / Mane Fix?
« on: March 29, 2016, 11:27:42 pm »
The one I used to use doesn't work anymore for some reason, and I'm having a little bit of trouble doing Ressy's with the erasing part, which is the only one I'm not lazy enough to find. >.< Does anyone know of one that works?

Screenshots / Mini Bonfire Dance Party
« on: March 29, 2016, 06:52:35 pm »
Today Sura, SSFire, Shurtle, and I had a mini dance party and it was fun c: We talked about lasagna, potatoes, pizza, music, and tails!




Good times

Tails because they're good

Site/Forum Help / Spring Preset Contest?
« on: March 28, 2016, 05:35:27 pm »
This might be a strange question, but does anyone know if/when there is going to be a Spring Preset Contest?? Spring MOTS has already ended, so I was wondering if the community still did these. I know our staff is busy, so I didn't know if Preset Contests were still a thing.

Art Gallery / Never Before Buuuut
« on: March 28, 2016, 02:31:19 am »

I haven't ever made a character sheet before, so I'm quite proud! I also haven't made my own character in a while - and wasn't planning to today, either - but I wanted a few fresh examples for my maybe soon to come commissions thread, and then this happened...

Anyways, meet Lark, who looks nothing like a lark whatsoever! He's a male thats 3 1/4 years old. I forgot to add it in the image, but I'll go back later - he's around 3' 7". I'm not sure what kind of thing he is, but we'll see what happens with him :)

Comments? Critique? I love it all! Thanks guys!

Don't forget, if you happen to like my art for some reason, @wolf-derp on dA!

Introduction / You Guys ;-;
« on: March 26, 2016, 12:18:04 am »
Before I re introduce myself I want to say something:

Feral Heart is and was my first ever RPG. It introduced me to the beginnings of code, art programs other than ms paint, and most importantly, amazing people. I was never and probably never will be popular here, but at least the people who did like me, or pretended to, are amazing. AlphaEclipse, for one. I know she's gone. And I'm sure she doesn't think of me like this, but she's my best friend here. She's tolerant and kind and extraordinarily smart. Ressy welcomed me back the last time I returned with a smile and I'm very thankful for that, too. I've met a lot of amazing people here. Whenever I think of Feral Heart, my heart begins to race and I feel like I'll cry because I love everyone here so much.

It's off and on, off and on. I want to change that.

I'm Anna, but you can call me Echoz or Juniper, or even Hermione, I don't care. My fursona, Hermione, is in my avatar and signature. I obsess over Harry Potter, it is my life. My favorite color is black and my current favorite songs are UMA Thurman and Lego House. I try to keep my cool but I can be very happy go lucky and bouncy, sometimes by mistake. I'm also a warrior cats fan and I love to read, write, and draw.

Anybody want to chat?

Praise / It's My Birthday c:
« on: November 29, 2015, 03:55:53 pm »
And Hermione wants to thank all of her friends for being there for her!

Discussion Board / Computer Issue [Urgent]
« on: November 27, 2015, 02:38:43 pm »
I am trying to move a folder that is in "Pictures" to "Desktop" (which is where it should be) because I accidentally moved it to "Pictures". Whenever I try to move/delete the folder it says "You need permission from [myname]-PC/[myname]" and I'm not sure how to access that permission? I've tried going through the folder's properties but nothing seems to work.

Community Activities Hub / Hermione's Join.Me [OFFLINE!]
« on: November 25, 2015, 06:18:25 pm »
'Eyy! I'm getting kinda lonely up in here, anyone want to chat? If so, I'm...


Here's the code for yeh:

I juuust might do a free art piece for those who keep me company.. >:3

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