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Topics - silverMarie

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Other Games / ZombiU
« on: October 03, 2012, 05:46:10 pm »
he player controls a random survivor who must attempt to survive a zombie apocalypse running amok in London. The game is controlled using the Wii U GamePad, which has various context sensitive uses such as assisting in aiming certain weapons and unlocking doors. Its most common use is to access the survivor's 'Bug-Out Bag', which is used to store various items and weapons, although the player is vulnerable whilst attempting to access his/her bag. If a player is killed by a zombie, which can occur with a single bite from them, their character will permanently die and the player will then take on the role of a new survivor. But, if the player has a shot of Virucide, the survivor will inject the Virucide into the zombie, therefore killing it and sparing the survivor. The previous character then becomes a zombie which the player can defeat to retrieve any items or weapons their bag contained. The game will also feature online multiplayer, with friends alerted of a player's death so they may try and obtain their gear.


Other Mods/Creations / Looking for a sound mod
« on: September 22, 2012, 10:06:47 pm »
Well i was running around the lonely cave and I was listening to the footsteps and decided I don't really like it. Is there a sound mod out there that changes the footsteps? Thank you for reading ^.^ -Nuzzles-

Request Maps / Free maps for you all ^.^
« on: September 22, 2012, 09:57:36 pm »
EDIT: I think I put this in the wrong section, if it is please move it to the correct place please. :3

This is just a list of maps I don't use anymore, free for anyone just don't claim as yours.
Map 1:


Map 2:


Map 3:

Maps 4&5:
Sorry no pictures for these ones
Download 1:
Download 2:

Sorry these are all .rar files I believe, except the last two and the snow map.
**If you have any issues with someone in a map please tell me on my DA(link in signature)**

Presets & Markings / Miki's Preset commissions *Closed*
« on: September 21, 2012, 09:10:41 pm »

Presets & Markings / Random preset :p
« on: September 21, 2012, 08:50:10 pm »
This is a preset of a canine named Alexa, I was just bored and decided to make a preset out of my 2-d character.

If you would want this preset go here:

Other Mods/Creations / Looking: Item pack||Found||
« on: September 21, 2012, 03:59:22 pm »
Hello there :3 I'm looking for an item pack, ot just any item pack but a certain one I had downloaded but accidently got deleted.
Some of the items in it were a Bloody knife, which went in your char's mouth, a shotgun, and some keyblades that also went in your char's mouth. Those are the only items a remember but there were others as well. If you have the link could you be so kind and post it down below? -le nuzzle-

Other Games / SCP: Containment Breach ||Scary Game o.o||
« on: September 19, 2012, 09:49:42 pm »
Has anyone played or plans to play SCP: Containment Breach? OMG that game scares me s**tless, no joke. If you haven't played it I suggest you do, it's really fun as well as scary. Here is their temporary site with the download if you want to give it a whirl:

For all who have played it; Did you like it? What are your experiences playing it?
Post anything about the game ^.^

Site/Forum Help / Shrinking pictures.
« on: September 17, 2012, 10:06:33 am »
Okay I need a little help on picture posting. I know how to post the pictures but I need help with shrinking them. I have a RP and when people post pictures they are small but when I add them to the member list I post their pictures and they come out ginormous. And when I go to the original image the picture is also large. So basically what I am asking is how to shrink the picture so id doesn't take up a lot of space. I hope you understand what I am asking. Thank you. ^.^

Other Games / WOLF
« on: September 10, 2012, 03:50:06 am »
Who plays WOLF or has played it? I find it rather enjoyable. :3

Forum Games / Don't you hate it when
« on: September 06, 2012, 06:11:02 am »
Post your "Don't you hate it when.." things here ^.^
Don't you hate it when you start a In-game or forum RP, you get a bunch of members, its kicks off good then maybe 2-3 days later, BAM everyone is gone. No more posts, no more communication, Nada. I find it quite irritating, especially if I'm RPing with someone that is important to the RP, and can't continue without them

Can't wait to see all yours. ^.^

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