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Topics - DimensionGal

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Game Help / Custom Object List Fails to do ANYTHING
« on: June 06, 2011, 02:18:03 am »
Ugh. Well, this is rather fun.

I've got a custom object list, a fairly big one, that absolutely refuses to export. The maps that share it export fine, as does weather, sky, and water.

I've tried the solutions that were suggested to other members with similar problems, and none of them have worked. The only thing I could think of that would be a problem would be the size of the list itself - and I've tried separating it into different lists, but this still didn't make it export AND it erased objects from the maps.

Any ideas, FH Crew of Wonders?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Oh My God - it's full of ideas...
« on: June 01, 2011, 12:27:49 am »
Oh boy, here's Kerri, what crazy idea is she going to ramble on about this time? Well, I decided to do a little collection of my ideas, seeing as everyone else is.

Custom Music on Custom Maps
I've said this before, but the thread has necro'd by now... It'd be really interesting to be able to put custom music into custom maps. As an audiophile, for me, this has been an annoying thing to not have in-game for my maps, since I have these beautiful themes I want to add - but can't.

"But you can just add the music to objects - it's the same thing. PROBLEM SOLVED."

No. No, it isn't. Adding music to objects is an easy way, sure, but when you have multiple of that same object in order to hear the music all over the map - the music gets distorted and echo-y, and there's no option to turn it off if you happen to get sick of it. How can it be applied to the game? Well, that's another question. Maybe drag the .mp3 you want to use into a special folder, and then in Map Maker you can add the music file to the map before exporting it? I don't know, I know nothing of codes beyond what I can change in a .material and .particle file.

More Room in the Cape
More Room in the Cape? What? Yeah. Make the Cape of Distant Worlds bigger.

I'm a mapmaker. My maps aren't amazing like Tigg's or Slycan's 3D map, but they're not terrible little globs of random meshes and flat land. I've made maps for lots of RP groups. Before the v1.05/v1.06 patches, I had a ton of maps in the Cape. So many, that when combined with my own maps and the maps I'd downloaded elsewhere, that the trail of maps went off the Cape's cliff.

"Why don't you just delete some of them?"

Because your mother that only solved the problem for a little while, and then POOF - more maps would be made. Strange creatures, maps. They like to multiply. I know I'm not the only one here that had this problem.

Thunderstorms. Unf. And again, unf.

We can have Rain, Snow, Sandstorms, Falling Flowers, Leaves, Fireworks, Volcanic Ash, and Money fall from the sky. Why can't we have Thunderstorms? Y'know, those pesky summer storms with lightning and KABOOM? I understand that this could also be difficult to program, but maybe just flashes of white on the screen and thunder noises could be used?

Water and Wind
Water Currents and Wind. Some sort of invisible thing that could push characters around or make it difficult to walk/swim now and then? The meshes don't have to move, I don't care about moving trees or grass if something like this happens.

Character Interaction
No, I'm not talking about Buttswing.

Some sort of emotes or actions that involve another character? Like Cuddle, or Bathe (for cubs), or Kiss, or Pin. Okay, some of those, not so much, but I hope someone see where I'm going with this. Maybe just some friendly ones like "Greet" and the two characters nuzzle or high-five something.

Well, that's all I've got for right now...

Game Discussion / What's your FH Playlist like?
« on: May 24, 2011, 11:24:34 pm »
Well, it's possible to customize what's played in-game, to a certain point. I'm a bit of an audiophile, I love instrumental music and scores, and one of the first things I set out to do when I got FH was figure out how to change the music.

Ignoring what's come with the game, these are some of the songs I have~

"El Morro" by Corner Stone Cues.
"Believe" by Immediate Music.
"Kingdom of Fiore" from the Fairy Tail OST. ("Oukoku Fiore" translates as "Kingdom of Fiore")
"Top of the Pack" by Auracle Music.
"Avalanche" from the Mulan OST.
"Lords of the Realm" by Immediate Music.
"Run From The Hills" by West One Music.
"Absolution" by West One Music.
"I Have A Story" by Epic Score.
"Final Judgment" by Future World Music.
Songs I have in every Category
"Call of the Storm" by Cinemasounds.
"The Day After Tomorrow" from The Day After Tomorrow OST.

So now you know mine, what's yours like? XD

I don't know if this is exactly the right place for this, (or if there's another one like it, since I'm too lazy to look), but I get asked how to make these a lot. It's easy enough to figure out your own, and a lot of people already know how, but this is for the people who are intimidated by Object Maker.

-How To Make Swimmable Water Spheres-

1. Go into Object Maker, go to Mesh tab.

2. In the mesh typebox, type "basicsphere.mesh" and hit Return/Enter or "Add New".

^ DO NOT hit the "Has Own Collision" ^

You'll have something that looks like this now:

3. In the material typebox underneath that, type "WaterMat" exactly like that. Now your sphere will look like water.
Change this:

To this:

4. Go to Collision tab. Select Water Sphere, click add.
So go here:

Click this:

And then this:

Make sure it's the same size as the other Sphere you made. So, since we didn't change the other sphere's size, it's this:

5. And you have a swimmable water sphere~!

Make sure to save it~!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Tail Emotions!
« on: May 16, 2011, 03:04:40 pm »
I came across this picture, (aka, it's not mine), and thought: "Gee, why doesn't FH have emotes for feline tails?"

There could be a behavior-appropriate set for canines, too. Not sure if it'd be possible, (I'm pretty sure the ones where the tail fluffs out aren't), but it's certainly an interesting idea?

Finished Maps / [v1.06] Iron Ore Valley (Complete) [All Dens Claimed.]
« on: April 22, 2011, 02:22:05 am »

Iron Ore Valley

A simple map, the home to the Ironclaws Pack. It's a valley and mountains, with a waterfall-fed river running through the center.

If you'd like to apply to claim one of the dens, see down at the very bottom of the post.

There are some issues with the hollow trees, I've tried to fix them... But I wasn't able to. They'll appear white.

Other packs are welcome to move into one of the other dens, in the Valley, just ask before you do. (There's about 4 "pack" sized extra dens, and a bunch of little hollow logs and such for lone wolves and the couple just looking to buy their first den. ;3) The Ironclaws Den (pictured below) belongs to Ironclaws Pack. All are welcome here, just beware of and be respectful of pack(s) rp.

Download link is at the bottom of this post, past all of the giant pics. The model in all these pics is my wolf, Amainu. (He's single, laydeezzz~) lol

^Near where you first enter the Valley^
^Amainu standing on Cinnabar's Rock, in the background is one of the claimable dens^

^Claimable Den #1, sort of pictured in screencap above (Status: Claimed by the Kullanjano Pack [Semi-realistic Wolf Pack])^

^The Zinc Cliffs^

^Bottom of Cobalt Falls^

^Claimable Den #2 at the bottom of Cobalt Falls (Status: Claimed by the Famiglia Tribe [Semi-realistic feline tribe])^

^Amainu in one of the single-wolf tree dens, edge of Testu Forest seen to the far left^

^This is what the inside of Ironclaws' Den looks like, this den is not claimable^

^Outside of Ironclaws' Den^

^Claimable Den #3, near Great Silver Arch (Status: Claimed by ~SilverArch Slueth~)^

^Claimable Den #4, in the shadow of White Gold Peak (Status: Claimed by The Pack of Algonqi)^

Custom Meshes (c) to:

If there are any problems, don't hesitate to ask. ^.^

Ironclaws Pack is semi-realistic, (meaning no neon colors except eyes, and no powers), and literate, so if you come into the map looking to join our pack specifically, please keep that in mind.

DOWNLOAD - unzip and put into Exports~

Other Games / Wajas - an addictive sparkledog breeder game!
« on: April 21, 2011, 11:37:59 pm »
Ahah, don't get me wrong, I'm not a hater of all who Sparkle. (Just you guys that show up with eye-bleaching colors... o.e)

Does anyone out there play Wajas? I know I can't be the only one.

I'm not one of those big-timey uber no-fun breeders - Generation number isn't important, (Except for my Gen 2's <.<"), I breed for fun (lol!) and looks of the offspring. My ID is 190000, if anyone cares to lol at my wajas.

Game Discussion / Rant about idiots thread
« on: April 16, 2011, 03:52:01 pm »
This thread is for anyone to rant on about idiots of all forms they encounter in the game - whether they be ignorant idiots or jerkwad idiots. I noticed we have quite a lot of threads where people just rant about how they can't stand X and Y in some of the other players, and since that's not too beneficial to have a million threads all spread out, I made this one. I might just keep a list here in the first post of the main points that people rant on about.

TL;DR - In this thread ANYONE can rant about morons in FH, all rants accepted.

I'll start mine.

Idiots who want to join an rp that has a map, then refuse to download that map because they don't know how to open .zip or .rar files. Even if you've explained it to them in a million times - they sit there and BAAAWWW because you're "being mean" and therefore somehow singling them out on purpose. Or they refuse to download programs like 7zip or WINzip, just for the hell of it. I can understand it if it's your parent's computer, and they "nazi" your virtual life, but if you sit there and whine about how 7zip and WINzip will give you a "virus" - the programs seem to be good enough for the mapmaker, the "Elite FH Squad", and the rest of the regular members who actually know how to use a computer - I'm pretty sure that unzipping programs won't give you a virus. It's annoying when I get PMs saying stuff like: "i luv ur map but i dont know how to open zips can you upload it all separate so i can download ur map?" No... Just no.
Also coupled in with these ignorant little baaaawmachines are people who whine about addresses that link to map files stored on places like Mediafire giving them viruses. "I don't trust tinyurl, sorry - I got a virus from it." If you knew anything about the internet, you'd realize it was what you downloaded at the end of the tinyurl redirect. Tinyurl itself will not give you a virus, it's whatever pr0nz you were following that link to that gave you your supposed "virus". Do a damn Google search on it,  WAIT NO  - I did one for you! Here's the [[link]] to a WIKIanswers question about it. (If I seemed angry on this one, sorry. But it's like when people ask me to do territory maps for them, and they don't go on this forum where I can PM, so when I give them a tinyurl link and they go "I don't trust tinyurl" it's like a middle finger in my face.)


Tired of those other packs who are all sissy and flowery? Sick of those sparkledogs who sparkle more than if Edward Cullen had a baby with a disco ball? Gonna bash your skull in with a Louisville Slugger if you see one more idiot who can't spell or use proper grammar? Then join Ironclaw Wolves - where the canines don't cause seizures and the rps are, at base, readable.


1. No disrespect towards the mods, alphas, or each other in OOC (Out Of Character). We want to keep this a hassle free environment, but if you're not willing to help each other out, then there is no reason for you to be here.

 2. If you're joining here, you MUST be literate! This just means that you are able to read and write. We also request that you post more than five worded posts. Please know how to use periods at the end of sentences. We have three members who are exceptions to this rule, they and ONLY THEY are allowed to have issues with spelling and grammar.

3. You may swear/curse/etc, but not excessively. We pride ourselves on being mature enough to handle some cussing. But bear in mind that you are not a Gangster Rapper.

4. Mate begging will not be tolerated! FeralHeart made a place on their forms for mates. Use them to find your other half. You can also find pups, make friends, pre-plan siblings, and even pre-plan your parents! Just make sure they can follow the rules~

5.. Have Fun! More rules will come in to play once this group is up and running. Until then enjoy the free life!

Character Requirements

We are running on a semi-realistic group. Therefore:
- We accept odd colorings and markings, but NO NEON
- Eyes are the exception from this rule, and may be any color you want
- Don't BAAAWWW if we tell you to dull a color

Fill this out:
Code: [Select]
[Picture, 300 x 300 if possible]
[u]In-game Usertag:[/u]
[u]Personality:[/u] (Optional)
[u]History:[/u] (Optional)
[u]Sample RP Post:[/u]
You will start out as an Omega, (unless you're a pup), and work your way up based on activity and rps.

Iron Ore Valley

The Ore Mountains are a large, temperate climate mountain range - famous for its steady supply of various metals, most of which is Iron. The Ironclaw Pack is situated in one of the many valleys, nestled between the Tin River and one of its tributary waterfalls. It's a hilly, rugged terrain populated by trees and brush and shared with various other packs and felines.




Alphas are normally already paired up when the pack is formed - (with the exception of Ferrous, because he's a git.) Alphas normally display their dominance with a high raised tail, resembling a flag, but also let their tails remain relaxed when their authority isn't on the line. Once together alphas are like any other wolf, they are mated for life unless one dies. Alphas are also always first to eat, no questions asked.

Betas -

Betas are second in command and normally consist of one member, but since we are being Semi-realistic, and depending on how large the pack is, there will be two. Gender typically does not matter. The Betas help the alphas with decision making and keep track of the activities. When the alpha(s) are not present, the Betas are in command. As guessed, Betas are second to eat.


Kappas are third in command. Kappas are basically like Betas, but will submit to both alpha and beta if things start going haywire. When the Alpha and Beta are away, the Kappa is in charge. As predicted, the Kappa are third to eat, but can eat along side the Betas, but might be chased away.


This rank usually consists of the caretakers, pup-sitters, hunters, 'warriors', and pups who are not born into the pack. It is often Gamma will submit to all the higher rankings mention before this on a daily basis. When tails are not in a relaxed position, they are usually tucked down to the side of their legs, or between their legs (but this is often for the extremely low ranked). Gammas are second to last to eat from pack kills.


Omegas are at the very end of the ranking list. Consisting of wolves new to the pack, and those who have yet to prove themselves trustworthy. Often times, if a wolf is demoted, they will be demoted to Omega. Omegas eat the very last from pack kills, so they're often times a little skinny.[/color]

Allies and Enemies

None at the moment! If you'd like to be either or, PM Kerrigan. :3

Discussion Board / Fairy Tail!
« on: April 04, 2011, 06:05:11 pm »
Any fans of Fairy Tail out there? I know I'm not the only one. XD

Y'know - the series about the pink-haired fiery Dragonslayer and the big-boobed blonde Stellar Mage, and all of their dysfunctional magical friends?

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